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I'm Going to Mauritius...Oh and Proposing over there


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Well I'm back :)


Such an incredible 2 weeks,


I went there as British guy with a girlfriend and came home with Mauritian citizenship, 2 pieces of land valued at around £80k, and most importantly a future wife :)


a successful business trip if I do say so.



So many awesome things.

* Deep sea fishing catching 15 tuna - then taking 2 home and BBQing them.

* Swimming with Dolphin in the sea

* Stroking and playing with 2 Cheetah

* Holding a baby crocodile

* Seeing 2 HUGE crocodiles fighting for a female (unbelievable)

* Swimming under a waterfall untouched and unknown by tourists

* Para-sailing

* Being pulled by a speed boat on a doughnut thingy

* The Market

* Sega dancing (traditional Mauritius dancing)

* I Visited Murr's volcano.


And soooo much more...


I really can't do the holiday justice in words, it was just... incredible.


As for the proposal, all went as planned... kind of. We got on the catamaran as planned, and enjoyed a nice hour catamaran trip to Gabrielle Island which had around 25 other people on it.


well a hitch in the plan was we were only spending 1 hour on the island, when previously when i've been on this trip we'd spend the day there. So panic hit me and I was trying to convince Heather to go for a walk with me. her first response was "can't I do some snorkelling first", So okay fine she snorkelled for 20 minutes, all the time me checking the time to make sure I could still go forward with my plan.


then when she was out of the sea, I was all keen to take her for the walk, but she insisted she must dry properly and then cover herself in sun cream.


Finally when we were all good to go, there was about 15 mins or so left on the Island, I took her for a stroll down the beach, found a nice area with a great view of the sea and Mauritius in the background, said some romantic things about what she means to me and how much I love her, I then said "and to show you how much I love you" *down on one knee* "Heather will you marry me?"


the first thing that happened is her arms sort of raised by her chest uncontrollably, She then said "what the hell..." then there was silence for what seemed like an eternity in my mind, then finally she said yes repeatedly, then jumped me after I put the ring on her finger.


My smile was from ear to ear - :D


that evening we had a surprise party thrown for us by my cousin and his wife, and it was one of the nicest gestures anyone has done for me, my uncle and aunt got us presents, my cousin his wife got us presents, my solicitor who was helping me get the land and citizenship gave us presents... I was just in shock. My mum and dad got brought to tears at the party, and I was forced to say a few words, when the emotion of it all got to me and I felt that lump in throat moment. I really can't thank my family enough for the presents and party, it really made the day even more amazing.


Now i'm back at work, feeling freezing. Seems strange, on Saturday I was on a beach at 34c temperatures drinking beer in the sea, and now i'm at home, behind my work computer, freezing my ass off. 2 such different extremes.


oh well 2 years and i'll be going back again.


Pics to follow soon

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Make a sovereign state with your land and crown it Murritius.


A name I definitely didn't think up before you left and wait for you to get back to post. Also well done on the wifey thing, go you!


EDIT:A name I see jay beat me to long long ago :(

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I'm struggling to find time to post here this week!


Thanks everyone for the congratulatory messages :)


for the people wondering about the land acquisition, Basically it was my dad's land, and while we were over there he wanted to sign it over to me, part of the contracts that were signed were also that I confirm that my cousin over there is now maintaining the land for me.


I've got Mauritian citizenship so was allowed to own land there. The snag to it is that I need to have Mauritian citizenship for 5 years before I can actually do anything to the land.


Also, I need to have some form of crop growing on it, as if it's just wasteland for over a year, the Mauritian government can take it back as they assume nothing will come from it.


So as it stands I have sugar cane crops growing on it, which my cousin is now hiring people to maintain and harvest for me.


The income from these pieces of lands is peanuts when converted to GBP, So all income from it I've signed permission for my cousin to receive.


the aim is in 5 years when I'm actually allowed to use my land for my benefit, is sell both pieces for what ever the value is then ( hoping it will be more as there is housing going up all around the plot I own)


buy a smaller piece of land in a more desirable plot of land (either Grand Baie in the North or Bluebay in the South) and then build a holiday home for myself there.


That's the dream.


As Promised Pictures if anyone would like to see a snippet of the holiday -


One HUGE Tree - bigtree.jpg





Murrs Volcano - murrsvolcano.jpg

Swam in this - rochesterfalls.jpg

Me and My 2nd Cousin -




Sunset from the roof of my cousins apartment - sunsetbf.jpg



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Congrats dude, smashin spirit-raising story!


I did the proposal thing at 30,000 feet over the atlantic a few years ago and it's a nervous time indeed but I'd say you're glad the plan is all out in the open now.


Also smashin news on the land...."it's good to have land" :D


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