Cube Posted February 21, 2013 Posted February 21, 2013 Dcubed said: Ha Ha! I totally called it. So much for Nintendo having the worst policy regarding DD game ownership Weren't the complains about emulated Virtual Console games, not WiiWare.
not_so_tiny Posted February 21, 2013 Posted February 21, 2013 Cube said: Weren't the complains about emulated Virtual Console games, not WiiWare. If I recall correctly, people were compaining about having to pay a tiny fee to upgrade their Wii VC games if they wanted off-screen play/miiverse integration, something that would cost developement time. The fact that is totally optional and they still have their VC games they can play in Wii mode makes me grumble at how entitled some gamers are.
Daft Posted February 21, 2013 Posted February 21, 2013 Quote Digital Foundry - Spec Analysis: PlayStation 4 The official specs are in for the PlayStation 4 and what we have is, by and large, confirmation of existing DigitalFoundry stories - with one outstanding, exciting exception. At the PlayStation Meeting yesterday, Sony revealed that its new console ships with 8GB of GDDR5 RAM, not the 4GB we previously reported. It was a pleasant surprise not just for us, but also for many game developers out there working on PS4 titles now and completely unaware of the upgrade - a final flourish to the design seemingly added in at the last moment to make PlayStation 4 the most technologically advanced games console of the next gaming era. ... From a raw specs point of view, the RAM upgrade was the biggest - and only - major surprise of the evening, though some elements have come to light which change our thinking on other elements of the PS4 design. We have confirmation of the eight-core Jaguar CPU architecture from AMD (x86 in nature, with 64-bit addressing - Sony calls it "x86-64") while we also see the 1.84 teraflop/18 compute unit metrics there in black and white for the Radeon GPU element of the PS4's "Liverpool" processor. These two figures in combination also confirm that the graphics hardware runs at 800MHz, as we previously revealed. The mooted 176GB/s bandwidth for the GDDR5 RAM is also now official, suggesting a speed there of 5.5GHz effective - in line with most current Radeon graphics cards. Previous information had suggested that Sony would be splitting GPU resources between rendering and compute functions (VGLeaks suggesting a 14/4 compute unit split between them in its SDK document leak) but the official spec talks of a unified 18 CUs, which "can freely be applied to graphics, simulation tasks, or some mixture of the two". The divide appears to be gone, and devs can apply available power as they see fit. ... The Blu-ray reader gets a decent enough upgrade from PS3's 2x drive, moving up to a 6x CAV (constant angular velocity) design, meaning maximum read speeds of around 27MB/s - though throughput will lower according to the area of the disc being read. The spec appears to be a very close match for the standard BD drives Sony itself currently produces, lending further evidence to the notion that we're looking at a cost-effective 50GB dual-layer unit rather than the more exotic 100GB quad-layer drives said to be coming in the future to accommodate 4K video playback. On a basic level, the challenge here for developers will be to read data quickly enough from the optical drive in order to make use of that prodigious 8GB of RAM - we can foresee background installs as part of the picture here, loading up enough gameplay into memory to get going while more data is streamed onto HDD in the background. On PS3, we already see a number of titles that 'stealth install' onto the hard drive (many of them running on Unreal Engine 3, and Capcom's Dragon's Dogma being another) where read speeds are so much higher - even slower 2.5-inch drives can reach 100MB/s in their best case scenarios. Our hope is that the era of mandatory installs that keep you from getting at the game are a thing of the past. The signs look good: making the experience of using the console as friction-free as possible was a key part of Sony's presentation last night. ... However, what really impressed us was the imagination behind the technology. Remote play is just one element of the functionality on offer, with Sony utilising the video encoding hardware to offer up a range of benefits. We saw one of them in action last night with the Guerrilla Games' Killzone Shadow Fall demo uploading stored gameplay video directly onto Facebook. Also impressive was the mooted support for livestreaming via existing providers, along with the ability to introduce spectating with viewer comments appearing on-screen as you play. Elements of cloud functionality were also suggested, allowing for remote players to take over your game should you come across a particularly difficult section of the game. I'm excited.
Sheikah Posted February 21, 2013 Posted February 21, 2013 Kaepora_Gaebora said: Capcom fancy a word regarding Resident Evil Revelations Seriously though surely it doesn't matter how powerful a console is anymore, more what they can do. I was much more interested in what the console could do (share, spectating etc) than how much grunt it has under the hood, considering judging by the admittedly early demos and gameplay, the leap isn't as big as it used to be. Still I thought it was a fairly good showing in terms of what the console can do, though having watched it again I stand by my Killzone thoughts, looked generic and some of the physics looked naff. If games can be put on any console why not put them on the best one that limits the developer the least? Ni No Kuni for instance would have been the same game on the Wii but maybe an eighth as beautiful. Also your post is quite contradictory - if a console isn't as powerful as its two competitors then it can't 'do' what they do. Which if you look at the Wii, meant it couldn't 'do' most of the multi-format titles the PS3 and 360 did.
