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PlayStation 4 Console Discussion


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That app sounds useful. Might be useful if we ever get sky at our own house...if we ever get a house.


Looking back, I wish I had jumped on either the PS2 or PS3. They all seem like good systems. Have to admit, as gamers, we have been blessed with some fucking great games over the years!




With the recent trailers and nostalgia videos from Sony celebrating 20 years of the Playstation brand, it's crazy just how many amazing games were on the PS platforms over the years. Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy, Devil May Cry, Onimusha, Gran Turismo, Tony Hawks, Spyro, Crash Bandicoot, Tomb Raider, Abes Odyssey, Ape Escape, Resident Evil, Kingdom Hearts, Monster Hunter....the list goes on and on.


Well I'm now officially part of the PS4 family. Well currently I'm a double member as I have 2 of them until I send one back. Will be getting Fifa and Alien first up.


Get playing with us on the Pro Clubs for the LOLs.

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With the recent trailers and nostalgia videos from Sony celebrating 20 years of the Playstation brand, it's crazy just how many amazing games were on the PS platforms over the years. Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy, Devil May Cry, Onimusha, Gran Turismo, Tony Hawks, Spyro, Crash Bandicoot, Tomb Raider, Abes Odyssey, Ape Escape, Resident Evil, Kingdom Hearts, Monster Hunter....the list goes on and on.


I do wish that Sony would have more pride in their legacy in general. Compared to the likes of Nintendo, their own efforts to preserve and promote their past always come across as a bit half-hearted. Like take their emulation efforts for example, especially the PS2 on PS3 emulation - which is really lacking in quality - or their current 20th anniversary sale on the EU PSN; the PS1 selection is a pretty good representation of the platform in general, but the PS2 and PS3 selection is woefully lacking in that respect - it's mostly generic multiplatform stuff like COD or Asscreed; why not more stuff like the DMC collection? Stuff that is still really very much associated with Playstation?


Likewise, with that new limited edition PS4 based on the PS1 colours, it would be a nice gesture but it ends up coming off as cynical to me because it's so limited in quantity and needlessly expensive; it feels like they're just gouging their most hardcore of fans for a quick buck (it should just be time limited and available everywhere at a normal price, that would be a much better way of celebrating their legacy!)


It's not that Sony don't have a legacy to be proud of, they certainly do! (not like Xbox, which barely has any notable legacy to speak of at all outside of Xbox Live and Halo), I just never really feel that it's given the care, attention and focus that it should be getting; even now, their anniversary efforts still feel half-hearted to me.


I hope that this upcoming PS Experience event does a better job of actually feeling like a true celebration of their 20 year history. So far, I'm not really impressed, but that could still change. I hope so anyway.

Edited by Dcubed
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I thought a massive part of PS4 launch campaign was about legacy.


I'd rather they not become irreverent about it. I don't need them becoming like Nintendo; afraid to leave the past behind. And although that way of thinking will have casualties - like WipeOut - it also means a higher rate of new IPs which while not being dependably great in quality, at least feel fresh.


But, yeah, they need to sort emulation out. I'm not bothered because I barely have time to play new games but they should support their history in that regards.

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I thought a massive part of PS4 launch campaign was about legacy.


I'd rather they not become irreverent about it. I don't need them becoming like Nintendo; afraid to leave the past behind. And although that way of thinking will have casualties - like WipeOut - it also means a higher rate of new IPs which while not being dependably great in quality, at least feel fresh.


But, yeah, they need to sort emulation out. I'm not bothered because I barely have time to play new games but they should support their history in that regards.


Yeah, their launch campaign was largely focused around their legacy and that was nice to see (it wasn't as good as it could've been in that respect, but I digress)


But still, my main point still stands. I still think that they don't generally value their past as much as they should do.

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This is absolutely brilliant.


Limited edition PS1-style PS4 announced for PlayStation's 20th anniversary.





















I love this. Should have always been this colour!!


Oh my thats a nice collectors item. I doubt anyone would use it though :p

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Anyone know if there is a way to turn off the People You May Know ( or whatever its called ) feature at the top of your friends list? It's annoying the hell out of me. If I wanted to add someone I would have already. They seem to be all of @Cookyman mates who keep popping up. :D


What can I say - I'm a popular guy! :heh:

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Bought the Spyro Triology from the sale today. Already have them on discs, but it nice to have them easily accessible on PS3 as well(although when I bought them, I thought I could play them on PS4 as well)


If you like Super Mario 64 and the first Jak and Daxter, the original Spyro is pretty much the same, just better.

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I have to say.. I quite like the grey controller :smile: I'm not so sure about the PS4 console, though! I still think the original PS1 looks way cooler.. though that may just be the nostalgia talking :heh:


They should sell the controller separately in limited numbers as well.

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Plants VS Zombies garden warfare free on PSN tomorrow.


I thought it was today? I know the store is undergoing maintenance at the moment so I assume it's for that.


Everyone needs to get this. Yes, it's free but it's also an amazing multiplayer game. So much fun with mates. We could get some good N-E games going ( think you can have around 20 peeps on your team ). It can be N-E vs The World, just like Fifa.

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