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Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U


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Yes, I would suppose he's the top score of the bunch. But that being said, they did announce there would be a special direct/presentation for Smash Bros in December. Maybe, just maybe we get some more characters :P. But I think Cloud was cool as hell.


And good job Nintendo, for actually getting him on a Nintendo Home system.

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You naysayers are nuts! How is this anything other than a big deal!?

Your sense of wonder is dead. DEAD!


Well I get the 'meh' - of course this is a great surprise - but with there being no true Final fantasy representation on a Nintendo console since the SNES, its a bit of a slap on the face IMO. And it is advertising towards the Playstation games if Nintendo owners don't get the remake.

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Well I get the 'meh' - of course this is a great surprise - but with there being no true Final fantasy representation on a Nintendo console since the SNES, its a bit of a slap on the face IMO. And it is advertising towards the Playstation games if Nintendo owners don't get the remake.


If people are counting remakes of mainline series as "True" FF representation, then I have a couple of DS games that need a word with them.


As for "Slap in the face" Who's it slapping? The Ninty fans? If anything, I think it's slapping the hardcore Sony fans who were convinced Playstation All-Stars was gonna have a roster to rival Smash, and couldn't get two of it's most well-known characters from the PS1 era while Smash does it with seemingly no problems.


And advertising!? If anyone sees this as simply a non-Smash advertising move, then that's a little bit depressing and only further proves my "Your wonder is dead" point further.


Take a hypothetical Ninty gamer who only owns a WiiU and a 3DS and has never heard of Final Fantasy. (I know, I know. Roll with it)

They download Cloud, and start looking at the trophies that they unlock by playing Classic/All-Star mode.

They see he's from a game called Final Fantasy 7.

So they decide to do some research.

But oh noes! That game is for the PS1. This person isn't gonna hunt down a new console for a game they might not like.


But wait! This game is apparently the seventh in a series! Maybe this gamer could play one of the previous six?

A bit more research later and ta-da! It seems 1, 4 and 6 are available on the Wii Virtual console! And they're pretty cheap too! So hypothetical player downloads one. (Hopefully not the NES one, because that game is brutal.)


This seems SO much more likely than a person running out to buy a PS4 for the remake because Cloud is in Smash. A remake that specifically said "Coming first on PS4" So there's a chance it might be on NX.

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A remake that doesn't exist yet. Seriously, I'll be surprised if that thing comes out before 2018.


Saying that Cloud is there for advertising is incredibly cynical. Smash Bros is a celebration of videogame characters, not a place to bring up console wars.

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A remake that doesn't exist yet. Seriously, I'll be surprised if that thing comes out before 2018.


Saying that Cloud is there for advertising is incredibly cynical. Smash Bros is a celebration of videogame characters, not a place to bring up console wars.


Well, when the main line game of an included character can't even be played on a Nintendo system - it kind of is advertisment.


Its not about being defensive, its just annoying. We can play as Ryu and Cloud and Snake in Smash but get no mainline game on the system. Smash bros is enjoyable enough as a celebration of Nintendo characters. It makes more sense and is much more appreciated.


Of course Im happy to get Cloud in some form on a Nintendo system, its just a bit fustrating these developers don't show their full love for the systems.

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I like Smash being an open representation of gaming in general and a kind of welcome wagon to encourage future collaborations between developers. Would love Snake back for SSB4. Surely Cloud was the winner on the recent character poll and this inclusion is to really show that anyone can be included regardless of a history with Nintendo. I like that, keeps us guessing, plus I'm sure Sakurai deemed Cloud suitably different to the other sword users to include him.


If someone had come and shown me the roster for SSB4 when I was 10, wows. Not that I would have known who the Earthbound and FE characters are, mind you. Or the new Pokemon. Or probably actually most of the roster... Maybe 10 year old me would have mostly been confused.

Edited by Guy
Added stuff. This is the Director's Cut version of this post.
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It will also help Nintendo only gamers getting to know third party characters better. Which might help future third party games sell better on Nintendo hardware. I still see that as one of Nintendo's biggest challenges, users only buying first party games is very unhealthy.


Nintendofans want games like Final Fantasy, Assassins Creed, GTA, CoD, NfS, FIFA and such? They need to start buying them when they do release...

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Speaking of slaps in the face. Wouldn't it be hilarious if Nobou Uemetsu did some new remixes for the Midgar stage, considering that he's not coming back for FF7 Remake? :laughing:


It's not like he hasn't composed for Smash before ;)


Picture it now, Midgar, One-Winged Angel Orchestrated remix, Bahumut in the distance providing the epic background to the fight of ultimate destiny...


Wii Fit Trainer Vs King Dedede.


That's the dream!

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I think I got the most out playing a variety of the modes to unlock the challenge squares (although I did not manage all of them).

The final boss battle is pretty cool on level 8/9 difficulty as it changes at that point, but I agree the main mode is a bit to slow to play with too many 4+ battles to be that engaging. The 3DS single player was better in that regard.


To be honest though, fighting games in single player are very much an acquired taste. I always used to be able to play Street Fighter 2 in single player for ages and ages, but many of my mates could never stand to play it that way.

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I did spend hours playing Melee's single player mode. But this one just doesn't have much.


Hmmm... I don't know about that, I'd say they both have around the same amount of Single Player stuff to do. But WiiU has the added advantage of co-op for some of those modes.


Of course, Brawl still has the best single player content.


I tend to keep trying to beat my high scores in a lot of modes. Especially Crazy Orders. Crazy Orders is super fun!


I've beaten all the challenges, but I still keep playing single player!

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I like this on-going theme of guys with big swords and fabulous hair being in Smash. The more the merrier.


And I was excited for this in the same way I was for Mega Man, I don't have much of a history with either franchise but know it's a big deal for many people (and for Smash) and they look like fun to play so bring it on!


I'm just REALLY hoping we get K.Rool before the DLC ends, surely he'll be pretty high I'm the ballot?

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I'm just REALLY hoping we get K.Rool before the DLC ends, surely he'll be pretty high I'm the ballot?


Hmmm... I'm not so sure.


K.Rool hasn't really been relevant for a long time. (Wasn't his last appearance that Mario Baseball game?)


Only the hardcore DK fans would vote for him. And I doubt there are that many compared to other fans. Pokemon fans alone would completely dwarf DK's crew.

And I don't even need to point out the Mii costume not looking good for him.

I still voted Dillon. No regrets!

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Yeah you're probably right, I just feel of all the franchises, DK is hideously under-represented considering its importance. But yeah, if K.Rool was gonna be represented I guess it would have been Sakurai's decision in the early days of development that would have been more likely than a public vote.

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