MindFreak Posted December 5, 2021 Posted December 5, 2021 Sorry, I meant it wasnt Mcu so wasn't really appropriate to post it in the MCU-thread.
Ike Posted December 10, 2021 Posted December 10, 2021 Shame Across the Spider-verse is so far way. Sonic 2 is looking good. First one was surprisingly enjoyable.
darksnowman Posted December 10, 2021 Posted December 10, 2021 On 12/10/2021 at 12:36 PM, Ike said: Shame Across the Spider-verse is so far way. Sonic 2 is looking good. First one was surprisingly enjoyable. Expand Agreed. Thought it was decent enough as well. Shall be going to see the sequel too I imagine!
MindFreak Posted December 13, 2021 Posted December 13, 2021 (edited) Watched 8-Bit Christmas the other day. Quite enjoyable movie overall, nothing great but had some charm. The ending was a bit too pukey but also very understandable. I could have wished for more video game related jokes or cameos but it's not important. They had a reference to both Mario and Donkey Kong, though, that was nice. I also think the movie would be alright as a drinking game - drinking every time Nintendo was mentioned. Edited December 13, 2021 by MindFreak
MindFreak Posted December 13, 2021 Posted December 13, 2021 First trailer for Fantastic Beasts 3: The Secrets of Dumbledore!
bob Posted December 14, 2021 Posted December 14, 2021 That is the longest trailer I've ever seen. It seemed like it was going to end three separate time...and then just kept going.
MindFreak Posted December 27, 2021 Posted December 27, 2021 (edited) The Batman, trailer 2: Still looks cool, the music is ominous and The Riddler finally seems like a real villain. Edited December 27, 2021 by MindFreak
Beast Posted December 28, 2021 Posted December 28, 2021 On 12/13/2021 at 6:56 PM, MindFreak said: First trailer for Fantastic Beasts 3: The Secrets of Dumbledore! Expand I'm so fucking excited for this! I missed the Wizarding World so much! I watched all of The Matrix movies including Resurrections and watching them back-to-back made me appreciate the trilogy a lot more. I used to hate Revolutions because it felt very separate but seeing all three of them together was quite well done, I thought. I still think it's the weakest one though. Resurrections was very enjoyable- I enjoyed it a lot more than I expected. Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City is a whole different story. The trailer looked quite promising with actually following the games enough for fans to love it but alas, it was pretty dull with no tension and the characters (except for Chris and Claire) were badly cast. It's a shame because I thought it held potential and it's sad to see it wasted with crap cast choices, characters doing pointless shit and scenes being added with zero relevance to the film. At least the Project: Alice series was entertaining at some level...
Will Posted December 28, 2021 Posted December 28, 2021 On 12/28/2021 at 12:37 AM, Beast said: I watched all of The Matrix movies including Resurrections and watching them back-to-back made me appreciate the trilogy a lot more. I used to hate Revolutions because it felt very separate but seeing all three of them together was quite well done, I thought. I still think it's the weakest one though. Resurrections was very enjoyable- I enjoyed it a lot more than I expected. Expand I’ve always liked the two sequels. The original works well on its own and the second two do a great job of building up the world and playing with the format. Still one of my all-time favorite trilogies. Managed to catch Resurrections the other day and was pleasantly surprised. The way they took the story made sense and it was a nice twist on the format while remaining true to the originals. I kind of hope that’s it for those characters/story now but I’d love more general Matrix stuff.
Cube Posted December 28, 2021 Posted December 28, 2021 On 12/27/2021 at 8:13 PM, MindFreak said: The Batman, trailer 2: Expand The Batman trailer 1: Dark, mysterious and gritty. The Batman trailer 2: Halle Berry Catwoman dialogue.
