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What launch games will you be picking?

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With my huge wii backlog in mind, I don't want to go all out on launchgames, so mine will be:


Nintendoland (bundled in)

Assasins Creed 3

Epic Mickey 2


I guess these aren't the three most of you would choose, but out of curiousity; which ones are you gonna pick up?

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I'm still not 100% decided (at least as far as retail goes)


I'm definitely getting NSMBU and NintendoLand on day 1 and I'm strongly considering ZombiU, but there are a few others I'm on the fence on (namely, Scribblenauts Unlimited, Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed and, if a miracle happens and it truly has been fixed, Ninja Gaiden 3 RE)


As far as downloads go (assuming they all make it in time for day 1): Toki Tori 2, Nano Assault Neo and Little Inferno.

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So far I have the following pre-ordered:


Nintendo Land (bundled)

New Super Mario Bros U

Sonic and Sega All-Stars Racing Transformed



I'm also considering getting later on Rayman Legends, Epic Mickey 2, Batman Arkham City AE, Assassins Creed 3, Scribblenauts Unlimited and Lego City Stories. I've never wanted so many games in a launch window before :o

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No idea as I don't know what the lanch line up will be. Rayman was dead set but that's gone. Mass effect was a maybe but ea can fuck them selves.


Here's what I'm thinking at the minute.


Definitely launch day:

Zombi u


Nsmb wii u


Black ops 2

Tekken (got it cheap)

Trine 2

Nano assault


Maybe launch day, maybe Christmas presents:

Assassins creed 3

Epic Mickey 2



If reviews are good launchn or Xmas presents:

Lego city

Tank tank tank

Ninja gaiden

Sonic racing

Toni tori 2


If find cheap:

Mass effect 3

Dark siders 2

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I haven't been this excited about a console launch since the 3DS:

ZombiU Pack-in


Batman: AC: AE (not sure if this is at launch, but pre-ordered it anyhow)

Call of Duty: BlOps2


Am seriously considering, especially for my son and I to play together;

Lego City Undercover

Tank Tank Tank (24 quid on The Hut)


eShp Titles;

Nano Assault Neo


Maybe's, when price is reduced at a later date;

Assassin's Creed 3

New Super Mario Bros. U (this'll never come down in price, but it's a maybe)

Ninja Gaiden 3 (upon good reviews and cheaper price point)

Mass Effect 3 (when much cheaper)

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I've ore-ordered the ZombiU bundle so obviously getting ZombiU

Also pre-ordered NintendoLand

and will pre-order Black Ops 2 once the store gets it on their system.


Mainly though dependent on what kind of pre-order offer the store comes up with closer to launch. With the 3DS they offered your first game for 10 euro and a 10 euro discount off a 2nd game (so basically 2 for price of one). Hopefully they do the same or similar with WiiU else I might drop NintendoLand on day one

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I still have no idea what games will be launching with the console and I mean day 1, none if this launch period rubbish!


The games I have preordered are ZombiU, Nintendo Land (bundle), NSMBU, Rayman Legends and Wonderful 101 or whatever it was called.


I will probably get FIFA and maybe Sega Racing, although that depends on the online setup of the Wii U. If its shoddy, then I will just get it on the 360.

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The games I have preordered are ZombiU, Nintendo Land (bundle), NSMBU, Rayman Legends and Wonderful 101 or whatever it was called.


ZombiU, Nintendoland and NSMBU are launch. Rayman is next year. I have no idea about Wonderful 101.

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Not gonna get a Wii U on launch day, but when I do get around to buying one I'll be getting,


Nintendo Land

Zombi U (based on impressions/reviews)

Nano Assault Neo

Wonderful 101

Assassin's Creed 3


Also interested in Rayman Legends and 007 Legends.

Edited by Retro_Link
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MY launch selection are


Nintendoland (bundled in)


New Super Mario



but in the launch window i do plan on buying


ME3 (screw you EA i won't let it fail)

007 legends


Ninja Gaiden

Lego City




and even COD (i might give another ago)

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