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bad stuff thread.


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Cover her car in glitter and give her a stern telling off (along with a snotty letter) about the dangers of pixie dust to our natural environment.


Cover her bin with stickers with really bad puns. "You've bin naughty!" etc.


Add more stickers to her car, including the windshield, until it is deemed not road worthy and she has to scrap the car because no fucker will buy it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

To cut a very long story short, my nan and my half-uncle (who doesn't even live there) has decided to kick my terminally-ill grandad out of his own home after almost 50 years of paying all of the bills, all of the food and drinks and doing things around the house. As we was moving his stuff out, she was laughing with her son and his family about having space and stuff. I shouted "HAR HAR, FUCKING HAR! LET'S LAUGH AT THE FUCKING DYING MAN BEING THROWN OUT OF HIS OWN BASTARD HOME". She never gave a flying shit and I told her she was dead to me because I could never associate myself with someone who could do something as heartless as that.


The thing is, guys, he wasn't hard to look after. He was easy. Give him a cup of coffee, put his favourite shows on and feed him, clothe him and clean him and he's okay. It's not even like she did anything anyway. The most she did was give him his medication and then she would go into the living room and shut herself away. She told him he can never go into the living room and he must stay in the kitchen. She screamed in his face countless times over stupid shit and she was saying how she got no help. Me and my family have always been there because she used to cause arguments and shout at him and he couldn't defend himself and he point-blank refused to move out (he was 'okay' at the time, if that makes sense). Ever since we've been there from him waking up to him sleeping, we were alright. She hardly took care of him properly, left him dirty, left him by himself and just caused arguments and shouted and screamed, knowing it would hurt him. She's threatened to call the police on me saying I tried to hit an elderly woman which, obviously, I would never do. The night before he moved out, she left him outside the toilet screaming he was lost and he didn't know where he was but luckily I was there to help him. When any officials came, she put on the act of she done everything but the night sitters and nurses used to ask if I did everything and I told her the truth of that I cared for him and she just cooked food and did minimum and even they said she could do more and can see through her act.


It's been almost a week since it happened and he has seriously declined since the incident. His speech is real bad, he's delirious and extremely tired and he's upset that she hasn't even called for him. He says he's very happy where he is and he's comfortable but he's just upset she could do it to him. We went round to collect the remainder of his stuff and she even included his knife and fork and a plate and then went on to say "Can I have his mattress? It was only bought three weeks ago..." and to twist the knife, "If you're not having the TV in his room, can you help me find the remote so I can have it?".



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Not quite on the level of Animal's bad, but urgh...


Found a false widow in the house again yesterday. Pretty terrifying considering the reactions people have to them. Mum's terrified of spiders and I have no like for them, and I had to catch it.


We've had some in the house before, but we thought we had killed them all.


I need to either set this house on fire, or figure a plan as if one somehow gets into my room, it could end up crawling on me during my sleep then bite me as I roll over.

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Someone posted a picture of a Betty Spahetty doll on Facebook, and I made a hilarious comment about how she promotes unrealistic beauty standards, and no one liked it. Pearls before swine. :sad:



I need to either set this house on fire, or figure a plan as if one somehow gets into my room, it could end up crawling on me during my sleep then bite me as I roll over.

Well, hopefully you'll just eat it.

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My mom has a tough time...


At work (she works at a school) her colleagues basically just sit around while she's playing with the kids or doing projects. All of her colleagues but one are against her and she's already tried to work this out. To no avail. She complained to a higher authority... So far nothing has happened...


And today she found out that one of her brothers got medication which renders his immune system basically useless meaning even a little infection could result in his death. He refuses to be in a hospital because he is stubborn and his wife isn't home but at her grandkids' place to watch over them.

My mom thinks this is idiotic, of course, and she just called my uncle to tell her how she feels.

He got angry and just hung up.


I wasn't in the room when she called but just found her crying in the living room...we talked and I managed to calm her down.


We'll watch Bundesliga today and hopefully this takes her mind off things at least for a while.

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To cut a very long story short, my nan and my half-uncle (who doesn't even live there) has decided to kick my terminally-ill grandad out of his own home after almost 50 years of paying all of the bills, all of the food and drinks and doing things around the house. As we was moving his stuff out, she was laughing with her son and his family about having space and stuff. I shouted "HAR HAR, FUCKING HAR! LET'S LAUGH AT THE FUCKING DYING MAN BEING THROWN OUT OF HIS OWN BASTARD HOME". She never gave a flying shit and I told her she was dead to me because I could never associate myself with someone who could do something as heartless as that.


The thing is, guys, he wasn't hard to look after. He was easy. Give him a cup of coffee, put his favourite shows on and feed him, clothe him and clean him and he's okay. It's not even like she did anything anyway. The most she did was give him his medication and then she would go into the living room and shut herself away. She told him he can never go into the living room and he must stay in the kitchen. She screamed in his face countless times over stupid shit and she was saying how she got no help. Me and my family have always been there because she used to cause arguments and shout at him and he couldn't defend himself and he point-blank refused to move out (he was 'okay' at the time, if that makes sense). Ever since we've been there from him waking up to him sleeping, we were alright. She hardly took care of him properly, left him dirty, left him by himself and just caused arguments and shouted and screamed, knowing it would hurt him. She's threatened to call the police on me saying I tried to hit an elderly woman which, obviously, I would never do. The night before he moved out, she left him outside the toilet screaming he was lost and he didn't know where he was but luckily I was there to help him. When any officials came, she put on the act of she done everything but the night sitters and nurses used to ask if I did everything and I told her the truth of that I cared for him and she just cooked food and did minimum and even they said she could do more and can see through her act.


