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Donkey Kong Country Returns... Returns!


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Surprise announcement. I own a Wii and a Wii U and never played DKCR. I will therefore be picking this up for my 3DS. I prefer playing platformers on handhelds anyway.


Im looking forward to it.


I'm the same much prefer playing platformers on a hand held and long since consigned my Wii away from the TV. I never played this and will certainly be picking it up.


By the way Welcome to the forums. I have no idea how long you've been but like that your called Blade in relation to Sheffield United (my Dad's a fan not me but I did go to Uni there).

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I've now watched the video and am looking forward to it even more. I think it comes down to this: Yes, if you really want a particular game, you should buy the console it's on (as long as you can afford it). Personally, I didn't want it that much. I quite wanted it, but at that point I was tired of playing on the Wii, only using it for huge games like Skyward Sword. Now it's coming to 3DS I'm going to buy that version instead because:


* It (probably) won't have motion controls


* I won't have to keep replacing the batteries


* I prefer 2D (and 2.5D) games on handhelds, and even prefer handhelds in general


* Even though the resolution is lower, it won't look as blurry




So, I do understand people's points about resources, but I think the benefits of bringing this to 3DS far outweigh the drawbacks.

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Tbf, replacing the batteries shouldn't count, when you can slap rechargable batteries in the Wiimote! You're not gonna game for so long that a pair of batteries tuns out! (or atleast you shouldn't).


I tale the portable point, the levels will suit portable play.


I wouldn't be surprised if you have to blow into the 3DS microphone though, which arguably takes you out of the levels 'flow' even more. Really waggle to roll is being over-exaggerated IMO. I can't remember it being an issue at all really. No one complained about waggle to spin jump in Mario for example.


I don't think it will look lovely in 3D though, when I played the game I always wanted to see the series get a 3DS version!... only a sequel, not a port. But it also looks stunning on the Wii.




Tbh it's really only Retro's inclusion in the project that I potentially have a problem with, and that I'd much rather this be a sequel, or the levels reworked, if they're going to go to this effort of a rebuild.

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.I wouldn't be surprised if you have to blow into the 3DS microphone though, which arguably takes you out of the levels 'flow' even more. Really waggle to roll is being over-exaggerated IMO. I can't remember it being an issue at all really. No one complained about waggle to spin jump in Mario for example.


In Mario Galaxy? I do think there's a big difference with using motion control in games where you hold the Wii remote horizontally, and ones where you only hold it in your right hand. To me, it felt quite natural in Galaxy, but not in Wario Land: the Shake Dimension.

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Tbh it's really only Retro's inclusion in the project that I potentially have a problem with, and that I'd much rather this be a sequel, or the levels reworked, if they're going to go to this effort of a rebuild.


To be honest i can see where you are coming from. If I had already played the game for the wii then I would be a bit miffed at the situation as I would not want to buy it again. I can see why you would preder it to be a sequel or something. If it was a sequel I would buy the wii game. I also agree that if I didnt have a 3DS then I wouldnt have bought the system for this game.


But seeing that I have a 3DS I fancy picking it up.


Oh @flameboy cheers mate I appreciate it. Ive actually signed up a couple of years ago but never posted. Ive just started to

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In Mario Galaxy? I do think there's a big difference with using motion control in games where you hold the Wii remote horizontally, and ones where you only hold it in your right hand. To me, it felt quite natural in Galaxy, but not in Wario Land: the Shake Dimension.
I played DKCR the same way as Mario Galaxy, with a Wiimote and Nunchuck; like @ReZourceman says, it's great and you never think about it, just like Galaxy. You don't have to play it with just the Wiimote, and honestly I have no idea why anyone would. Plus you get to wail on the Bosses hammering them with both controllers like at the end of DK Jungle Beat.
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Makes me laugh that people think this is a stupid thing for Nintendo to do.

It makes me laugh too, that Nintendo would even consider making a game which hasn't even gathered dust yet.

Do people really think the development team are just working hard on this one game and nothing else and this is like a huge reveal of 'hey guys, here's what we've been spending all our time on!'.

No, but it's an obvious bet they've spent a lot of time and resources creating a game which is so recent it makes my balls itch. It's completely unneccessary and even you should agree that there are more sensible choices to remake into a 3DS game. It just seems lazy on their part that they won't have to improve much on the graphics like they did for Ocarina of Time.


Donkey Kong 64 would've been much better.

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Perhaps they set aside a smaller group for this project, maybe this was given to some of the newer developers while the majority worked on their main title. Not discounting the fact that this takes major time and effort.

Who knows this may have been in development for a while now.

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and even you should agree that there are more sensible choices to remake into a 3DS game. It just seems lazy on their part that they won't have to improve much on the graphics like they did for Ocarina of Time.


Donkey Kong 64 would've been much better.


I shouldn't and don't agree at all, no.


As myself, and others have previously said on more than one occasion in this thread, the game lends itself to 3d perfectly.

Given that it is a platform game it is probably going to be a hell of a lot easier to port over or remake for the 3ds.

Donkey Kong 64 is a pretty huge game and probably would have taken a lot more resources to make for the 3ds.


DKCR lends itself to a handheld very well, so I think it's a great fit for 3ds.

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So out of all the games in the world the most sensible choice you believe should be remade into a 3DS game is Donkey Kong Country Returns.




No. I don't agree with you saying DK 64 is a much better choice. That's bull shit. Gonna take a hell of a lot more time and resources to do that than something like DKCR, which suits a handheld console - like I've previously said.

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No. I don't agree with you saying DK 64 is a much better choice. That's bull shit. Gonna take a hell of a lot more time and resources to do that than something like DKCR, which suits a handheld console - like I've previously said.

That's not the part of my post I was saying you should agree with and you know it.


But it's true, a 2D game which has no real need for perspective is just what a 3DS game needs.

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That's actually pretty cool, it looks fantastic on the 3DS.


If we don't get another DKC on the 3DS after this, I'll be pissing blood everywhere. Also, Nintendo, if you can produce games that look this good on the handheld, why don't you?


I've been thinking this ever since Kid Icarus!

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