Dufniall Posted January 12, 2022 Posted January 12, 2022 So, there's a Foo Fighters horror comedy movie coming? Yes please! Got some serious Pick of Destiny vibes from this and it looks to be a laugh! 1
CrowingJoe79 Posted January 15, 2022 Posted January 15, 2022 So I just seen Scream (aka Scream 5) on a site, I better not mention here. What a GARBAGE repeat, and it's not even very entertaining or original either. Wes Craven, you deserve so much better. RIP, good sir.
martinist Posted January 15, 2022 Posted January 15, 2022 I haven't been to the cinema in literal years. Last movie I saw there was Joker, fun times. Looking forward to the second Sonic movie. The first one was really good. I've heard bad thing about Scream 4. This is what you get if you wait over 20 years to try and reboot a franchise. I hate what they did to the Elm Street movies as well if i'm honnest.
Beast Posted January 16, 2022 Posted January 16, 2022 (edited) On 1/15/2022 at 12:22 AM, CrowingJoe79 said: So I just seen Scream (aka Scream 5) on a site, I better not mention here. What a GARBAGE repeat, and it's not even very entertaining or original either. Wes Craven, you deserve so much better. RIP, good sir. Expand I thought he would have been pretty proud of it, to be fair. If anything, it reminded me more of Scream than the other sequels. They honoured the first one and what '96 did for slashers as well as recognising that it's a continuing story. I was pretty excited for this and I did go in with high expectations because it's a series I hold very close to my heart. It ignited my love for horror (which was ironically recognised in the new film). However I understand why some people didn't like it but I would recommend watching it in the cinemas and giving it another try. On 1/15/2022 at 7:35 PM, martinist said: I haven't been to the cinema in literal years. Last movie I saw there was Joker, fun times. Looking forward to the second Sonic movie. The first one was really good. I've heard bad thing about Scream 4. This is what you get if you wait over 20 years to try and reboot a franchise. I hate what they did to the Elm Street movies as well if i'm honnest. Expand There was good and bad with the new Scream but overall, it was pretty great. It's definitely the most brutal in the franchise and I thought the story, for the most part, was definitely the strongest of the sequels. I did have a problem with a couple of things but I adored the easter eggs and the references in this one. Reveal hidden contents I loved it because it wasn't afraid to be bold. The kills were brutal from a simple neck stab to being stabbed numerous times. In the previous Screams, they cut away from the multiple stabs quite a few times but with this one, it felt different and that wasn't a bad thing. It wasn't afraid to hold back. It showed that you don't need flying guts everywhere to make you feel uneased. I also loved the fact it answered an 11 year old question in the form of an easter egg: Kirby from Scream 4 (Hayden Panettiere) is alive! During a YouTube video (a cameo made by YouTuber's Dead Meat, who I love), you can see a video in the Recommendeds saying "Interview with Woodsboro Survivor: Kirby Reed" and it was dated 3 years ago. It was an unanswered question in Scream 4 because you never actually saw her die. It turned out that Wes Craven wanted Kirby to survive and become a final girl but Kevin Williamson wanted her dead. I also loved the little nods to horror in the film as well and the respect it had for the original was great too. I really enjoyed the cameo of Martha, Randy's sister from Scream 3, and the fact she has kids who were part of this film was a nice touch. I loved the story a lot more than I expected to and found myself really enjoying Sam's story. I was hoping the characters were going to be at least average and I ended up caring for them bar one, Amber, which brings me to my next bit. There was only two things that I didn't like: the reveal and the motive. Both sucked. The killers were sort of obvious if you've watched Scream before. If you've seen four of them, you should know who to look out for. Amber had the least amount of screen-time (or felt like it) so instantly I knew it was her and funnily enough, as soon as Richie came on the screen, I instantly said "It's him...straight fact". I loved how Dewey instantly knew as well. Speaking of, I hated the fact Dewey was killed by Amber. It made no sense considering she wasn't the same height as him and wasn't as obsessed with the Stab franchise as Richie so it would've made a lot more sense if it was him. The motive was poor too, the poorest of them all and that's saying something considering I hated Scream 3's reveal and motive, but I still enjoy the films all the same. Unfortunately it did leave me a little sour