It's been almost a week since it happened and he has seriously declined since the incident. His speech is real bad, he's delirious and extremely tired and he's upset that she hasn't even called for him. He says he's very happy where he is and he's comfortable but he's just upset she could do it to him. We went round to collect the remainder of his stuff and she even included his knife and fork and a plate and then went on to say "Can I have his mattress? It was only bought three weeks ago..." and to twist the knife, "If you're not having the TV in his room, can you help me find the remote so I can have it?".




Dear God, that is just the worst! Where is he being moved to, hospital?

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Uggghhhh. Claire and I are going through a rough patch. She is currently sitting next to me with her ring off, back in the box. Brilliant.


I hate everything right now.


Job sux.


Life sux.














Sorry to hear that.


What's happened? Work stress?

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Not a brilliant day at work today.


One of the women I work with has been having trouble with her daughter who is suffering from depression. Its got to the point now where she actually tried to take an overdose recently so they cant leave her alone. As its Half Term she's had to bring her daughter into work but she was having one of her bad days so there was a lot of crying and she ended up wandering off twice. So basically I spent a lot of my morning worried that the daughter was going to go do something to herself or avoiding the office trying to give them some space.


Im really glad I've got next week off work as I dont think I could handle many more days like today. I feel absolutely terrible for both of them but also not entirely sure the daughter should have been brought into a workplace where it became a bit disruptive (not the bit I really minded) and got us worried (the bit I minded!).


Anyone who read my posts in the Job thread, this is the person I've been covering for that I was talking about the other week which is why I would never just refuse to cover for her.

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Dear God, that is just the worst! Where is he being moved to, hospital?


He moved into my house. I had to give up my job to look after him but his health declined. It got to the point where we had no choice but to put him into hospital because he started to shake. I thought I'd take him out for a little walk around the park (I say walk but he sits in the wheelchair and I push him) and he just started to shake uncontrollably. Luckily, my dad had come in the room and held him up with me.


We took him straight to hospital and I'm sitting next to him right now as I'm typing this. Everything has deteriorated and they say it's because the cancer has progressed. They won't say it but it's more or less due to stress and upset. He's been through way too much in the space of two weeks and it's all my grandmother's fault and it's just something I can never forgive. He has nightmares every single night, his speech is either mumbling or random words strung together (me and my dad and stepmom understand but to a stranger, it's nonsensical) and his balance is terrible. He can feed himself but he makes a terrible mess and he needs assistance to go to the toilet. I've had to have discussions about resuscitations, help and I found out yesterday that he's now got MRSA.


She's done so much damage but he's safe and loved and being looked after by the real people in his life. He doesn't want to know any of them anymore after everything that's happened so at least he still knows his own mind.


It's just shit. I have this really horrible gut feeling that this will be a terrible Christmas for me! :(

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He moved into my house. I had to give up my job to look after him but his health declined. It got to the point where we had no choice but to put him into hospital because he started to shake. I thought I'd take him out for a little walk around the park (I say walk but he sits in the wheelchair and I push him) and he just started to shake uncontrollably. Luckily, my dad had come in the room and held him up with me.


We took him straight to hospital and I'm sitting next to him right now as I'm typing this. Everything has deteriorated and they say it's because the cancer has progressed. They won't say it but it's more or less due to stress and upset. He's been through way too much in the space of two weeks and it's all my grandmother's fault and it's just something I can never forgive. He has nightmares every single night, his speech is either mumbling or random words strung together (me and my dad and stepmom understand but to a stranger, it's nonsensical) and his balance is terrible. He can feed himself but he makes a terrible mess and he needs assistance to go to the toilet. I've had to have discussions about resuscitations, help and I found out yesterday that he's now got MRSA.


She's done so much damage but he's safe and loved and being looked after by the real people in his life. He doesn't want to know any of them anymore after everything that's happened so at least he still knows his own mind.


It's just shit. I have this really horrible gut feeling that this will be a terrible Christmas for me! :(


I just can't believe his own wife did that to him... Was she his first wife? How long were they together?

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I just can't believe his own wife did that to him... Was she his first wife? How long were they together?


Second wife and they've been together for 47 years. They're not married though. My Grandad had taken on her two kids and they also had a kid of their own (my dad). She just went on about how much she done, how much she never had a life and how much of a nightmare he is which simply was never the case. She had more of a life than I did but I never stopped to complain. I used to come over every night and she'd go out twice a week to see her friends and went out in the day half of the time with no time limit. I had to go home from my best friend's wedding reception a couple of times because he got upset over her making things difficult. Like I said though, he wouldn't move and at the time, he was okay. Things got harder, yeah, but she didn't do as much as she loves to make out.


