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Just watched Europa Report (had to download it as there's absolutely no news on a UK release) and it's brilliant. If you're into realistic space exploration, you'll love it. Very tense throughout as well as keeping up the suspense and showing the right amount of information at the right time. And great music from Bear McCreary.

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Rocky Balboa was excellent, so I guess there's hope...I want to be leaf.


Saw The Intouchables/Intouchables/Untouchable - The French comedy. Amazing film. I went into it completely blind, not knowing a single thing about it. I recommend to all.

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Rocky Balboa was excellent, so I guess there's hope...I want to be leaf.


Saw The Intouchables/Intouchables/Untouchable - The French comedy. Amazing film. I went into it completely blind, not knowing a single thing about it. I recommend to all.


This was the best scene in that film:


(Apologies for the random dubbing)

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Dumb & Dumber To is due to release next year..


Red Granite Pictures, the developers, producers and financiers behind Martin Scorsese’s “The Wolf of Wall Street,” have confirmed the release date for “Dumb and Dumber To.”


The sequel to “Dumb and Dumber,” the 1994 comedy starring Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels will arrive in theaters summer 2014. It is set to begin preparatory work Monday in Atlanta, Joey McFarland the vice chairman of Red Granite told the Journal.


Carrey and Daniels have both signed on to reprise their roles of Lloyd Christmas and Harry Dunne, the daft duo at the center of the films. Bobby and Peter Farrelly, who wrote and directed the first film, will co-direct and co-produce the sequel.





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I followed the media hype and watched Sharknado last night on SyFy.



Wow... just wow. What an ending. I LOL'd alot.





Fuck my friends and I were in fucking hysterics.




this woman was in the shark that the dude above jumped in. So so funny.




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The Bourne Legacy is such a painful disappointment. I like Renner but he's no Matt Damon.


I’m probably seeing that film.


Europa Report looks interesting! And I’ve seen that trailer of Sharknado.. I’m intrigued.


Some weeks ago I saw The Iceman and Pacific Rim.

If you want moustaches @MoogleViper, The Iceman is for you. Jokes aside, this was a very intriguing film about a hitman played by Michael Shannon (and including some ridiculous hot jailbait :woops:). Pacific Rim was mindless fun. Just don’t put any thought in it, any at all, and you’ll be fine. Like why the hell they didn’t use all that concrete for the wall to fill up that entrance :woops:. Would have loved to see more of the other Jaegers though, especially that Russian one. Last few days I’ve seen Disconnect and The Bling Ring, and Safety not guaranteed. I personally liked all 3 of them, but I liked Safety guaranteed the best (Aubrey :love:). Sweet and funny. Disconnect was a nice drama with Jason Bateman and Andrea Riseborough, The Bling Ring is the new Sofia Coppola, with Emma Watson. That last one had a similar theme as Springbreakers I felt, but was more entertaining.


I’m going to see more films the coming days, I have some catching up to do.

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This week:





Hunchback and Aristocats are both films I've been meaning to watch for years as I've never seen them (or maybe saw them when I was a wee'un, but can't remember them). I had some issues with Hunchback (sound levels seemed odd during the songs, found it difficult to hear the lyrics quite often) but both were good films. Oh and some of the CGI was a bit naff in the former, but it was the best part of two decades ago. Trying to watch Disney films I've never seen, so think I'm going to do some of the 00's actioney ones (Treasure Planet and umm...some other one I forget the name of) next week.


Milk I've been wanting to see for years, then noticed it was on Netflix! Brilliant film, very gripping. Weird seeing Franco transform from Danny Mastertson, to Dave Franco, to Chairdriver. Anyway, really enjoyable film! I then proceeded to stay up until 1am reading about the Jonestown massacre, as you do. Daphne and Celeste and Jesse Forever was a nice Sunday evening kind of film with some interesting photography and the beautiful muskox that is Rashida Jones (who also co-wrote it!)

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Just watched Europa Report (had to download it as there's absolutely no news on a UK release) and it's brilliant. If you're into realistic space exploration, you'll love it. Very tense throughout as well as keeping up the suspense and showing the right amount of information at the right time. And great music from Bear McCreary.


This was so dull. It was like a slasher flick with everyone being killed off one by one, except instead of the killer being some random hooded stranger it was just their utter incompetence.