but not enough for me to not be satisfied of the entry and to want more. Even the legacy characters had the right amount of screen-time for me. I know people wanted them there longer but the point of the film was to create something new but familiar and I think they did it perfectly.Sam and Tara are both interesting characters and I was rooting for them entirely. Mindy and Chad were awesome additions to the series as well and very likeable. I'm actually surprised with how they had their own identities but strongly brought the movie-geek persona that Randy gave in the first two Screams, something that was sorely missing in Scream 3. I loved the memorial "for Wes" and paying tribute to Craven (like the picture in Randy's memorial of a cinema playing "A Nightmare on Elm Street") and the names (like Dylan Minnette being named Wes and Sam having the second name Carpenter, as a tribute to John Carpenter). I'm glad they've kept the tradition alive for that. I also loved the intro too, it's definitely the best intro since the original hands-down. It felt more like Scream and it delivered. The iconic phone call from Scream 1996 was a very nice touch and definitely beats the cinema intro from Scream 2 and the meta-intro from Scream 4. It just hit the right notes for me. For me, this shits all over Halloween Kills, which was dire and misleading and tried to achieve what Scream 2022 did. I can't wait to see this again to see what other easter eggs I missed. Edited January 16, 2022 by Beast
bob Posted January 18, 2022 Posted January 18, 2022 On 12/27/2021 at 8:13 PM, MindFreak said: The Batman, trailer 2: Still looks cool, the music is ominous and The Riddler finally seems like a real villain. Expand That actually looks really good - much more Nolan than Snyder. We watched Encanto once it made it onto Disney +. It was ok. It starts off a bit confusingly as they have to try and introduce a zillion characters all with special powers, but once it gets going in the middle, it's pretty good. There are a couple of really catchy songs in it (Surface Pressure being the best imo), but then it kind of just fizzles out at the end. 5/10 Reveal hidden contents You spend the whole film thinking, "man, the grandma is a bit of a cunt", and then it turns out the moral of the story is that the grandma has to stop being a cunt. And then they all forgive her because she had a hard life, but I don't know if that's a good enough excuse to just disown your son and granddaughter and treat all your other family like dirt. Anyway, the conclusion felt a bit empty. I felt like there was going to me more of a mystery as to why the magic was failing rather than the classic "we all just need to love each other and get along". Also watched The Suicide Squad. I feel like all this had to do was be better than the previous one, and that seems like all it tried to do. I quite enjoyed it - it definitely had a better tone than the other one - if you are going to focus on the really wacky, crazy DC characters, you have to do it in a wacky, crazy way. 7/10
Shorty Posted January 20, 2022 Posted January 20, 2022 Half way through watching The Matrix Resurrections I thought I was going to disagree with everyone, I loved what they were doing. Then suddenly it took this crazy spiral out of control, seemed to lose all direction and focus, and a truly terrible ending. I can't think of another movie that flipped my opinion of it so much half way through. 1
Ashley Posted February 11, 2022 Posted February 11, 2022 The physics for the Superbowl bit was really bad but it's just a promo thing. Guessing it means a full trailer will be released during the Superbowl then.
BowserBasher Posted February 12, 2022 Posted February 12, 2022 On 2/10/2022 at 6:12 PM, Happenstance said: Expand I know many people weren't keen on the Jurassic World films, but I love them, I mean dinos running around civilised places eating people, what's not to love. This looks awesome though, that opening VoiceOver by Hammond, the return of Ellie and Alan. I can't wait for this one. 1
MindFreak Posted February 28, 2022 Posted February 28, 2022 Another new trailer for Fantastic Beasts 3: I'll definitely watch it but I'm a bit skeptical. I don't really understand why we need those Fantastic Beasts-characters in the movie...
Ronnie Posted February 28, 2022 Posted February 28, 2022 Could they have shown any more of the film in that trailer? I feel like every single scene from the film is in there. Anyway, looks good fun!
Ike Posted March 14, 2022 Posted March 14, 2022 New Sonic 2 poster. I’ll spoiler tag it just in case, but it’s all over social media. Reveal hidden contents I will say they nailed it. It does urk me a bit that the plot is essentially Sonic 3 & Knuckles though. 1
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