Oh and it's took her over 12 days to ask for him. She phoned us asking why his phone was off and she was wondering how he was.

I laughed and said "How do you expect him to be? He doesn't want to know you any more" and she just said "Okay" and put the phone down.

I wanted to say a LOT to her but then what would it solve? I'd never forgive her, I never want to talk to her again and neither does my Grandad. I'd want to tell her that it's her who has caused my sleepless nights trying to wake him out of nightmares and endless toilet breaks but it would fall on deaf ears. I quit my job to look after him but she wouldn't care.


I'd just never would have imagined this happening. But still, my Grandad is now cared for, loved and paid attention to 24/7 so it's worked out for the better in a way. Also, I've been offered to do a nursing course if I wanted to take it up as a profession. The Head Nurse saw how I am with my Grandad, taking care of him and whatnot and they've said they'd pay for a course in university if I was interested. I'm considering it but I'm scared of catching bugs and stuff...anyone here who is a carer or nurse?

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I'd just never would have imagined this happening. But still, my Grandad is now cared for, loved and paid attention to 24/7 so it's worked out for the better in a way. Also, I've been offered to do a nursing course if I wanted to take it up as a profession. The Head Nurse saw how I am with my Grandad, taking care of him and whatnot and they've said they'd pay for a course in university if I was interested. I'm considering it but I'm scared of catching bugs and stuff...anyone here who is a carer or nurse?


Definitely do it if that is offered to you and you feel it is something you could do in the future. Not sure what you mean about catching bugs (you can catch bugs anywhere really, not just in a hospital); nurses/carers have to keep up a high sanitation level (washing your hands a lot etc.), which would be part of your training.


One of my friends has done a caring job and is now in Uni to be a nurse, and I think she really likes it, though you do need to be able to deal with some bad stuff of course (ill people, cleaning them, possibly dealing with people dying). But if you are good at caring for people, it is definitely worth considering. I think it would be a more rewarding job than being in retail.

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I'd just never would have imagined this happening. But still, my Grandad is now cared for, loved and paid attention to 24/7 so it's worked out for the better in a way. Also, I've been offered to do a nursing course if I wanted to take it up as a profession. The Head Nurse saw how I am with my Grandad, taking care of him and whatnot and they've said they'd pay for a course in university if I was interested. I'm considering it but I'm scared of catching bugs and stuff...anyone here who is a carer or nurse?


Sounds like a perfect ticket out of retail. If you like caring for people then this sounds like a great opportunity! Do eeet.


Highly unlikely you'll catch a bug, it's usually the people who are already ill who are more susceptible.

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I'm considering it but I'm scared of catching bugs and stuff...anyone here who is a carer or nurse?

A couple of my friends have carer jobs, one in a nursing home (last I checked) and one, who I see nearly every Monday to play board games with in a pub, works at the QMC. She likes it. Another fellow gamer works on the same department but he's more on the admin side.



Bad thing for me though: I found a "tried to deliver dis shiz but we need monies fo' yo' customz" note. I can't find my passport now. It's going to either be the latest set of Pokémon cards or one of two projects I backed on Kickstarter, which I'll have to shell out another £12 for.

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I'd just never would have imagined this happening. But still, my Grandad is now cared for, loved and paid attention to 24/7 so it's worked out for the better in a way. Also, I've been offered to do a nursing course if I wanted to take it up as a profession. The Head Nurse saw how I am with my Grandad, taking care of him and whatnot and they've said they'd pay for a course in university if I was interested. I'm considering it but I'm scared of catching bugs and stuff...anyone here who is a carer or nurse?


You should really really consider going for this. Don't worry about catching bugs and things, look how many doctors and nurses there are and they aren't constantly sick - that should be the least of your worries.


What you should be thinking about is if you can see yourself making a career out of this? Do you want to move out of retail or do you enjoy it? Does it support you fully? Would this support your lifestyle?

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A couple of my close friends have had bad news which has just left me so stunned, I feel sick. One of my friends' mother has been diagnosed with leukaemia and my other friends' daughter died this weekend at the age of 16.


Just torn to bits for them both, I wish there was something more I could do other than be there for anything they'd need.

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That's awful kav. :(


I can't even contemplate how they must be feeling, I'm sure it must be terrible for you too being that they are close friends.


Really don't know what else to say other than I'm sorry to hear about it and that we're here if you want to talk.

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Caught a cold.

Now, as it is with us men, I'm a whiny bitch. :D


Just kidding.


It's fuckin annoying, though, especially since I have to be at two parties tomorrow and on Saturday (no way I'll miss those) and have to do some work for university. :blank:



Kav, that's horrible news. :( Sorry to hear that...

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I don't know what's going on at the moment, another friend's mum has been taken into hospital, having tests as apparently she's really unwell and then another mate has hit his head after tripping up and is in a coma... seriously, what the fuck?!


This is starting to turn out to be like last year all over again.


I'm ok, luckily I've great support around me, close friends and family. I just wish I could do more for my mates.



I was hoping big disasters would be behind me after the year I had in 2014!

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