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Game you've played the most


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Before we go into this I don't really mean a game you've spent the most time with, which would imply many saying World Of Warcraft or some shit like that (Although I guess wank like Champ Manager may count). What I mean is what game/s have you played to "completion" more than most?


For me there are two that spring instantly to memory:


Legend Of Zelda: A Link To The Past: Best game ever. Many years ago when I first started playing this on the SNES I fell in love with it. Now many sexy concepts which were introduced back then are still used today (Which some clueless ones think Ocarina did first [Not that I'm disputing Ocarina's pr0ness]) I can't remember the amount of times I've gone through this game, getting on the GBA and playing it on the DS too... Time well spent.


Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem: The thing is about this game is that, as those who have played it will know, at the beginning you get to choose which artifact you align to yourself which changes enemies you face etc. For me, once I've started I have to do all three.


I'm assuming many may say Ocarina of Time here...




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Hmm, I'd imagine mine would be between 3 games for different reasons:


Team Fortress 2

I've spent hours upon hours (300+) playing this game, earning hats and weapons, doing the same thing over and over again and not being able to stop. It's just insanely good fun. I fully expect to be playing this game as solidly as I have this time next year thanks to Valve's amazing support for the game since launch.


Fallout 3

This is the single player game I absolutely rinsed to completion. I've never been as driven to find as much as I did in Fallout 3 and only got bored with it towards the end when the subway levels all seemed to merge together thanks to their lacklustre design. But the combat was constantly fun and humourous, and the game just felt like a whole lot of fun. For some reason New Vegas just hasn't had the same grab on me, though it's essentially the same game reskinned.


Rock Band 2

Having spent over £300 on all my Rock Band shit (instruments, games, DLC) I can happily say I've got my money's worth. RB2 had me coming back time after time in pursuit of getting a higher score, or playing along to new songs, or chilling with the mates. Once again, the stream of new content that's come out since launch (there has been DLC every single week!) is what has kept me interested in the game up until Rock Band 3s release. I can't get enough and have already started saving for the ridiculously expensive Pro Guitar that comes out in April. Yay!

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If we're going by games played to completion the most then it's definitely something from the N64 era for me.


There are a few contenders, Ocarina of Time, Mario Kart (if you include going through each grand prix every time as completing it), Lylat Wars, Goldeneye, Banjo-Kazooie.


I think the game I've played to completion the most is Lylat Wars though with Mario Kart a close second.


I don't know what it was about that era but it really was my personal golden age of games. Since that time I've not really had any game that has made me want to play it over and over again in the same way. The replay value of those games is just amazing when I think about it. None of the later Mario Karts have had the same playability and soul to it as MK64 imo. These days I'll play a game once and be done with it.


The Wii started off with a lot of promise for me as ExciteTruck brought that familiar feeling of quality and fun back to me. I played that game over and over again but unlike Lylat Wars and MK64 I've not touched it for months... I feel the Metroid Prime series deserves a mention too as I've played those through a few times each.


As this is in General I feel I can mention the Xbox 360 and Halo. I've not gone through the single player more than a couple of times but the online is immense and unmatchable for an FPS. I've played Halo 3 and Halo Reach more than I can count. Also Blur, which is a fantastic racing game, comes with great replay value in the single player but multiplayer really brings it. Those are the titles I've played the most on the 360, definitely.


I'm still probably more of a PC gamer though. I've probably given the most hours to Left 4 Dead 2 this year with CoD: MW2 coming in second. The replay value of Left 4 Dead 2 is brilliant, I could play it non-stop for a week and not get bored.


I didn't expect this thread to allow me to type so much, I don't usually post this much text so I hope at least 1 person enjoys it. Great thread :D


TL-DR - Lylat Wars.

Edited by The Peeps
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Played Tales of Symphonia 8 times with a total of 300 hours or so.


Probably completed each of the first three Spyro games 100% a half a dozen times each.


I spent the majority of a day to get on the leaderboard on Mario Striker Charged. Late on night I got to nr 8 for an half hour when the day ended and the board was reset.

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As this is in General I feel I can mention the Xbox 360 and Halo. I've not gone through the single player more than a couple of times

For some reason I couldn't get into Halo. I got the first and second (with some other games) on Ebay and playing the first I couldn't get into it... It was a FPS... That was it. I didn't see the ejaculation angle.

Great thread :D

Fuck yeah!

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First time I got properly engrossed in a game. When I got the game, I played it solid for 3 days (until I completed it), stopping only to eat and sleep. Did the same with Shenmue 2. I wish I still had time for games like that.


Sonic Adventure

I've lost count of the times I've completed it. I can usually complete each story in an hour or two (did Sonic, Tails and Knuckles story at the 24hr fest)


Project Gotham 4

When I still had my 360, I'd keep coming back to it. The game matched my tastes perfectly. I'd still be playing it now if my 360 hadn't packed up. Racing perfection IMO.



Probably the last of the games that I got properly engrossed in before work, friends, photography and other shit took over most of my time. Did everything in the main game and the expansions (although one expansion jipped me out of an achievement).


