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I hate the Radio


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God I fucking hate the radio. Why is it that they never seem to play any fucking music? Normally I don't listen to it, but I was on the way back from the driving range in my dad's van, and it only has a radio/cassette player. I put radio 2 on and Liza Tarbuck was presenting. She has an annoying voice as it is, so any speaking should be kept to a minimum. She spoke for about 5 minutes reading out texts where some people who I don't give a shit about, found some mundane stuff that I don't give a shit about, whilst clearing out their rooms or digging their gardens or whatever. She finally played a song (Will Young), but then talked over about 30 seconds at the start, and about a minute at the end, reading out yet more mundane texts from people who are so boring they have nothing better to do than text in to a shit radio show with an even shitter presenter, about some shit that they found. After about 7 minutes of this (including some woman advertising some other BBC crap) she played a Zeppelin track, where she (shock horror) talked over the first 30 seconds of.


Why is there no radio station that actually plays music any more? I don't wanna hear some dull tosser talking about shit that's not interesting in the slightest, all I want to hear is "here's X by Y". Local stations also have shit presenters talking about local shit, and then you have to listen to shitty adverts with people with irritating voices talking quickly about windows or some other crap like that. Why are they always advertising windows? You buy a window when your window breaks. I've never watched/listened to a safestyle advert and thought "yeah I think I'll buy some new windows". Why? Because I already have some fucking windows in my house. And if my windows were broken and I needed new ones, I'd buy some new windows, I wouldn't wait for an advert to come on so some irritating bloke can inform me that the wind and rain coming into my bedroom can be prevented by buying new windows.


And Radio 1 is the worst. Is there anybody more irritating than Chris Moyles. (No question mark, because I already know the answer). I've been on 30 minute journeys where that moron has droned on, thinking he's the funniest thing to walk this earth, without ever playing a song.


Rant over, use this thread to rant about the radio, or not, up to you.

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I don't listen to the radio. I used to have Forth 1 (a popular Scottish/Edinburgh one up here) on in the mornings before school about 3 years ago, and actually got so angry at the lack of songs they had to choose from (they played enough songs, just the same ones. If I heard I Don't Feel Like Dancin' or Torn by Natalie Imbruglia - which came out about 100 years ago I might add- one more time I would have ended my life) I phoned them and complained. And sent an e-mail. Don't listen anymore.


I can see the appeal of radio if just driving around though. If/when I pass my test I can see myself returning to radio. Maybe not for long, I've been stocking up on cassettes to play. :D

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Although there's a lot of talking in the morning breakfast show (seems like an industry standard nowadays), I listen to Absolute. They play all my sort of music and unlike most they've a no repeat policy.

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I generally share your sentiment, but it’s really a question of finding the right radio station for you. They are out there.


In general I want:


- DJ's that mainly announce the titles / artists. Music related talk is ok when kept to a minimum.

- Music I like (yes, really)

- Club DJs (as opposed to typical DJs) are great / either live or pre-recorded mixes are great

- concerts


What I don’t want:

- Typical DJ talk. About the weather or something or popstar gossip.

- News. Not interested, and then to hear it every hour or even more!

- Commercials. They’re needed, but please keep them to a minimum..

- Traffic reports. For God’s sake.


A great advantage of being unemployed is not having to be exposed to the typical radio crap. Most of them are exactly the same, most of the rest are more or less the same.


I probably don’t have to tell you this, but internet is your friend here. My favourite radiostation is internet-based. Of course, this doesn’t help you in your car. Perhaps it’s good to look into DAB. Over here, it isn’t popular at all, but they happen to broadcast the other radiostation (of 3 in total) I listen to. UK is bigger, perhaps there are more stations that suit your taste.

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I think Radio 1 is great and listen to it all the time, anytime.


Me too, I've done a stupid amount of driving recently and I keep listening to Ferne (sp?) a lot, because she's quite funny.


I don't really see much of a problem with it, I notice quite a lot of music on Radio one, Kerrang, I found the best channel for constant music is Capital, but I only tend to get that around Sheffield.

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Irish radio's pretty good. I listen to 2FM sometimes, especially if Ruth Scott is on. Maybe some know of her? Actually, last week I spent 3 hours just sitting in my kitchen listening to the DJ/presenter talk about different topics. Really Interesting.


It can also be shite though :hmm:


4FM I like. It plays jazzy/rock'n'roll stuff. I'm usually forced to listen to it sometimes, however. My Mam hates silence so whenever I turn off the radio I hear "Frank! Turn that radio back on! It's too quiet!!"

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I get a bit pissed when I drive to work in the morning, listening to the radio and then hearing the same set of songs on the way home. It's very lazy. It seems to be this culture of just putting whatever is in the charts into a playlist and putting that on the air. That is, of course, on the odd occasion you get music on the radio. I'm with you there, Moogle. I want music.


