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bad stuff thread.


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I almost went spare at work today.


I agreed to do some overtime yesterday which finished at 7:30, around 5 mins before I ask them if someone is going to take me off or can I shut down after the next few customers. They say I am meant to be staying til 8. I told them that I didn't agree to that, they whip out the overtime book which has me pencilled in for an 8 finish (not in my writing) I told them it was simply wrong and they closed me off. I even have a photocopy of my Christmas hours at home, which I told them I can bring in.


Today after they had closed my till for my break they said I had been reported in the "Standards book" for refusing to stay the extra 30 minutes and I had to sign the book to confirm I'd recieved the warning IE. admitting I was wrong. I literally told them to bollocks and walked off. Just to be triple sure I went to one of the offices to get a copy of my hours (since I didn't bring mine) luckily the deputy manager was in and found my hours, confirming it was a 7:30 finish. I asked for a photocopy to show them but he said he'd act as a witness (with other managers in the room)


Fucking fuming, there's no way I'm signing something to say I got a warning about something which they screwed up over.

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Too much sadness and depression in this thread.




*Limited time only while stocks last sizes vary serving suggestion always read the label actual in-game footage does exactly what it says on the tin excludes ROI this does not affect your statutory rights as a percentage of your GDA may include rough sketches of peanuts

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Bit of a disappointed day. The car repairs cost £114 which is lame, considering I wasn't even needed at work and it could have been avoided. As well as that, we finally got our school inspection report back, which was good. The downside and annoying thing for me is that there isn't a mention at any point about the lessons they came to observe me, there's no mention at all of the fact that I've wrote whole curriculums/schemes of work for two separate year groups from scratch, no mention about the planning for Spanish that I've done (again from scratch, when nothing existed beforehand! For the entire junior school). I'm pissed about that because I was given excellent verbal feedback, but it should be written in that report.


Bah. I'm annoyed at this because I have worked very hard and have been spending countless hours trying to make our part of the school better, in comparison to some who literally just turn up when work starts and leave bang on the bell, those who don't put the extra hours in and are teaching/doing the same thing since they got there.



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Screw 'em Flinkmon. If they not going to show appreciation for the effort you're putting in then don't bother. Spend your time doing something more productive. Like gaming and stuff.


It's not really that, because I know that they're only a small part of the job. The end goal is to teach children and make them happy, which I think I'm doing. So, I know I'll continue to put the effort in. It's just that sometimes it would be nice to get some gratitude or some recognition from the people you work for.

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Fuck. Work was horrible today. Found out the gory details... Daughter had a flat tyre thur morning on the way to work, called her brother to help. By this time they both were already late for work so decided to pop in and see their mum. Doors locked, car in the drive. They ended up breaking down the door and finding her hanging on the bannister. Her funeral is tomorrow but I can't bring myself to go, I've never been good at funerals :/

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Because I've used my card on a Moneybookers account in the past (closed because they tried scamming me out of my money), I can't buy a Minecraft gift card for my brother. Which is really annoying.


Actually, if I can pay someone by Paypal and get them to buy a gift card, that would be amazing.


Edit: Managed to sort it.

Edited by Cube
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Back into the UK, waiting at the airport to be picked up, it is raining outside, I have the symptoms of an early cold and I start work again tomorrow (being all alone on the late shift). Do not want. :(


Someone give me a job I like please! :(

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Threw a New Years party, It was a great party, Beer pong, roulet, Guitar Hero, Dancing, loads of drinking....


that was the issue... loads of drinking...


My curtain rail in the living room got ripped down by accident as someone fell over and grabbed the curtain to stop theirselves.


The downstairs toilet... which is new and just installed might I add.... well someone needed to throw up, and lifted the seat up with such force they snapped it off, and then missed the toilet and threw up all over the back wall anyways.


while this person was throwing up, some one else needed to and couldnt make it outside quick enough and threw up by the back door on the floor...


Then the upstairs toilet, someone washed their hands, and turned the tap on, which somehow then messed the plumbing up so water was coming from the piped rather than the tap... this was at about 5:20am, so we had to turn the water off at the stop tap.


The house only just stopped smelling of a mixture between a cheap bar and public toilet.



It's not uber bad stuff, but just... i guess what you expect from a party with 30ish people.


Great party other than that though heh.

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I would want to die. Kudos to remaining somewhat calm.




Fuck friends.


It had it's moments of hilarity...


When informed that someone had thrown up on the floor by the back door, as I went to check the damage, the smell of fresh warm chunder hit me straight away, however I wasn't aware of the splash back area and walked through some in my socks....


I instantly started gagging and close to vomiting myself, one of my closer friends took me outside via the patio doors and said "breath breath", while I'm still gagging, He didn't realize I had a pukey sock on and thought I was doing some crazy drunk antic taking my sock off and was laughing his head off while I'm gagging throwing a sock away in the back garden.


Looking back, the bad stuff was bad. But can look back and laugh at alot of it.



oh and at midnight when celebrating in the front garden I fell over on the front lawn and got rather wet muddy... then decided to go around hugging people... take that fuckers :p

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That's what happens when all your friends can't handle their drink. My best friend here is a Serbian ex-military engineer and he drinks beer like the rest of the world drinks water/coffee/tea/something people drink a lot of. The bassist from my old band wasn't pissed after 3/4 of a bottle of JD and yours truly frequently sinks bottles of Beaujolais at the rate of one an hour to no ill effects.


Conclusion: you need cooler friends. Like me.

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First day back in work today, and to my surprise i find 1/2 my stuff is missing from my desk. Including my chair, some equipment needed to do my job, a pen i bought myself and my mug. Funny thing is, they were locked in my draw and i took the key with me. I come back today and find the draw has been unlocked and the stuff has been taken.


Have reported this to a manager, who seems oblivious.


I have since found my chair and mug, but the headset and pen are gone. Tis a shame, the pen was a parker.

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This article:



They got so many things wrong it's crazy. The Pokémon Channel stuff is wrong, but the Sonic section is even worse. This guy has no idea what he's talking about. Shadow and Sonic are the same thing?! Shadow The Hedgehog came out after Unleashed?!


The very last sentence almost made my head explode. Then I calmed down and realised I care far too much about very trivial things :p But really, such a badly researched article doesn't deserve such a wide audience.

(which is why I am now sharing it for more hits... oh)

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They got so many things wrong it's crazy.


It's a list on Cracked. They don't really do much research and based a lot of stuff on things they think they know (but don't double check), things they've heard on their friends, myths, general misconceptions and all sorts.


Edit: I completely forgot "make up stuff".

Edited by Cube
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