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Love? Relationships? Boy girl stuff? Complaints and appraisals! Gifs be welcome.

Kurtle Squad

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I danced with a girl in a club last night.

After about twenty minutes she said "I'm going to get a drink".

So I asked: "How about I buy you a drink".

Her answer: "No, thanks".

And then she was gone. Didn't see her again.




Talk about mixed signals.



Anyway. Back to topic. Eye contact?



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I danced with a girl in a club last night.

After about twenty minutes she said "I'm going to get a drink".

So I asked: "How about I buy you a drink".

Her answer: "No, thanks".

And then she was gone. Didn't see her again.




Talk about mixed signals.



Anyway. Back to topic. Eye contact?


Maybe she was pissed you didn't offer first?


Or you didn't make enough eye contact...either way, annoying.

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I danced with a girl in a club last night.

After about twenty minutes she said "I'm going to get a drink".

So I asked: "How about I buy you a drink".

Her answer: "No, thanks".

And then she was gone. Didn't see her again.




Talk about mixed signals.



Anyway. Back to topic. Eye contact?



I've done that. Sometimes you just get bored and want to try and find someone else.

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After about 18 months of being together girlfriend decides out of the blue to end things by text. She doesnt love me anymore and feels like theres no future. She did this Wednesday night.


I didnt have a clue this was about to happen.


She comes to mine this morning to collect her stuff. She just didnt want to talk about it gave me some shit "I hope you find someone who deserves you" and leaves.


Im absolutely heartbroken and gutted. Being single is wank too.

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After about 18 months of being together girlfriend decides out of the blue to end things by text. She doesnt love me anymore and feels like theres no future. She did this Wednesday night.


I didnt have a clue this was about to happen.


She comes to mine this morning to collect her stuff. She just didnt want to talk about it gave me some shit "I hope you find someone who deserves you" and leaves.


Im absolutely heartbroken and gutted. Being single is wank too.


I'm really sorry to hear that Blade. :(


Maybe in a few days she will want to talk about it. I think you are owed an explanation as to why she's ended it having been together so long. :confused:


Hope you're doing ok.

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Just got a Warrior to level 90 lol.


Blade I feel bad for you, it really sucks for her to end it like that. I know the first two days when my ex and I broke up, if I ever started to feel like I was losing my composure I just thought about her mother and told myself it was a lucky escape. It really worked!


I hope you start to feel the benefits of being single soon enough, they surely exist :)

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After about 18 months of being together girlfriend decides out of the blue to end things by text. She doesnt love me anymore and feels like theres no future. She did this Wednesday night.


I didnt have a clue this was about to happen.


She comes to mine this morning to collect her stuff. She just didnt want to talk about it gave me some shit "I hope you find someone who deserves you" and leaves.


Im absolutely heartbroken and gutted. Being single is wank too.



Hmmmm. Was this truly out of the blue? No signs at all? If that's how she genuinely feels, I'm sure you'll get an answer in a few days, try not to pester her as this will definitely withhold a response. It might not have been the best method of contact but at least she did it.

... On the off chance, do you think she was after a reaction from you? Maybe she sees no future because your relationship hasn't progressed that much after 18 months? (I'm just coming up with ideas!)


Chin up! It's hard now I know, but you'll feel better. Try to fill the gf hole with other enjoyable things such as seeing friends. I've heard that doing charity or doing nice things for those in need is a good remedy in breakups :)



@rizz Definitely my experience of break ups!

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Nope not really anything. She came round yesterday to pick up her things and she just didnt appear bothered to talk. She made a decision and thats it. She appeared to be do cold and its like been a complete clean break. I wanted to question her and find out answers but I was that distraught that I just wanted her to leave. She may have cheated on me. I dunno. I actually dont want to text her now to find out more information as it will just drag the whole thing out


At the minute I have a few hours where im ok then i just break down. Fuck me! Feel like a complete loser who just needs to man

up I reckon.


I know in time I will be ok though. I hate feeling like this. We had plans and that.

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At the minute I have a few hours where im ok then i just break down. Fuck me! Feel like a complete loser who just needs to man

up I reckon.


There is no need to 'man up'.


Your situation sucks. A lot of us have been there, including me. I've been an emotional wreck a couple of months ago. I tried to force my way past the pain, but that's the worst I could've done.

Please, don't do the same, don't try to 'man up'.


I actually dont want to text her now to find out more information as it will just drag the whole thing out


Hm, some will tell you that you should try to find out what happened, some will tell you that you shouldn't.


It's something that you should think about, though, when you feel a bit better.

Do you need real closure? Do you really want to know?

