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Not true, cod on the wii u does the same thing. Plus Monster hunter does too. I think he means SOME wii games have better online than SOME wii u games.


All 3rd party games with better setups than Nintendo's own offerings, which was what Kav was said. Also, MH didn't really have voice chat on the Wii. It used Wii Speak which was absolutely useless and it wasn't until the Wii U arrived that they gave it proper headset support.


It pains me that the Wii had 3rd Party games with a vastly superior online set-up than Nintendo's own games on the WiiU. The Wii CoD games are the perfect example of this.
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Just when I thought this thread couldn't get any lower, the mighty Goldeneye on N64 has now been brought into question :shakehead


I can understand the criticisms and mixed feelings from some, but it's the only FPS I've ever really loved :love: I've been meaning to play through it all again so it'll be interesting to see how I feel about it afterwards : peace:

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I must have played Goldeneye with friends for hundreds of hours, for many years. In fact I tried to hook it up the other week but forgot old consoles don't always get on with new TVs. It's my most played FPS ever and I'm still looking for a worthy replacement. And as these stupid companies won't get it together and share the wealth, it looks like I won't get to replay it any time soon.

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Just when I thought this thread couldn't get any lower, the mighty Goldeneye on N64 has now been brought into question :shakehead


I can understand the criticisms and mixed feelings from some, but it's the only FPS I've ever really loved :love: I've been meaning to play through it all again so it'll be interesting to see how I feel about it afterwards : peace:


It's kinda like Ocarina Of Time.

It was game-changing when it came out, but it is a bit dated these days.

I don't even like Goldeneye one little bit, but even I can see it was revolutionary at the time.

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It's kinda like Ocarina Of Time.

It was game-changing when it came out, but it is a bit dated these days.

I don't even like Goldeneye one little bit, but even I can see it was revolutionary at the time.


I think the difference is that with Ocarina of Time, it was game changing overall whereas Goldeneye was game changing for just console shooters.

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The Month Of Peach came and went without so much as a whimper. What the hell was the point of it and what's next? Wild mushrooms are plentiful at this time of year. Are we going to have September as The Month Of Toad?


Well, you were close with the Month of Toad...






*awaits standard hissy fit from Wii... :p

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Well, you were close with the Month of Toad...






*awaits standard hissy fit from Wii... :p


Standard? There's no hissy fit. I just think if you announce a "the month of ?", at least do something. I don't care for Peach but I'm sure some were hoping there'd be a little promotion, be it a free Peach Wii controllers giveaway or an announcement of Super Princess Peach on eShop as examples. But to freeload off another event and do nothing, what's the point? Did it achieve anything other than this conversation? : peace:

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I can't believe it... Pikmin 3 multiplayer is just stunning... The challenge maps are like smack and bingo battle is an incredible and fresh mutplaiyer experience...


And it looked quite good for a wii (u) game at the time... You've changed... :)



Oh, Dazzybrah, do you even read? ;)

I was talking about Goldeneye for the Wii on the previous page. :heh:

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Standard? There's no hissy fit. I just think if you announce a "the month of ?", at least do something. I don't care for Peach but I'm sure some were hoping there'd be a little promotion, be it a free Peach Wii controllers giveaway or an announcement of Super Princess Peach on eShop as examples. But to freeload off another event and do nothing, what's the point? Did it achieve anything other than this conversation? : peace:


Nintendo's approach to digital marketing is piss poor, we all know that. Their whole desperate attempt to try and make memes just by sticking text on images around Tropical Freeze proves this. It's a shame that they treat their digital marketing company as their interns to just upload what they tell them to, rather than trusting their expertise.


All in all, I've come to expect nothing from them in this regards. Feels like they do it because they feel they have to and put no effort in. So I look at all this and laugh. It's better to laugh than cry ;)

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In an attempt to inject a shred of positivity into this depressing thread, IGN have been doing 10 minute Let's Play videos on their 125 best/most important Ninty games of all time to celebrate the company's 125th anniversary. Makes for good watching and they seem to add half a dozen or so new ones every day. Worth it for the amazing nostalgia trip alone.

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Yeah they're great, especially the ones with Colin, Brian, Justin, Daemon, Jose and/or Greg. Not sure who's bright idea it was to have Naomi Kyle, who's first Nintendo console was the Wii, co-present the Super Mario Kart one though!!


They've been tempting me to play Thousand Year Door for the first time, looks fun.

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This is an interesting comment, considering that recent rumour about an exclusive HD remaster supposedly being on its way to Wii U next year...




To Xenosaga fan community.


I do understand that you all are desiring "Xenosaga HD collection".

Also, I do appreciate all your passionate comments.

I do understand your feeling to "tweet every day until the day Xenosaga HD collection comes real".

However, what I need in order to achieve your dream, is not to have tweets from the "same person" sent to me every day.

It has been a long time since Xenosaga has been released.

It really brings back memories of those days they were developing the first Xenosaga staying up all night, when the TEKKEN Project was also staying up all night on the same floor at office.


A while back, triggered by the overseas version of Project X zone, I have conducted a research and calculated if there is a business chance for Xenosaga HD remaster.

It was a very simple research at that time. Yet, research does cost money.

And at that time, I was not able to seek business chance.

In other words, I was not able to find the necessary market size that will pay for the development fee needed to create the HD remaster.

Back then, the reactions on SNS and unique users were rather few in number.

It may be that I didn't work hard enough.

Measures such as kickstarters are as of last resort, and at any rate we will not have a chance of winning as it stands now. It will not gather people by crowdfunding without creating some kind of big movement to support it.

To be honest, I was about to give up and I'm troubled.


What I need, are the voices from many fans.

This is a little different from having "messages sent every day from the same person".

Although I do understand the deep love for the game, more than that, the cheers from as many "unique users" as possible is what is needed.


Digging further, I will not be able to believe comments like "I'll buy 100 copies!". Most companies will not believe in it.

It is not realistic for one person to tweet 100 times every day, or buy 100 copies alone.

It's more realistic if you bring 10 fans to the game (not to mention, it wouldn't mean anything by having the same person suddenly creating alternate accounts. I will be able to tell those).


What's important in these kinds of cases is the number of unique users.

It means more to have 100 people mentioning they want the game one time, rather than having one person repeating it 100 times.

A miracle would happen if several tens of thousands are gathered at the end.

Of course, involvement from the company is needed for this but...


Now, Namco do own the IP AFAIK, but Monolith Soft was the original developer so...


Hmm :)

Edited by Dcubed
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I meant due to the fact Ronnie has never played TTYD! It's a great game @Ronnie, I played it before playing the original paper mario(yet to finish that one) though I'd played MarioRPG(s) before. There's a bit of cringe in the story in places but on the whole it's a fantastic game with excellent gameplay and characterisation(as the RPGs often do) - very vibrant visually and excellent soundtrack too.

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Paper Mario and The Thousand Year Door is definitely in my top 5 favourite games of all time.


Every chapter has it's own unique flavour and the battle system is fun as fuck!


I guess it helps that it is one of the first games I bourgt with my own money for my very own GameCube, along with WindWaker, so nostalgia is high on this one.

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