Also, the found footage format needs to go away.



Yesterday I watched,




The first half wasn't great. The second half was much better.

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I watched "Eyes Wide Shut" for the first time today. Fuck me, it just killed me.


It's been on my list for quite a while given it's a Kubrick film, and his last one at that. The opening 20 minutes led me astray for sure. It began nice and after the argument between Kidman and Cruise I was expected a sort of love melodrama film (I. DONT. KNOW. shameful). Well the pace quickly picked up. The style was just typical Kubrick which I love. He is just able to set a tone to a film. So much so that many shots in this film looked identical to "The Shining", which I loved. Cruise and Kidman really killed this performance. It was subdued to a suitable degree of non-glamour.


Reading up on the film afterwards has made me feel a bit in a trance. It really gives the head a good charge into thinking of the dark side of free sex and all that silly stuff. eep

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Seven Psychopaths is the latest film that I've seen. Loved it. Completely loved it. :)


It's awesome isn't it? The cast is superb.



Walken is fucking amazin :D



Watched The Ides of March recently.

The more I see of Ryan Gosling the more I can say: He is seriously becoming a great actor.

And yes, he's hot.

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I had a huge smile on my face during all of that scene. :D:bowdown:


Haha Gerry's become a meme now?


I know him you know :D





Anyway I just back from seeing Kick Ass 2 in the cinema.


Really enjoyed it, good follow up to the first film.


Really enjoyed Jim Careys character .... still can't get over his voice in though, totally un Jim sounding but still enjoyed him.




The character of Katie was dropped very fast though I guess that was to do with the actress being busy with Nikita, but Katie's admission of having cheated on Dave seemed so out of character from the Katie in the first film.


Also Hit-Girls "retirement" and wanting to be a "normal" teenage girl felt so out of place. Especially that scene with the boyband video, I was expecting Hit-Girl to be "yeah that was stupid" or you know be Hit-Girl and call the other girls dumb whores or something but inteads she gets wet apparently?


(funny story I thought "Union J" was a made up boyband for the film so that they didn't have to pay any real bands to be in the film then when the video started I was wondering "why are One Direction in this and why are they being called Union J :heh;" [/notknowsboybandsyay])


Was also HIGHLY disappointed when she was left in the woods that she didn't beat the shit out of the guy she thought she was on a date with :mad:


Oh and what was with Hit-Girl giving Kick Ass the Adrenaline shot and him not needing it? When she used her own I was waiting for Kick-Ass to be put in a corner to need his so he could go all super awesome.





Hit-Girl beating up the guys in the ally with no holds barred and hand chopped off :D


Hit-Girl rescuing Kick-Ass from the Van.... though wish most of that scene wasn't spoiled by trailers :(


Mother Russia kicks some serious ass


MotherFucker being unable to rape Night Bitch was genius. They could have had him just rape her and that be it but being unable to "get it up" was a nice little twist to that scene.


The final fight at the end was good (mainly Hit-Girl vs Mother Russia) but not as epic as I hoped. It lacked a great Hit-Girl sequence like she had at the end of teh first with the guns blazing... though I think her adrenaline fueld moment was meant to be it, it didn't have the same "awesome factor" as the scene in the first film.



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This week:


Hunchback and Aristocats are both films I've been meaning to watch for years as I've never seen them (or maybe saw them when I was a wee'un, but can't remember them). I had some issues with Hunchback (sound levels seemed odd during the songs, found it difficult to hear the lyrics quite often) but both were good films. Oh and some of the CGI was a bit naff in the former, but it was the best part of two decades ago. Trying to watch Disney films I've never seen, so think I'm going to do some of the 00's actioney ones (Treasure Planet and umm...some other one I forget the name of) next week.


Is it, by any chance, Atlantis: The Lost Empire?


I've seen The Conjuring and The Smurfs 2.


The Conjuring was an awesome movie, I absolutely loved it. It had the creepy vibe to it but it wasn't scary, even though lots of people were jumping and screaming.


The Smurfs 2 was just fun and cute! :D

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Watched The Lone Ranger yesterday.


Much better than i was expecting, it's actually really good fun. I reckon it is worth seeing just for the last 30 mins (even if the film is a tad too long anyway). The final set piece is pretty darn good and the music during it is......well it makes it.

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