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bad stuff thread.


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OK... I've been away from work for a good few hours now - had a nice, light dinner, still angry. had a relaxing bath (and i mean, full on face mask, radox bath salt, animal crossing...) still fucking angry.


Soooo here, I rant about work shi...stuff...

WARNING - there be many swears ahead...


So i work as a PA* in a vet surgery, where a RIDICULOUS amount of bitching goes on. I'm talking bitching interdepartmentally, departmentally, person A will bitch about B with C then the next day C will bitch about A with B and so on. petty, childish, timewasting shite, right?

part of my job... PART OF MY JOB(!!) is to manage the company facebook page - this OF COURSE means that i spend ALL of my time on facebook and don't do any work at all. i'm well aware that these fuckwits believe this, despite me doing a fucktonne of work around them and FOR them every single fucking day.

recently i've been having a running joke with one of the senior vets about sympathy cards being too girly, he wanted me to get him some more "blokey" ones - so i did (wellie boots and shit) but to tell him they'd arrived i handed him a mock up card i'd created with a dude walking away from an explosion and "sorry your dog died, dude" or something written in meme-type.

bear in mind that i put this together in LESS THAN THE AMOUNT OF TIME I'VE HAD TO WAIT FOR PEOPLE TO FINISH THEIR INAINE GOSSIPING CONVERSATIONS SO I CAN ASK A QUESTION AND ACTUALLY GET MY WORK DONE AROUND THEM... i threw it together in illustrator while on hold chasing up some invoices - aaand it creates some kind of shitstorm of bitching from the nurses - "is that what she does all day?" and "why does she have time to do that" which are VALID POINTS but if ANY of the dickheads had the balls to say it to my fucking face i could quite easily explain to them that it took me less time than it takes any of them to make a cup of tea and excuuuuuuuuse me (princess) for wanting to actually bring some funny to the day.


ALSO! this whole "she just sits on facebook all day" is FUCKING RETARDED, how would they like it if i said something like "ooh it must be sooo nice to just play with fluffy animals all day." i KNOW they work hard, and i work fucking hard too. maybe i should stop offering to buy them lunches when i go collect them for the vets - THAT'S not part of my job - THAT'S a waste of my time.


AND you know the fuck what - i've had my personal, very well privacy filtered facebook stuff read in the past - so how about this anyone from my company reads this they can feel fucking free to approach me, my browser history and my A4 notepad FILLED with daily to-do lists is WIIIIDE open. take some time out of bitching about your colleagues for a second and come and fucking look.




phew. i feel a bit better.


* I can assure you, I use proper punctuation when at work. :blank:

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missed some absolute sitter goals today... and got hacked down horribly from behind in the box and landed badly on my back which is now fucking killing me. (legs got completely taken out from under me)... no penalty. Good.


Thanks christ we still managed a win, first of the season..

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Jeez, that sounds rough. :( Make sure and attend that meeting on Tuesday and tell your therapist all of this, yeah?


Aww, thanks for worrying. Will do. =)


Also already got a docs appointment for next Monday (22nd, curse ye doctors holidays) to discuss the possibility of anti-depressants under advisement from said therapist so hopefully some positive movement might happen soon. In a way I wish this had all happened sooner, when I wasn't near the end of my course and had more time to access to help knowing I needed it.


One perseveres.

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How long have you been self-harming, gaggle? I mean, is it something that's happened over the years sparsely, or is it something that's picked up since you got your diagnosis?


It's only been these last 2 incidents and I don't actually have a diagnosis for anything yet, but it is the result of sinking deeper into *something* I had for a very long time assumed would get better or I would find my own way out of. It sort of feels like the harming is a message from myself to myself more than anyone else. I can't just ride it out any more, it's forcing me to get stuck in.

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My wife is telling me i have symptoms of being Bi-polar and that i should get help. Is that sort of thing genetic?


No idea, but you should totally go straight to your GP if you think you do have any mental health condition.

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Aww, thanks for worrying. Will do. =)


Also already got a docs appointment for next Monday (22nd, curse ye doctors holidays) to discuss the possibility of anti-depressants under advisement from said therapist so hopefully some positive movement might happen soon. In a way I wish this had all happened sooner, when I wasn't near the end of my course and had more time to access to help knowing I needed it.


One perseveres.



If you get the right drug its amazing what it can do for your whole outlook on life. You can only deal with your problems with a steady mood. Just don't be an ass like me and take em, feel better, then become non compliant cause everything is all good, and the drugs made your blood pressure hit the floor anyway... *rolls eyes*


Kind of relevant I guess, but I'm dragging myself back to the doc to get back on my meds.



Had a complete mental meltdown about a week ago, stemming from an outbreak of psoriasis. I was travelling in mid June and taking meds would've been a real inconvenience, so with permission from doc, I missed a dose (its weekly). And I had a flare up, a bad one. The worst day in this episode, I literally scratched myself raw and bleeding because I was so frustrated. I was mentally transported back to being 19 again, when my life was nothing but endless blood tests and drug trials.


Just hoping that this drug keeps working, and my body tolerates it for as long as possible.


If it fails, I'm kinda fucked. The next stage of treatment is an IV therapy which I fancy like a fist to the face :(

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