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PlayStation 4 Console Discussion


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Here's a video of the controller for anyone who didn't see it...




I just realised why clapping always sounds unenthusiastic in press conferences these days... because there's only about 10 people not taking pictures on their smart phones.

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Fuck motion control, fuck revolutionizing ideas. Give us more power and more quality games.


I would say revolutionizing ideas = quality games.


The FPS genre was a revolutionary idea once for example...now it feels like they are beating a dead horse. Destiny seems impressive with the whole 'shared world' concept, but I am so far from interested in the new Killzone unless they show me how it does things the PS3 couldn't do gameplay-wise.

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I think we now expect all conferences to be a tad dull. At this event there was no call for Sony to be charismatic - it was their show and they had a lot to say, even if a great deal of it was standardised mumbo jumbo. E3 will be about the games.


People who're saying 'oh it's just better graphics' can leave the room. What are you actually demanding? What concrete ideas do you have? It would take a virtual reality controller or something ridiculous to keep you quiet. The features that Gakai and PSN are offering are plentiful and fantastic and are not to be glossed over.


Also worth considering is the improvement in the graphics and physics engines over the life-cycle. The differences between the original Uncharted and Uncharted 3 were plain to see. It takes time to squeeze out the juice. I have no interest in the new Killzone but visually it's amazing, and the system isn't even finalised yet.


Arguing about what high-end PCs can do is pointless. It's expensive and mostly hypothetical.

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Yeah I don't understand complaints about the conference being dull, this wasn't E3, this was a far more techy/industry focused reveal. They had a lot to talk about.


I'm glad you could come away from the conference largely understanding the console and Sony's vision for it.

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People who're saying 'oh it's just better graphics' can leave the room. What are you actually demanding? What concrete ideas do you have? It would take a virtual reality controller or something ridiculous to keep you quiet. The features that Gakai and PSN are offering are plentiful and fantastic and are not to be glossed over.




Although i'm personally happy with the visuals that were being shown last night, the features of the PS4 sound simply amazing.

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People who're saying 'oh it's just better graphics' can leave the room. What are you actually demanding? What concrete ideas do you have? It would take a virtual reality controller or something ridiculous to keep you quiet. The features that Gakai and PSN are offering are plentiful and fantastic and are not to be glossed over.


Also worth considering is the improvement in the graphics and physics engines over the life-cycle. The differences between the original Uncharted and Uncharted 3 were plain to see. It takes time to squeeze out the juice. I have no interest in the new Killzone but visually it's amazing, and the system isn't even finalised yet.


I agree with your points about how the physics engines etc will improve over the consoles lifetime, but as it stands now, it's only the concept of the console that is really exciting, the streaming capabilities, the instant on/off mode and yes the graphics are impressive, but showing off sequels and third party games was not a great way to convince me to buy their games console. It's still all to play for yet, but I can only react to what I've seen, I look forward to seeing something I like.

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I wasn't really enthralled by any of the games (apart from Second Son but next to nothing was revealed there) but I know Sony will deliver come launch-time. They did great things with the PS3. Nintendo don't have the reigns to properties that possess the complexity or quality of games like Demon's Souls or the artistry or creativity of games like Journey. They could change that, but they don't care anymore.


Who said a page or two back that Miiverse shits on the PS4 interface? Because nobody's even seen the PS4 interface yet and I already know that's a lie. The Miiverse is just so... naff. It's an insult, frankly.

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The instant on/off mode was a really interesting point. Would have liked to seen the power drain when it was suspended in this way.


The streaming didn't interest me all that much. Hopefully they at least link the streaming to prior PSN purchases. In a perfect world they'd let you stream a version of the PS1/PS2/PS3 game you insert into the disc drive.


The social sharing wasn't really of any interest to me either. I don't use Facebook personally and I'm not someone who enjoys watching someone else play a game.

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I'm not someone who enjoys watching someone else play a game.


I think it would be hilarious. Say a friend finds a funny glitch or has found a funny way to dick people over online, or even if they're just trying to convince you of a game's majesty, they can show you there and then after a quick message. And then you can help Daft platinum Wipeout from your own TV.


Or chide him.


i.e. it's a fantastic feature.


As for Miiverse, you're wrong. It's haunting.

