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Love? Relationships? Boy girl stuff? Complaints and appraisals! Gifs be welcome.

Kurtle Squad

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Met her when I was five, I've known her properly since I was eight. First crush I had on a girl, and also we've spent the last two weeks talking to each other over six hours every night, in a way that made me feel fucking bewildered that I had the capacity for that much conversation. So, yeah, technically one date, but not really :heh:



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I also have a man date at lunch with an Italian.


Touring the world!


To keep it mildly relevant - the above is the closest I get to romance.

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Met her when I was five, I've known her properly since I was eight. First crush I had on a girl, and also we've spent the last two weeks talking to each other over six hours every night, in a way that made me feel fucking bewildered that I had the capacity for that much conversation. So, yeah, technically one date, but not really :heh:




What's Naruto's favourite restaurant?


Nando's, dattebayo!

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For clarity; all these things happened, but under the influence of large quantities of alcohol.


That doesn't make it any better does it...?


Also, I am so smitten it's unreal. Driving up to Durham next week to attend a college formal with the lady and I've not been this giddy and excited for anything in years :D

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What are people's advice / thoughts on being a "3rd Wheel", in a sense. Months ago, I introduced two of my closest and most treasured friends together who had soon hit it off with each other. I'm so ecstatic to see them so violently happy but being with them both every day for the last few months has been tiring -- sometimes the presence of a couple is insufferable. I explained this to them both separately. One was understanding, the other a little confused.


Should I be more tolerant? Am I over-reacting?


I'd love to hear other's stories on this.

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What are people's advice / thoughts on being a "3rd Wheel", in a sense. Months ago, I introduced two of my closest and most treasured friends together who had soon hit it off with each other. I'm so ecstatic to see them so violently happy but being with them both every day for the last few months has been tiring -- sometimes the presence of a couple is insufferable. I explained this to them both separately. One was understanding, the other a little confused.


Should I be more tolerant? Am I over-reacting?


I'd love to hear other's stories on this.


Couples are the worst, and will probably agree with you when they're not in a relationship.


But maye I'm not the most unbiased person you could ask :p. I'm currently trapped in a flat with a nauseating couple.

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What are people's advice / thoughts on being a "3rd Wheel", in a sense. Months ago, I introduced two of my closest and most treasured friends together who had soon hit it off with each other. I'm so ecstatic to see them so violently happy but being with them both every day for the last few months has been tiring -- sometimes the presence of a couple is insufferable. I explained this to them both separately. One was understanding, the other a little confused.


Should I be more tolerant? Am I over-reacting?


I'd love to hear other's stories on this.


I often feel like this if I'm honest...and it sucks. The friends I hang out with are either married with kids or just together with kids and you do feel like the odd one out being the single one. I guess sometimes you have to remember that they need some space (unless they ask you then it's all okay).


You should ask them if they know anybody for you. For some reason, couples love setting their single friends up and seeing them just as happy as they are.

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Couples can be very trying and very tiring. You have to remember, they aren't doing it intentionally and sometimes it might take a little nudge to go 'HEY I'M HERE, REMEMBER ME?', don't take it to heart, I'm sure you'll figure things out with them.


I tried dating that guy I mentioned here, fuuuuuucck. Such a bad idea, it seems that a lot of what he said he was like, is very wrong and we're in fact very different from each other.


Never mind, we gave it a go, which he hadn't lied about his behaviour *shrug*

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Flirtation with barista seems to have cranked up a few notches today.


Had the usual chit-chat at the till, then he went to make my drink (whereas usually someone else does that). He sprinkled a star on top of my drink and said that I'm "one of our favourite customers". I was all shocked and flattered but played it cool (in my head).


Went back for lunch but was served by someone else. Boo.


Here's to next Monday! (yup, the best part of my working week happens before 9am on Monday :p)

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I don't know if you guys caught it but I started to make YouTube videos and this week, I made the video about nice guys and why I don't think they finish last. I think it's perfect for this thread so I'mma post it here:



What do you guys think? Do you agree with what I said or do you disagree?

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My housemate is away for the week and letting her boyfriend stay here, and he's doing so because his place is shit. Why does she go after such underachieving dingbats?


Explains why I got back and there was a smell coming from the bathroom.


Anyone else encountered similar problems with housemates' lovers essentially moving in? Although in fairness, she lets her friends move in as well. Personally I'd feel weird if my partner (lol) let me stay at theirs when they weren't there.

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