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PlayStation 4 Console Discussion


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I've barely got around to playing my PS4 since I bought it, so yeah it would be a blow...

However, I'm so far behind the gaming curve that it wouldn't really affect me either. I'd still be playing the first few years PS4 games well into the PS4.5 lifecycle.


Let's wait and see what the PS4.5 is anyway before jumping to conclusions!


It could make zero difference to a lot of us, if we can't afford 4k TV's and the like anyway. Maybe it's something for the very tech savvy and there'll be a PSVR bundle. In much the same way there's been no real reason to buy the New 3DS.


Tbh, incremental upgrades were always going to happen this gen. The PS4 life was never going to last as long as the PS3 without some kind of update.


It won't be anything major. They aren't going to abandon the millions that already have the PS4. It will probably just be a slim model ( they've always done this ) and add the ability to watch 4K movies.


I suppose they could go the other way and make a larger model that houses the VR power brick internally. ::shrug:

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It won't be anything major. They aren't going to abandon the millions that already have the PS4. It will probably just be a slim model ( they've always done this ) and add the ability to watch 4K movies.


I suppose they could go the other way and make a larger model that houses the VR power brick internally. ::shrug:

The PS4 is already a slim, sexy beast, so yeah a soupped up version wouldn't surprise me.


I think this is being blown way out of proportion.

If this was announced at E3 as a refined model no one would bat an eyelid, it's only because it's been leaked in this weird way that people are speculating wildly.

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Looks like an upgraded PS4 is in the works...




I'm really annoyed by this. :hmm:


As even they have said reaching 4K isnt happening for games. I suspect there could be enhancements but dont expect much other than perhaps the new blu ray drive and 4k output (both of which add a substantial cost on their own). Would be alot nicer for media than the not so great android and ios boxes.

Edited by Choze
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I have 3 PS4's in my house, one for me and one for each of my kids. An upgrade splits the user base if the upgraded console has games that would only work on that and not the old model. It would be a disaster!


When you buy three PS4Ks you can leave the older three PS4s for your cat, goldfish and postman

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Has anyone had to send their PS4 off for repairs before? how long does it take?


I last used mine Saturday, playing division, a software update was performed before i played he game. Later that night i put it into standby mode as i usually do to charge the controller.

Came to put it on sunday and it wouldn't switch on, there were no lights and no beeps, no amount of connecting power etc made any difference. I had no 5A fuses so had to wait until today to get one from the shop and replacing that made one minor difference - it beeped once when i tried to switch it on, no other noise, wouldn't boot to safe mode or anything.


Sony want it in to repair or replace, fucking consoles don't have the longevity of old ones

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I was considering buying a PS4 next month, but with the seemingly imminent announcement of the PS4k, I'm going to have to wait until they come out aren't I?


Not necessarily because I want the upgraded version, but because the original PS4 should be greatly reduced in price.

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I'm surprised there hasn't been more backlash that Playstation are releasing a new type of PS4 less than three years after the original.


Maybe it is due to not knowing exactly what it is. If it is just a little upgrade then i'm not bothered but if it is a console that has exclusive games made for it akin to New 3DS then I will not be happy at all.

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Yeah if anything I imagine it will just boost or streamline the VR experience.


There might be benefits for games on the new one but won't be detrimental on the current one (akin to playing a PC game on two PCs, one with a slightly better graphics card).


Sony isn't about to alienate the 35 million people that have bought their console.

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This isn't a redesign, it's (supposedly) an upgraded PS4.


I suppose you're right @Blade, if there's exclusive games that'll only run on the PS4k then the backlash will be warranted. It'll probably still push a big chunk of people to upgrade even if it only had 4K output.


If Nintendo had announced a Wii HD two and a half years after the original's release, I doubt people would be as forgiving.

Edited by Ronnie
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This isn't a redesign, it's (supposedly) an upgraded PS4.


I suppose you're right @Blade, if there's exclusive games that'll only run on the PS4k then the backlash will be warranted. It'll probably still push a big chunk of people to upgrade even if it only had 4K output.


If Nintendo had announced a Wii HD two and a half years after the original's release, I doubt people would be as forgiving.


You're talking about completely different situations and you're basing your opinions, and the opinions others should apparently have, on unconfirmed rumours.


Check back in after E3.

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I very much doubt there will be any titles that require the new system. It just doesn't make sense.

Exactly. It'll most likely just be supporting 4K content or VR better; Sony know better than to fracture their audience. That's why nobody is annoyed by it.


Also, the PS4 has not a chance in hell of running real games in 4K.


If Nintendo had announced a Wii HD two and a half years after the original's release, I doubt people would be as forgiving.


This is a terrible example/comparison and actually makes me think your purpose here is more or less to annoy people by making very stupid comments like this. I've noticed recently that you seem to have a bit of an agenda on here in terms of trying to shit stir.


If a Wii HD came out then it would obviously have been a successor console, as developers would have to develop HD games that would be completely at odds in terms of what the original Wii could play. But as mentioned, the complete pipe dream that is mainstream gaming at 4k for consoles means that if Sony planned to do this, it would not be an upgrade but a successor console.

