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Watched Airplane II last night. I think I actually liked it more than the first, mainly due to the sci-fi jokes.


My favourite joke was when Shatner was making fun of a prop with lights that go back and forth which seems to have absolutely no function, as that exact prop later shows up many times in The Next Generation, Voyager and Enterprise. It's never actually used for a purpose, either.

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Glad to hear some positive feedback on Kick Ass 2, but I didn't like the second part of the comic and it is bombing with the critics so might save that one for the DVD release...


I dont think I liked any of the Kick Ass 2 comic so im just not interested in seeing the movie. Shame because I loved the first comic and movie but I reallllly didnt like that Kick Ass 2 comic.

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If that is whats putting you off, I would recommend seeing it anyway. It diverges a fair amount.


I've heard some totally moronic criticisms from "critics"....one person criticised the direction which was mental to me, I thought it was nicely shot.


I think the metacritic score says it all - average critic score is 40, average user score is 80. gmac really liked it too. Its awesome. I don't really see how you could like the first film and not this one. I don't know anyone in real life who didn't like it.

Edited by ReZourceman
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I think you should all go see Kick-Ass 2 or they'll never make a third movie and I won't get to see how the story ends.


Don't make me read the comic, guys. :sad:


see, i really wanted to go see Kick Ass 2... right up 'till i read that post - now i'm not so bothered... if it's a "second movie" with what i'd assume from that post to be a cliffhanger. i think i might wait 'till it's on the netflix...

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see, i really wanted to go see Kick Ass 2... right up 'till i read that post - now i'm not so bothered... if it's a "second movie" with what i'd assume from that post to be a cliffhanger. i think i might wait 'till it's on the netflix...

I doubt it ends on a cliffhanger, it's just that the comic book was always planned as three parts, so I'd quite like to have the whole thing in movie form. That way, I won't have to read the comics (which just seem really unappealing).


The first movie told a complete story, so I doubt the sequel is any different. Watch it, Bluey! Waaatch iiit. :p

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I look forward to seeing Kick Ass 2 but I didn't really like the second part of the comic either. It was just too violent. Hopefully, they've made it a bit better with the movie. Is Hit-Girl counted as the third installment? I've yet to read that as I haven't found it at a good price.



I saw Monsters University tonight. Am I the only one disliking that? I just found it dull and quite predictable with no really good jokes. It was immensely beautiful but apart from that it didn't have much going for it.

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The "villains" (Nathan Fillion and his team) actually won every single round, Mike & Sully cheated, got thrown out of university and had to start work at the bottom of the company and slowly work their way up through working hard.


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The "villains" (Nathan Fillion and his team) actually won every single round, Mike & Sully cheated, got thrown out of university and had to start work at the bottom of the company and slowly work their way up through working hard.


I never thought they would win and was very surprised when they actually did but then they had cheated so it made sense. However, I did like that they started working at the company and then worked their way upwards.


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Hmm, I can't say that I found it too predictable, or annoyingly so. It just seemed like a good Pixar movie to me. It's not ground-breaking and it's not going to change the world, but it's just lovely for what it is. I enjoyed it a lot. :p


Saw Gran Torino yesterday. Loved it. Pretty much excellent in every respect.

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Bad Robot has released a cryptic trailer. Some speculation I've seen.


- Star Wars, mainly due to how it fades from "Soon he will" to "Soon will", although it seems like an obvious red herring to me.


- Valve project. They've worked together in the past (there was that playable Super 8 trailer with Portal 2), and Valve are at Gamescom this week.


- Aquaman. Because superhero films are big and it mentions water. Highly unlikely due to Star Wars and Disney.


- The Stops Along the Way. A miniseries they recently got the right two, based on a scripped written by Rod Serling (The Twilight Zone). However, the rights were only acquired recently.


- New project.


At the moment, I'm leaning towards the Valve thing.

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- The Stops Along the Way. A miniseries they recently got the right two, based on a scripped written by Rod Serling (The Twilight Zone). However, the rights were only acquired recently.


People can work on projects before they get the rights (or before they definitely have the paper signed). It's a risk, but it happens.


Or, at least, I know someone working on that basis at the moment :heh:

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Saw Kick-Ass 2 tonight and absolutely loved it.


Ditto! It was awesome. Sublime entertainment. However, I do think that there was too little Kick-Ass and Hit-Girl in the movie.


Also, I'm glad they removed that scene in the comics where The Motherfucker destroys an entire neighbourhood.

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Re watched Princess Mononoke for the first time in absolutely years - was one of my first foray's into Ghibli and I forgot just quite how beautiful I think the whole film is. Feeling like a bit of a Ghibli spree this week methinks!

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Ditto! It was awesome. Sublime entertainment. However, I do think that there was too little Kick-Ass and Hit-Girl in the movie.


Also, I'm glad they removed that scene in the comics where The Motherfucker destroys an entire neighbourhood.


There's too little Hit-Girl in any movie. I really loved the relationship they built up between her and Kick-Ass.


I haven't read the comics, so I can't really compare. Though I remember flicking through the first Kick-Ass comic once and seeing some of the extreme violence that was cut in the first film. I'm glad they cut it. :heh:

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I’ve been working as a volunteer at an open-air film festival, combined with my regular volunteering job at a film theatre, I’ve been out most nights last 2 weeks. It was cool, but as I like to concentrate on a film, I haven’t really got the opportunity to go watch one. Luckily I’ve seen a lot of them already. I caught most of End of Watch 2 nights ago, but since I didn’t see all of it, it doesn’t count for the records :p. But I saw enough to form an opinion, it was cool for a Hollywood action film. It’s not a typical action film. It’s a bit of a buddy cop film but in documentary style, with lots of laughs, but when they get down to business, it gets pretty gritty. My main complaint would be the camera Jake Gyllenhaal’s character is constantly carrying, making things unrealistic. Sometimes you get a FPS view of the action, which is slightly campy, but the thing is, you also get views from behind them, as if they are followed by a documentary maker. So the whole camera thing is pointless. Still, lots of laughs like I said, and pretty good action.

Last night, I finally got to relax during my shift and go watch the film they were screening, which was Silver linings playbook, one of the films I hadn’t seen yet and really wanted to at this festival. Luckily the weather was excellent once again, and the festival was packed. The film was great. Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence excellently played 2 nutcases. Plenty of drama, humour, and romance. The dance scene was genuinely exciting (and funny), and the audience was great, genuinely cheering when the 2 finally got together. Great performances, I love Jennifer, and just a great feel-good film. I only don’t get why the dad still goes on with the bet even when his whole family objects, but that didn’t hamper enjoyment one bit.

I actually tried to catch up on films the last few weeks, but since I was busy, I actually saw very few of them. I did see Kapringen, a Danish film about modern pirates holding a Danish crew hostage, that one was ok. I saw Metéora, a greek film about a man and woman in some famous Greek monastery, who fall in love. Pure arthouse film, barely anything of a story, but it was visually stunning. If you enjoy watching lovely images for 90 minutes than this is highly recommended. If you want a “normal” film, then don’t go see this. Finally I saw Before midnight. A trilogy 20 years in the making. It’s a drama/slice of life about a couple who fall in love. This one was a bit heavier than the last 2, with Julie Delpy and Ethan Hawke having problems after 10 years, but still, it’s intriguing, and I’d love to see how they’re doing in yet another 10 years.

Anyway, I’m done with the film festival in a few days, then I’ll have time to catch up on some films. Kick-ass 2, This is the end, Le passé, Behind the candelabra, Mud and Blue Jasmine to name a few.

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