Skies of Arcadia

The game that single handedly started my obsession with airship pirates. In the whole "if I had 3 wishes" scenario, my first wish would be to own the Delphinus. The other 2 wishes would probably be ways to defend it from the greedy Americans.


Phantasy Star Universe

Probably comes into the same category as WoW. I've just spent far too long playing it.

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Man, there are plenty from me:

Sonic 3 & Knuckles


Pretty much the first game I would complete over and over again, just exploring new paths, or simply having a blast trying to finish levels as fast as possible. One of the best platformers ever, no doubt.


Age of Empires II


I spent hours exploring this game, alone, without actually playing it on multiplayer. Loved it, in all of its Spanish glory.

Worms Armageddon


Such an extensive Single-Player mode... And I loved every second of it. Playing it Multiplayer was a blast, too


Pokémon Blue + Silver


Good ol' times, where all your friends at school also played pokémon, and hours were spent here trying to catch rare pokémon, breed them, exploring these massive games thoroughly, finding new stuff nearly constantly... Awesome times.


Pokémon Pinball


One of the most fun, addictive games I've played. The data erases itself periodically, but dammit, I don't care.

Ocarina of Time


Completed several times, and I still love it.


Skies of Arcadia



Wind Waker


Every time I replay this game, I make sure I complete it 100% that's how much time I spent with it.


Tales of Symphonia


Every time I replay it, I seem to find new stuff, new cutscenes/dialogue that I haven't seen before. The amount of sidequests in the game is amazing.


Fire Emblem 7


I don't have all the supports, but this is by far my most played GBA game. The level of optional character development is amazing. I've replayed this numerous times, to get supports and try out different characters.


Elite Beat Agents


Like Pokémon Pinball, this is very addictive.


SSBM + SSBB + Tekken 5 + Tekken 3 + Soul Calibur 2 + TimeSplitters 2 + NHL 2k5 + Smackdown! 2: Know Your Role + Rise of Nations


a.k.a. The ones that I have played for hours and hours with my best friend. Wouldn't be the same without him.

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Probably Halo 2. That shit consumed me.


Clocked a lot of time on the Smash Bros. series in the past also, as well as Pokemon. Nothing as immense as some of the times listed in here though, whoa.

Edited by Guy
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Phantasy Star Online - On the dreamcast and gamecube, for a game that had four levels I just kept going back for more and more, god knows why. Well over a thousand hours clocked in on that.


Not me but my bro on Resident Evil 4, I used to watch him play and every time I did he would wander off somewhere and go find some expensive jewels, it was all self taught and epic to watch.

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Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - One of those games I played over and over again when I originally had it and now every now and again i'll always give it a play through.


Super Mario Bros - A favourite in our house, if I ever get the NES out and set up downstairs then nothing will get done all weekend while we take it in turns playing Mario.


Animal Crossing - This game really helped me get back into gaming after about a year of just feeling very meh about everything. Id just play it for 15-30 minutes each day for months. Looking forward to the 3DS version.


C&C: Red Alert 1+2 - Both of these games would just keep me entertained for hours playing on Skirmish. Might have to go back on it in a bit actually.


The Sims - I was obsessed with the original Sims for a long time, me and my sister both played it shit loads.

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Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty: I played the crap out of this game and finished it over and over again and its only untill recently that i've learned that they've hidden some sort of hunting game in there too. I never even knew that existed


Zone of the Enders: Again played the crap out of it alot, theres just something about whiny little kids in giant mechs that gets me off


Final Fantasy X:Got everything, leveled everyone to hell and limit broke everything...fun times


Pokemon Blue: Got all 150...then i stoped playing

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Shenmue - Played and completed the first so many times, and never get bored, i had one game save where i didnt complete but just kept repeating a day of work on the docks as the forklift driver, and then after work would just stay in the canteen bit playing darts and buying stuff :)


GTA3 / Vice City / San Andreas - Completed the 3 games many times, especially GTA3, and did all the taxi, police, fire, paramedic missions, found all the hidden packages. On San Andreas ive got over 200 hours clocked on my save game, just from farting around with the game.


Goldeneye - Completed a couple of times, but obviously spent alot of time on the multiplayer


Gears of war 1 - Completed this 3 times

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Hmmm. I'm quite sure I managed to fully complete Banjo Kazooie back in the day once.


All the Halos I've played pretty extensively. In particular with Reach, I've completed all the achievements making it the first game where that has happened.


I managed to get all the masks on Majora's Mask before, that was pretty epic. Made for a very easy finale.

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This is actually quite a scary thought. I wonder how much of my life so far I've spent playing video games? Months? Years?


The most time spent playing one game has to be pretty close between Team Fortress 2, Delta Force: Black Hawk Down, Perfect Dark, Smash Bros. Melee, Timesplitters 2 and Unreal Tournament 2004 (can use the work excuse on the last one though, earned my place at uni through the mods I worked on).


Most completed is definitely Super Mario Bros. 3. Got All Stars for Christmas 1993 and Mario 3 quickly became my favourite. No idea how many times I'd completed it by the time I got my N64 in 1999 but I gather it was a lot.

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