Agent Gibbs Posted February 21, 2013 Posted February 21, 2013 Anyone who complained about Wii>WiiU Digital Content situation, needs to complain abut PSN content too as its a very similar situation different console or conversely people need to accept digital content on console won't be the same as mobile digital content and will be specific to the console, anything else is a bonus having thought more about it, its mainly the DLC on ps3 games i'm concerned over, if they sort that then i have less of an issue and i could just keep my ps3
Ike Posted February 21, 2013 Posted February 21, 2013 I would have thought PSN games would transfer, but not full retail titles.
dwarf Posted February 21, 2013 Posted February 21, 2013 It is a pain, but hopefully the workaround won't take too long to implement. The only positive to draw from this is that, now with PC architecture, this won't happen next generation. Then again, there might not even be consoles next generation.
Kaepora_Gaebora Posted February 21, 2013 Posted February 21, 2013 Sheikah said: If games can be put on any console why not put them on the best one that limits the developer the least? Ni No Kuni for instance would have been the same game on the Wii but maybe an eighth as beautiful. Also your post is quite contradictory - if a console isn't as powerful as its two competitors then it can't 'do' what they do. Which if you look at the Wii, meant it couldn't 'do' most of the multi-format titles the PS3 and 360 did. Sorry, I meant 'do' as in what features they have specific to the console experience (I guess until we hear what xbox 720 has going on) but like the spectate features, sharing videos etc, which are specific for the ps4, but not a gaming necessity, so feasibly you could 'port' Killzone, but it wouldn't have those features, likewise PS4 wouldn't have Miiverse intergration. I was mainly an Xbox 360 man last gen, although had a Wii at the start and end of the life cycles, so can't comment too much on what was or wasn't available, but it seemed to me it was more a case of tailoring the controls to Wii rather than anything else. Obviously it was no where near as powerful as Xbox 360 or PS3, but something like Goldeneye 007 for example showed it could 'do' the same games. And you could argue that the xbox 360 and PS3 couldn't do what Wii could with motion control gaming (until the created their own add on's ). Anyway I guess it comes down to personal preference, I prefer to see what features a console can give me, rather than how powerful it is. After all I still enjoy Virtual Console games and loved Spelunky on XBLA!
Sheikah Posted February 21, 2013 Posted February 21, 2013 Features are nice but at the end of the day games are the most important things. They're games consoles after all. And if one console can't push the same level of power it's no surprise that it won't see most multi-format titles. Also I thought Durango specs circulating put it way up there too, least high above the WiiU like the PS4.
Retro_Link Posted February 21, 2013 Author Posted February 21, 2013 Gametrailer Post Show Chat (with Marcus Beer)
Debug Mode Posted February 21, 2013 Posted February 21, 2013 IT'S OVER, NINTENDO IS FINISHED, THE KING IS BACK Sony would be fools to not have Chaddy at E3
Dcubed Posted February 21, 2013 Posted February 21, 2013 Debug Mode said: As much as it's a shame, you seem to be making a massive jump by claiming they wont be streamed through Gaikai considering that wasn't even mentioned in the article, Dcubed. It just says they wont transfer to PS4, which makes sense, as it would all have to be emulated because just by being a digital download game doesn't mean it's not relying on the architecture of the PS3 thus wont work straight away with PS4. They already mentioned that they'll have a Gaikai streaming solution for retail games. The fact that you can't transfer PSN games over means that they won't be included in the streaming service however. This is a nightmare scenario really It means that we now have to rely on hackers finally breaking the PS3 encryption open if we want to see these games properly archived. If they can't manage it before the PS3 PSN service is shut down, a lot of the games and content on the PSN service may be lost to time forever; just like what happened to the original Xbox
Sheikah Posted February 21, 2013 Posted February 21, 2013 Debug Mode said: IT'S OVER, NINTENDO IS FINISHED, THE KING IS BACK Sony would be fools to not have Chaddy at E3 Link and his bitch ass sword going hyahh, hyahh. Xbox...360? We're not doing geometry. Halo? More like GAY-LO. Ah, Chad Warden. Where has that fine chap been...
Debug Mode Posted February 21, 2013 Posted February 21, 2013 Dcubed said: They already mentioned that they'll have a Gaikai streaming solution for retail games. The fact that you can't transfer PSN games over means that they won't be included in the streaming service however. This is a nightmare scenario really It means that we now have to rely on hackers finally breaking the PS3 encryption open if we want to see these games properly archived. If they can't manage it before the PS3 PSN service is shut down, a lot of the games and content on the PSN service may be lost to time forever; just like what happened to the original Xbox I'll be sharing the same fear if it really does become apparent that none of it will be streamed. Plus, with the new console incoming, Sony will probably give up chasing the hackers, so there's still hope. Sheikah said: Link and his bitch ass sword going hyahh, hyahh. Xbox...360? We're not doing geometry. Halo? More like GAY-LO. Ah, Chad Warden. Where has that fine chap been... There was some video of him eating sushi, but the community is still pumping out some Chad material.