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People have complained about it in this thread. Read it.


Then I think most of us came to the realisation that it's best to actually see what it is rather than waste our time unnecessarily ranting. If it's in effect a PS4VR system, complete with all the necessary built in output and power to give you the best VR experience then that's great.


If Nintendo had announced a Wii HD two and a half years after the original's release, I doubt people would be as forgiving.


There was a HUGE request for a Wii HD, and (to a lesser extent) some sort of Gamepad-less Wii U a couple of years into both their lifecycles.

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People have complained about it in this thread.


I, for one, have.


Then I think most of us came to the realisation that it's best to actually see what it is rather than waste our time unnecessarily ranting.


Yup, I came to that realisation. I had this idea of a more powerful PS4.5 with exclusive/better running games in my head and ranted.


However, I decided it's better to wait and see before bitching.



I'm still worried, though. :p

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You're talking about completely different situations and you're basing your opinions, and the opinions others should apparently have, on unconfirmed rumours.


Check back in after E3.


So we're not able to discuss rumours on here? Uncomfirmed reports didn't stop the internet (and this message board) exploding after the NX controller 'leaked'.


Unlike that far-fetched story, it seems pretty much certain that Playstation will be releasing a PS4 that outputs 4K games sometime soon. Obviously we'll wait and see what the official story is, but I don't think it's such a crime to discuss the possibility now.

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So we're not able to discuss rumours on here? Uncomfirmed reports didn't stop the internet (and this message board) exploding after the NX controller 'leaked'.


Unlike that far-fetched story, it seems pretty much certain that Playstation will be releasing a PS4 that outputs 4K games sometime soon. Obviously we'll wait and see what the official story is, but I don't think it's such a crime to discuss the possibility now.


Most games struggle to run at 1080p so there is no way that any "proper" games will be released at a 4K resolution. The upgraded PS4 will probably output 4K but that will be for 4K Blu Rays, the first of which should start being released around the summer (I think).


If this is anything other than a normal PS4 with 4K blu ray and the Playstation VR stuff built in then I will be amazed, and if that is what it ends up being then I see it as a great upgrade option for those that are interested.


I cannot see a situation where the userbase is split. If it ends up allowing for greater graphical capabilities then we'll just have a PC like situation where all games will run on the original PS4 but look better on the PS4K / PS4.5 / whatever it's being called, similar to what some people are expecting to occur with the NX console and handheld.


Also, the internet "blew up" with the NX controller leaks because we've known that the NX has been in development for a while but other than the fact it exists we know pretty much fuck all about it!

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So we're not able to discuss rumours on here? Uncomfirmed reports didn't stop the internet (and this message board) exploding after the NX controller 'leaked'.


Unlike that far-fetched story, it seems pretty much certain that Playstation will be releasing a PS4 that outputs 4K games sometime soon. Obviously we'll wait and see what the official story is, but I don't think it's such a crime to discuss the possibility now.


Not what I was saying at all.


If you had looked a few posts up from your original you could see it was discussed, variations mulled and ultimately people just decided to wait, which is why I said you may as well check in after E3 (or until we hear something definite, but at this stage I'm assuming that's E3).


The NX controller was completely different because it's a brand new console, there was something concrete (albeit false) as opposed to "something is going to happen" and fans are desperate to hear more about the NX so it's bound to pick up steam more than this non-story (at the moment). Plus as far-fetched as the controller may have been, it ignited conversations about what fans want and expect from the NX. Really, the only things we can say from what we know so far about the PS4K is pretty much Eddage's point:


The upgraded PS4 will probably output 4K but that will be for 4K Blu Rays


There is a very slim chance it may also be an update to allow for better specced games, but seems improbable based on, amongst other things, analysis done by Digital Foundry. That just leaves something completely left-field and that doesn't really yield much conversation.


So yes, you can discuss rumours if you want but you came in saying you're surprised more people aren't outraged when people had already expressed their opinions so I'm not sure what you were after.


If it's just to discuss what may happen, well that has been achieved. If it's to get angry at Sony for something that hasn't happened, it seems like that's not going to come to pass.

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This isn't a redesign, it's (supposedly) an upgraded PS4.


I suppose you're right @Blade, if there's exclusive games that'll only run on the PS4k then the backlash will be warranted. It'll probably still push a big chunk of people to upgrade even if it only had 4K output.


If Nintendo had announced a Wii HD two and a half years after the original's release, I doubt people would be as forgiving.


It's the same situation as the new 3DS - all future 3DS games work on the original console and it would be for the same a future PS4.


A beefed up console is 100% necessary for VR but I imagine that they'll also offer a slim varient as production costs will be much less than they were 24 months ago.


I should also point out that console upgrades will likely become a common thing going forward due to the ease of scaling a game and how fast technology moves. iPads, phones and other tech get replaced every year or two but still run future apps, albeit occasionally with less performance. This model is much better than the current console model which sees old technology on the market for 4-5 years.


Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo are all moving this way and we'll almost certainly see it with NX, too.

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