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Wii U Launch Day Buyers: What's your plan of action?

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- Set up with new TV

- Firmware Update

- Check out Miiverse

- Play the heck out of Nintendo Land!

- Explore the eshop

- Buy Mighty Switch Force and Nano Assault

- Invite mates over for some asymmetrical multiplayer

- Bask in the glory of a new Nintendo console!!



- Begin update

- Unplug

- Brick console

- Cry about it on the internet

- Declare Wii U a FAILURE


Not sure which will be the most fun... ::shrug:

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Hoping good ol blockbusters will do a midnight launch like they did for Wii, nothing like being able to wake up and see your shiny new console already there and raring to go! If not a morning shambling about picking up the console then games from various different places! Can't wait!


Also has any one else developed an irrational fear of power cuts? I have absolutely convinced myself there will be one during my system update which will ruin my day/month/year/life. I live in a house share with random'ers, all it takes is the toaster to trip the switch and I'm done for!

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I nearly choked on my food while reading that. Well done, sir! :D


Seriously Heather couldn't of picked a worse day to book the guy in to do the work.



I told her I had the Friday off specifically for the Wii-U, then she goes and gets this guy to do the work on that Friday because I'm off.




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Get home from work, set up console, do all updates then explore the menus a little, then it's straight in with Mario and later Zombi U. Then it will be a similar thing Saturday until my girlfriend finishes work and comes round then I'll break out Nintendo Land.

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All my plans have been scuppered!


Will be collecting my WiiU whilst at work, but then have to be home early because we're seeing Michael McIntyre in the evening. I already knew about this, but was planning on setting it all up on Saturday when the kids were out at their various clubs. Now turns out that my Wife has arranged a day out with friends, so there'll be no time to set it up at all.


So probably won't be until Sunday before I get a chance to even take it out of its box :cry:

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Righty just back from the local GameStop, got my ZombiU Bundle paid off (since last week) and today paid off on NintendoLand and Black Ops 2 :D


Seems they are planning to opening only 30mins early :( at 8.30am which won't suit me :heh: Gotta drive me mother to work at 8.45am so will have to wait till after I bring her to work then get the Wii U round 9-9.15.... why can't she just learn to drive :heh:


So I'll be a little bit later than had hoped in setting up and starting update...hopefully the European servers don't get flooded by the time I start..... or that they learned from the US lauch and have a load balanced server cluster set up to take the initial load :heh:

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Righty just back from the local GameStop, got my ZombiU Bundle paid off (since last week) and today paid off on NintendoLand and Black Ops 2 :D


Seems they are planning to opening only 30mins early :( at 8.30am which won't suit me :heh: Gotta drive me mother to work at 8.45am so will have to wait till after I bring her to work then get the Wii U round 9-9.15.... why can't she just learn to drive :heh:


So I'll be a little bit later than had hoped in setting up and starting update...hopefully the European servers don't get flooded by the time I start..... or that they learned from the US lauch and have a load balanced server cluster set up to take the initial load :heh:


Did you just add all of those faces just to colour your message and prepare for Nintendo Land? Clever.

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That's what you're going to do after it has all the updates? Weird.


Yep i'm expecting my first Wii U to brick, Nintendo really dropped the ball with this launch. What is this 2006? . . . .


On a serious note do you guys think that there's a possibility that the update will be preloaded on Wii U's for the European and Japanese launches as the US launch was rushed to be out before Black Friday? I guess it depends on if Nintendo decided to begin shipping stock worldwide when they started getting stock out for the US or not.

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Yep i'm expecting my first Wii U to brick, Nintendo really dropped the ball with this launch. What is this 2006? . . . .


On a serious note do you guys think that there's a possibility that the update will be preloaded on Wii U's for the European and Japanese launches as the US launch was rushed to be out before Black Friday? I guess it depends on if Nintendo decided to begin shipping stock worldwide when they started getting stock out for the US or not.


I doubt it. These consoles were probably all boxed up weeks ago.

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1) Get up in the morning

2) Wait patiently for the console to arrive

3) Console arrives

4) Performs Victory Dance

5) Excitedly opens up console and sets it up

6) Checks for system updates

7) Has a play around on the Menu and Miiverse

8) Check E-shop. Download games

9) Try some downloaded games

10) Play Nintendo Land for an hour

11) Post Pointless Wii U related status's on Facebook

12) Packs console away until Christmas.

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1. set alarm to 7 am ( i most likely wont sleep a wink anyway tho )

2. drink lots of coffee,breakfast

3. wait by door for postman all morning,

4. Afternoon has arrived, still waiting by doorstep and checking the tracking details , ( sweats starting )

5. still not here and its 2pm, runs to check this forum to see who has them so far,

6. late afternoon getting tempted to give up,

7. ding dong ( all is well ) :)

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Yep i'm expecting my first Wii U to brick, Nintendo really dropped the ball with this launch. What is this 2006? . . . .


On a serious note do you guys think that there's a possibility that the update will be preloaded on Wii U's for the European and Japanese launches as the US launch was rushed to be out before Black Friday? I guess it depends on if Nintendo decided to begin shipping stock worldwide when they started getting stock out for the US or not.


They arrived in the UK last Weds/Thurs (at least the press ones did, assume they all came around the same time) so I can't see them updating them all in such a short space of time.


Plus we've already been told the update will be available Friday.

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Well for me it will be spent painting my bedroom and not getting to grips with my new TV and new Wii U :(


I had the clever idea to re-decorate my room - and when I say re-decorate I mean demolish, replaster, the works!


So currently my room has no power to it, but the wall the TV and consoles are going on is prepped. I just need to get it all painted on Friday evening, then saturday will be spent going to IKEA to pick my bed up, a bookcase (for all my precious Wii U games etc!) and general furnishing goodness!


So my time with the Wii U will officially begin Saturday night!


What I may do though, if it arrives tomorrow, is plug it into the downstairs TV and just let it all update. That way it will be ready to go for Saturday!


I actually cannot wait for that moment where I am all finished with decorating and I can sink into my new double bed in front of my new TV with HD Mario. Good times indeed! :yay:

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