Sheikah Posted February 21, 2013 Posted February 21, 2013 Didn't he crash his dad's car or something in one video?
Debug Mode Posted February 21, 2013 Posted February 21, 2013 Sheikah said: Didn't he crash his dad's car or something in one video? There's a video of him driving a cadillac and throwing money all over his desk, but I don't recall one of him crashing a car
Retro_Link Posted February 21, 2013 Author Posted February 21, 2013 Sony details the workings of the new PlayStation Eye Quote Sony's Shuhei Yoshida has detailed to Engadget how the new PlayStation 4 Eye will work. The new PS Eye comes with a pair of 1,280 x 800 cameras, four microphones and an 85-degree field of view. The two lenses are designed to be used in a variety of ways, including triangulating 3D space, gesture recognition, body tracking, or in conjunction with accessories such as the Wonderbook or DualShock controller. Describing how this could work, Yoshida says that, for example, one camera will concentrate on capturing the action and ensuring good picture quality, while the other is dedicated to motion tracking. The fact that Move is now incorporated into the controller will also allow the camera to track the DualShock and know where you're sitting in relation to the TV. Apparently you'll also be able to use the camera to take 3D pictures and video and store them on your TV.
are1981 Posted February 21, 2013 Posted February 21, 2013 Dcubed said: They already mentioned that they'll have a Gaikai streaming solution for retail games. The fact that you can't transfer PSN games over means that they won't be included in the streaming service however. This is a nightmare scenario really It means that we now have to rely on hackers finally breaking the PS3 encryption open if we want to see these games properly archived. If they can't manage it before the PS3 PSN service is shut down, a lot of the games and content on the PSN service may be lost to time forever; just like what happened to the original Xbox PSN will still exist. Sony can let it continue to run on PS3 too, but they don't have to keep developing the PS3 side of PSN. They can, and should, still offer downloads of game updates and purchased downloadable games.
CoolFunkMan Posted February 21, 2013 Posted February 21, 2013 I've seen some gameplay trailers, and I'm not exactly sold yet. It looks damn promising though! However, I missed the conference last night, as I have to get up stupidly early for work every day. Is there anywhere I can watch it from the start? All the sites I've visited so far go to the Ustream feed, which starts part-way in... :/
Retro_Link Posted February 21, 2013 Author Posted February 21, 2013 CoolFunkMan said: I've seen some gameplay trailers, and I'm not exactly sold yet. It looks damn promising though! However, I missed the conference last night, as I have to get up stupidly early for work every day. Is there anywhere I can watch it from the start? All the sites I've visited so far go to the Ustream feed, which starts part-way in... :/
jayseven Posted February 21, 2013 Posted February 21, 2013 I find it odd that the same people who were vocally saying "yeah the wii U isn;t graphically awesome? SO WHAT!" are now saying "The PS4 graphics aren't good enough!" It's not due to hit shelves 'til xmas time, right? Combining the number of companies backing the PS4 I'm sure we'll se a larger list of great games for release date. And basically, any 3rd-party Wii U game we see this year will be a PS4 contender, too. It's also pointless people going "to me the social aspect of teh PS4 is useless, because I have no friends, tehrefore the console is shit."
Rowan Posted February 21, 2013 Posted February 21, 2013 It's disappointing but not surprising given the architecture that PS3 games won't be directly compatible on the PS4 but in all honesty for myself personally once I get a new console I very rarely play the older games. I do however hope/expect that Gaikai streaming of such titles will be free (or at the very least part of PS+) for those that have a digital copy of the game.
Debug Mode Posted February 21, 2013 Posted February 21, 2013 jayseven said: I find it odd that the same people who were vocally saying "yeah the wii U isn;t graphically awesome? SO WHAT!" are now saying "The PS4 graphics aren't good enough!" It's not due to hit shelves 'til xmas time, right? Combining the number of companies backing the PS4 I'm sure we'll se a larger list of great games for release date. And basically, any 3rd-party Wii U game we see this year will be a PS4 contender, too. It's also pointless people going "to me the social aspect of teh PS4 is useless, because I have no friends, tehrefore the console is shit." Post-purchase rationalization at its finest my friend.
Cube Posted February 21, 2013 Posted February 21, 2013 ShopTo open preorders with their safe price of £399.85. Which means that they don't expect it to be any more - retailers have probably learnt their mistake from the Wii U.
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