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bad stuff thread.


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I saw a set-up coming a mile away, i took action.


No you were being a dick. There are plenty of ways to turn somebody down.


If you saw a pretty girl on a night out, approached her, and her response was "fuck off" you'd be on here complaining about how much of a bitch she was.


Well this time, you were that bitch.

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No you were being a dick. There are plenty of ways to turn somebody down.


If you saw a pretty girl on a night out, approached her, and her response was "fuck off" you'd be on here complaining about how much of a bitch she was.


Well this time, you were that bitch.


Fair enough, i probably would have been here complaining about that. Reading back, does seem i was a tad dick(ish). But as i mentioned, i saw a set-up coming. Using them particular words, not the wisest move ever.


Did see that chap earlier today whilst i was out shopping, he didn't say anything.

Edited by Jimbob
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So what part of this is bad? The fact a bloke was checking you out or your rudeness?

I'm not sure about you but if some dude started taking sly pictures of me I would consider it going a bit further than simply "checking me out".

If you saw a pretty girl on a night out, approached her, and her response was "fuck off" you'd be on here complaining about how much of a bitch she was.

Only if Jimbob had been approached by two other girls who were taking sneaky pictures of this girl (assuming I'm reading the story right) and then asked him to approach the pretty girl.

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Two days ago, my manager broke it to me that he was leaving, which is gutting because he's awesome. To make matters worse, the assistant manager handed in her notice today and has already left and she was awesome too! Apparently, me and the other supervisor was told we'd get her hours for now (which is awesome but still, it's sad she's gone) but when he goes, it's out of two people who'll replace him.


There's Dude #1, who is apparently nice-as-pie and down-to-earth. He's run a store before successfully and he wants to work where I am now.


Then there's Dude #2. He's a hard-ass and will sell you out to get to the top. Oh and apparently, he doesn't believe in talking or having a laugh at work and he constantly breathes down your neck.


Obviously, I'm panicking in case I get #2 because I wanted to leave my last job because the management were like #2 (there were other reasons but it was mainly that) and now I'm being told that I might have to live that shit again? -_-


Fingers crossed, I get #1!!!!!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

My sister moves back down today, i know she's my sister but over the last few years she's treated myself and parents like crap. The way she decided to tell us she was moving away i can't get over, basically she said she was moving the next day (she had already taken much of her stuff up their over the past few weeks without telling anyone). She's told many lies about us to her fiance (yes, she has a fiance which i've never met, but the parents did for 2 days in November last year).


She's been very avoiding on questions, it's hard to talk to her as we have no idea what she said to anyone about us.


So yeah, she's back tonight with her fiance. And apart from saying hello, i don't really know what i'm going to say or do. Me and my Dad are in the same boat, but Mum is forgiving and wants us to do the same. But i don't think i can, after what she put us through.


Oh well, beer is in the fridge.

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My sister moves back down today, i know she's my sister but over the last few years she's treated myself and parents like crap. The way she decided to tell us she was moving away i can't get over, basically she said she was moving the next day (she had already taken much of her stuff up their over the past few weeks without telling anyone). She's told many lies about us to her fiance (yes, she has a fiance which i've never met, but the parents did for 2 days in November last year).


She's been very avoiding on questions, it's hard to talk to her as we have no idea what she said to anyone about us.


So yeah, she's back tonight with her fiance. And apart from saying hello, i don't really know what i'm going to say or do. Me and my Dad are in the same boat, but Mum is forgiving and wants us to do the same. But i don't think i can, after what she put us through.


Oh well, beer is in the fridge.


It's easier to say than do. I can understand that. There's just some things that are unforgivable. Obviously I don't know your line but my line is genuinely being treated like shit. Blood or not, if you treat me like I'm inferior or like I'm a piece of shit, you're gone. Family and friends know this because I've done it to both.


My real mom treated me like absolute shit throughout my childhood and I put up with it until I reached 13-14 when I lived with my dad more. I went to her house for weekends and she just couldn't be bothered with me so I had my best friend stay over every weekend because he cared about me, he was more or less my brother even though we're not related. When I was 15, me and my real mom had a huge argument, I mean it was explosive almost. I left at that time and she never spoke to me for months, not even a phone call. She turned up and told me to pack my bags because I'm living with her again and I told her I'm staying. This got heated and she drove off. That was the last time I spoke to her. I haven't spoke to her since nor would I want to. The woman moved years ago and never told me. She lives somewhere out of Birmingham. I could die or be on Death's door and she wouldn't know (I wouldn't want her to). Three months ago, I saw her standing outside my workplace's window. She looked at me in disgust and walked off. Her friend she was with came in and told me she'd forgive me if I apologised. I said she should be apologising and told her she'd fall victim to her lies and scams soon. We talked a bit more and in the end, told her it's pointless to talk to me because my mind will never change and I told her she'd understand soon when she falls victim to her.


The point is that you can be immediate family to someone but just because your blood ties are close doesn't mean that they should get a pass to do anything they want. If you don't want to forgive her because you feel she's crossed that line, you have every right not to and that's okay, it doesn't make you a bad person. It makes you a person with your own mind.




Apparently, I'm now suffering from migraines. For the past two days, I've been feeling light-headed, dizzy and boiling hot with headaches so bad that it feels like someone is smashing my head up a brick wall and I've actually vomited a few times because of it. My manager has ordered me to take the weekend off and told me to re-couperate. Just going to sit in and watch some Disney blu-rays or something.

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My motorbike died on the way to work today. Was just driving along no sign any could be wrong then heard a BANG and the engine stopped. Wouldnt start back up. Wont be able get it to a garage till Monday so be awhile before find out whats wrong... Whatever it is I imagine it will empty my bank account :(

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Bad stuff:


Iv been on the forum for over 7 years and still no one has made me a birthday thread! My 2 brothers and 1 of my sisters havent sent me a card... And my work have purposefully not got me a card after everyone else this year getting one....


Oh and my kids werent awake this morning to see me before work either.


I hate my birthdays.

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Bad stuff:


Iv been on the forum for over 7 years and still no one has made me a birthday thread! My 2 brothers and 1 of my sisters havent sent me a card... And my work have purposefully not got me a card after everyone else this year getting one....


Oh and my kids werent awake this morning to see me before work either.


I hate my birthdays.


Happy Birthday, brah.


Is your birthday listed in your profile? I can't see it there. If not, it won't appear in the calender/at the bottom of the page.

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Bad stuff:


Iv been on the forum for over 7 years and still no one has made me a birthday thread! My 2 brothers and 1 of my sisters havent sent me a card... And my work have purposefully not got me a card after everyone else this year getting one....


Oh and my kids werent awake this morning to see me before work either.


I hate my birthdays.


Happy Birthday, brah.


Is your birthday listed in your profile? I can't see it there. If not, it won't appear in the calender/at the bottom of the page.


Yeah you need your birthday listed if you want a thread.


I haven't had a thread made since I removed my birthday.

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The partner on my team told us today that we were going for a 10k run on out dinner work.


Was going well until I slipped and fell into the canal :(


This. Is. Amazing.


You alright mucker? I hope you managed to get out ok..?



Edited by Kav
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