The best radio station I've listened to in the last few years, by far and away has to be Studio Brussel. It's insane the amount of quality they put on there. You can get a big variety and it's not uncommon to hear music by Bloc Party, Moby, Oasis, The Smashing Pumpkins, The Pixies, Beach Boys, Queens of the Stone Age, Daft Punk and so on. I love all of it. Looking at the playlist on their website, there is a bigger variety there than the list I just made (I selected those bands because I like them), but I do hear a lot of music on that station, new music which I then want to then track down. I found out about Absynthe Minded and Mumford & Sons.


If you can get that station, check it out.

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In total absolute agreement with the OP.


I HATE the radio with a burning passion.


Chris talentless Moyles, Vernon idiot Kaye from radio 1 are just a pair of twats.

And er, Sarah, er, er, er, er, Cox, er, - Yeah she's shit too.


If there is one thing in this world I hate it is the radio.


Now i'm all mad. :nono:

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Although there's a lot of talking in the morning breakfast show (seems like an industry standard nowadays), I listen to Absolute. They play all my sort of music and unlike most they've a no repeat policy.


I'm with you. Absolute Radio all the way if it must be the radio. If I'm in the car and fancy a change from my own music I don't go to Absolute though because it's medium wave and the quality is pretty poor.


At work we generally have Clyde 1 on which has a good mix of music and talking but they play the same songs every single day, multiple times a day which isn't great. Capital Radio is decent too but again, its the same songs over and over. Rock Radio (the Glasgow one) is pretty decent too and has some great songs you wouldn't hear anywhere else.

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I'm with you. Absolute Radio all the way if it must be the radio. If I'm in the car and fancy a change from my own music I don't go to Absolute though because it's medium wave and the quality is pretty poor.


At work we generally have Clyde 1 on which has a good mix of music and talking but they play the same songs every single day, multiple times a day which isn't great. Capital Radio is decent too but again, its the same songs over and over. Rock Radio (the Glasgow one) is pretty decent too and has some great songs you wouldn't hear anywhere else.



Yeah, that's the only problem, it's sodding medium wave!

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Radio 6Music is probably the finest music radio station this country has ever produced.


Yeah but that's like saying "this is by far the best way to have all the skin removed from your cock".


We listen to 6 Music at work. It's the best of a bad bunch, but even that grates a bit. Adam and Joe at the weekends was pure genius though, but I think they're on a break now.


Planet Rock is good, but it suffers from adverts.



I'm lucky at work. I own the radio we use and I've made it very clear that if I even get the vague whiff of Radio 1, the radio will be coming home with me that evening. People have tried to convince me too. As long as Chris "fucking" Moyles still lives, there is not a chance. I will dance on that cunt's grave, mark my words.

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Radio 6 is just marvelous, the presenters actually seem to know and care about music and the music itself is varied, fresh and doesn't make you want to commit suicide by swallowing a frisbee and waiting for it unfold itself inside your intestine.


You know what's underrated? Radio 3. I enjoy classical but their late night "Jazz on 3" segment is required listening and it's always the good stuff, trippy honky-tonk all over rhythms that feel like your clothes could jive right off your body.

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The only station I ever listen to willingly is RTÉ Lyric fm. There's more of a chance of my liking the music they play, rather than the endless Lady Gaga/sensationalist debates/arguments with politicians of other stations. Northern Sound is the absolute pits, I have to listen to it at work :(

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I love music but I hate the radio. The radio presenters are absolute twats mainly because they say "I'm going to play this song next!" and they play it about 30 minutes later after hearing them squabble, a shitload of advertisements and two other songs!


Someone I really dislike when it comes to radio is Sacha Brooks on Capital FM. I wish she'd stop shouting down the mic, it's so damn irritating. "MY NAME IS SACHA BROOKS AND I'M HERE TO PLAY YOU SOME TOP TUNES! I'M SHOUTING AT YOU BECAUSE I THINK YOU CAN'T HEAR ME, YOU MUST BE DEAF!"

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I listened to Jeremy Vine's discussion show in le car recently, and it's great for raising your self esteem as you can count the amount of people you're more interesting than.


They had a discussion about whether children with ADHD should be allowed into theaters and cinemas, and they also featured a monologue from a B&B owner citing 'top tips' about how to run such a boring lifestyle. Then a ton of people were texting in their wondrous experiences in travel hotel establishments.


Me and my friend were tempted to call in and inform Jeremy Vine how much of a cunt he was because his shitty drawl sent a kid with ADHD into a hyperactive state, thus waking us up from our slumber in a B&B. But we realised it would be too funny for him.

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