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Nintendo 3DS Direct - 14/02/13 - 3pm CET / 2pm GMT


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Excellent ND once again, imo. Mario heavy again, but WeeGee's Mansion 2 and Mario & Green 'Stache look great. So do Mario and Donkey Kong. Looking forward to downloading Super Luigi U as well.


Got dates for Animal Crossing and Fire Emblem as well as the Limited Edition XL which I prefer over the original 3DS and confirmation of Etrian Odyssey IV. 3DS has suddenly gone from no RPG's to a load of them.


Bit disappointed the DK game is just a port of DKCR, but whatever.


But hang on a sec...


...no HarmoKnight? What the hell, not even a mention!?



Noticed this as well, just hope it's because it's out soon-ish.

Edited by Ike
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Excellent ND once again, imo Mario heavy again, but WeeGee's Mansion 2 and Mario & Green 'Stache look great. So do Mario and Donkey Kong. Looking forward to downloading Super Luigi U as well.


Got dates for Animal Crossing and Fire Emblem as well as the Limited Edition XL which I prefer over the original 3DS and confirmation of Etrian Odyssey IV. 3DS has suddenly gone from no RPG's to a load of them.


Bit disappointed the DK game is just a port of DKCR, but whatever.




Noticed this as well, just hope it's because it's out soon-ish.

It may be Mario heavy, but they're all different kinds of games. Is that not what matters in the end?

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It may be Mario heavy, but they're all different kinds of games. Is that not what matters in the end?


I agree, I know some people of tired of Mario but it doesn't bother me. I'm looking forward to all of them except for Mario Golf because I don't like golf. :P

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Is there a summary anywhere of the conference and maybe a brief one of the US Conference,


I was playing football at lunch and it just got back. Missed the conferences :(


DOnkey Kong 3ds

New Luigi U??

Fire Emblem Date?

Animal Crossing Date?

Mario & Luigi 3ds??

Mario Golf?


anything else?

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It won't be more than £10


How on earth did you get to that figure?


Iwata stated that it was akin to full on development for a new game and that it would take some time before it was ready. They already charge £2 for 3 levels in NSMB2 and given that he said "it will change the existing 80 plus courses into all new courses"... do you really think they will be charging £10 for what amounts to an entire new game?

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"The Year of Luigi" so basically, no 3D Mario game this year?
Well not exactly, they showed game that Luigi's was in alongside Mario, like M&L and Mario Golf.


I wouldn't be surprised if Luigi featured very heavily in Mario Universe though, through an asymmetric co-op mode or something.

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I'm torn about this ND. On one hand, the unveil of M&L4 (which follows the patent leak to an absolutely creepy level!) Mario Golf 3DS and the not too distant release dates for FEA, ACNL and PKMN GTI is very welcome, but the unfortunate reveal of DKCR 3DS (REALLY!? THAT'S WHAT YOU'VE HAD RETRO WORK ON ALL THIS TIME!? WHAT A FRICKING WASTE! :( ) and the continued whoring out of Mario leaves me feeling sour over the whole thing :(


So much for them not wanting to turn the 3DS into a Mario machine, and did we really need even more NSMB!? (granted, it's probably a result of the "Mario Cram School" off hours thing, but it's still far too early for even more NSMB. I'm not excited for it at all)


I really hope that Retro just put a small team on this project. Granted, I did always think that the game fit the 3DS like a glove (literally I kept saying to myself that they should've made it for 3DS when I was playing it - it was mainly inspired by VB Wario Land after all!), but I think it's such a terrible waste of Retro's talents :(

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