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I think it would be hilarious. Say a friend finds a funny glitch or has found a funny way to dick people over online, or even if they're just trying to convince you of a game's majesty, they can show you there and then after a quick message. And then you can help Daft platinum Wipeout from your own TV.


Or chide him.


i.e. it's a fantastic feature.


As for Miiverse, you're wrong. It's haunting.


Absolutely, completely agree it's an amzing idea. Should be good for 'let's plays' too.


That's Miiverse's charm! But to me, it does feel like a community, which I really like. It's Nintendo Facebook.

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Sony: games won't transfer to the PS4, nor will your game saves


It's the morning after the night before, and Sony Worldwide Studios president Shuhei Yoshida has just confirmed to us that current-generation PSN titles won't transfer across to the PlayStation 4. The company admitted last night that PS3 games wouldn't be compatible with the latest console, but has added that it will try to make titles playable "in some form." Because the architecture of the Power-PC-based PS3 and x86-based PlayStation 4 are so different, Sony will only bring across games that don't guzzle the latest console's power in emulation. The executive also said that the company aims to offer server-side and cloud services to offer a wider library of older games, but said that's one for the "longer term."


I can understand why, but it's a shame.


Looks like the Controller uses universal usb cables like the PS3. :)


Hopefully the cable that comes with it will be longer than my arm this time :p

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Large press sites seem underwhelmed too.




The Verge:

Sony's decision to not announce the price or a firm shipping date for the PlayStation 4 will no doubt give the company room to manoeuvre should it need to respond to any gaming announcements from Microsoft.



Sony has revamped its user interface for the new video games console

As the hours of demos and introductions dragged on, it became increasingly obvious that we weren't actually going to see the PlayStation 4. Sony either isn't ready for primetime, or Sony thinks the best way to get us interested is to play hard to get.



Talk is the cheapest thing there is. And that's basically what Sony did today: It espoused a philosophy, said the names of a lot of popular games, but didn't give us any real, concrete information in an age where it's more important than ever.


Computer and Video Games:

Sony is not only responding to a world disrupted by Apple, that will only continue to fragment, but is trying to see past it; to carve its own niche. It's no small step that PS4 is being developed out of the west, and not Japan - yet even more surprising to learn that work began on it five years ago.



Most exciting is the share button. The PS4, we're told, will sneakily and transparently monitor and buffer our last 15 minutes of gameplay. This will be a boon to all those who think there is not enough inane video drivel on YouTube.



A new Killzone game was among the exclusive software titles unveiled at the event

What was missing from Sony was a discussion of anything that could've made it a more broadly appealing device. It (and we, as potential customers) needed way more than a falling back on graphics, eye candy and tech demos, which may have served the gaming industry well in the past, but which have done nothing to stem the rising tide of mobile platforms like iOS and Android.



The PS4 looks to be a confident riposte to the Nintendo Wii U, with an array of social gaming features that look set to - potentially - enthral and irritate in equal measure. Microsoft, the ball's in your court.



The PS4 looks like it's long on promises and big-picture dreaming, but currently short on clear, concrete reasons why anyone would be tempted to buy one.


New York Times:

New features cannot hide the fact that PlayStation 4 is still a console, a way of playing games on compact discs that was cool when cellphones were not smart.

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It was obvious there'd be no traditional backwards compatibility. But what about games you've bought digitally on PSN? Will they now be streamable?


It's the morning after the night before, and Sony Worldwide Studios president Shuhei Yoshida has just confirmed to us that current-generation PSN titles won't transfer across to the PlayStation 4. The company admitted last night that PS3 games wouldn't be compatible with the latest console, but has added that it will try to make titles playable "in some form." Because the architecture of the Power-PC-based PS3 and x86-based PlayStation 4 are so different, Sony will only bring across games that don't guzzle the latest console's power in emulation. The executive also said that the company aims to offer server-side and cloud services to offer a wider library of older games, but said that's one for the "longer term."



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Holy shit even PSN stuff isn't backwards compatible?! that is as bad as nintendo's lack of cross platform digital content sharing, surely psone and ps2 games could be transfered? and indie titles like Trine or Limbo? PS3 games makes sense but ALL psn stuff......


I hope they will fix that or clarify the statement to be PS3 PSN games won't work


I suppose its not that bad......i'd keep my ps3 as it is

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