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You're allowed to be upset. It's horrible feeling crap but it helps in the long run, rather than trying to man up.


It seems like you've done a lot of good things so far, like not questioning her when she came round. Try to take the high ground with this. If she doesn't text you over the next couple of days, send her a message explaining how it's come out of the blue and you'd appreciate some closure. If you do genuinely want to know if she's cheated or not (ignorance can be bliss), you need to ask her in the right way. If she has cheated, she might not want to tell you through fear of getting loads of abuse, so you'll need to make a promise (and mean it), so she knows you won't go crazy if she has.

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I don't see any reason to keep a promise with her, Emma. If Blade promises to keep calm to get the information should be want to hear it, then I have no moral objection for him to break that promise and have a go at her about it - within reason of course. She is obviously lacking in maturity and respect for Blade and their relationship. For many people, making the person that cheated on them aware of their unhappiness is a pretty common desire. OK, it probably won't fix a relationship, but it can be pretty darn therapeutic.


It does sound like because of the abrupt and unexplained nature of her breaking up that there was probably someone else on the scene. Sucks really. It's a shame she doesn't have the decency to admit to whatever if is. Sounds like you're better off without her.

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Its my birthday next week and yesterday she told me she cancelled Wind Waker that she preordered me. Checked today and she has.


Frakking hell @Blade, I'm sorry to hear about your breakup :( pretty harsh of her to cancel your copy of Wind Waker as well, she could have at least let you have that... not that one game matters much in the grand scheme of thing I suppose but still, would have been a nice gesture.


Me and my girlfriend have broken up - again - this time permanently :hmm: it's unfortunate but things weren't going anywhere long-term so it's for the best for both of us, at least now we can get on with our lives I suppose. ::shrug:


We'll still be talking, just not as much and only as friends so it's not that bad as 'break-up's' go I suppose. especially as we knew it was coming but still at the moment I'm just... :blank: not sure what to do.


Life goes on though. :)

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Nope not really anything. She came round yesterday to pick up her things and she just didnt appear bothered to talk. She made a decision and thats it. She appeared to be do cold and its like been a complete clean break. I wanted to question her and find out answers but I was that distraught that I just wanted her to leave. She may have cheated on me. I dunno. I actually dont want to text her now to find out more information as it will just drag the whole thing out


At the minute I have a few hours where im ok then i just break down. Fuck me! Feel like a complete loser who just needs to man up I reckon.


I know in time I will be ok though. I hate feeling like this. We had plans and that.


1) You defo need to man up!


2) She was a cow!


3) She was an even bigger cow for cancelling Wind Waker (that was a total kick in the balls).


4) Defo do not contact her or message her. You will look weak.


5) You've done pretty well out of this break up. You got a free takeaway, free beer, the best work out you've had in months, the best breakfast you've had in months and you finally got to see The Departed! :)


Overall, things are on the up already and in time you'll do far better than her anyway!

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Cancelled Wind Waker? Not being funny, but what a cunt. Well clear of her Blade. Onwards and upwards.




*Blade walks in to GAME, his mood still sour.


"I'd like to pre-order Wind Waker", he says, eyes on the counter, his mind still on other things.


"Of course", a strong, sexy voice replies. Blade looks up, astonished at the attractive woman standing in front of him, a triforce badge proudly displayed near here impressively large, supple and well sculpted breasts. "I am looking forward to this so much! I love Nintendo."


Blade is lost for words. Any memory of evil exes was wiped from his mind the second (Blade glances down at the other breast, this one displaying a name badge) Rachel entered his life.


Without thinking, he replied "Yeah, I cannot wait to play it too. Why don't you come round mine when its out and we can play it together."


Rachel threw herself over the counter, into Blade's eager arms, and he carried her off into the sun set*





















A fat guy from the back room walks out carrying a pile of game cases, Chupa Chubb in mouth, "Rachel can you....." he witnesses her being carried out and his jaw drops, the vanilla flavour lolliepop falling to the floor.

Edited by ReZourceman
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I don't see any reason to keep a promise with her, Emma. If Blade promises to keep calm to get the information should be want to hear it, then I have no moral objection for him to break that promise and have a go at her about it - within reason of course. She is obviously lacking in maturity and respect for Blade and their relationship. For many people, making the person that cheated on them aware of their unhappiness is a pretty common desire. OK, it probably won't fix a relationship, but it can be pretty darn therapeutic.


I'm not saying he doesn't have the right to have a go at her. He's just not going to get the truth if she thinks he's going to act that way.


When I got cheated on and went psycho mental at my ex, it never made me feel any better. I just felt embarrassed for myself.

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