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bad stuff thread.


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Today's Friday. For the last 1 1/2 years, every Friday has been a good day. Driving back home, to my mum, to my girlfriend.


Now it sucks. I'm still going to see my mother, of course, but the other most important woman of my life doesn't want to see me.


It's been only 6 days, but I thought I'd handle the situation better by now.

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So i wake up around 4:00am and i'm completely paralyzed, can't even speak. I glance over to my door and theres some old man staring at me and waving...i was freaked out so i closed my eyes and opened them again and it went away, i could move and speak again as well. This has happed three times now in about a month and it scares the crap out of me >__>

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Yeah seeing someone is fairly common. People have been known to report feeling pressure, like someone's pushing them down, too.


Personally I was well aware of what it was I was experiencing due to my dad telling me about when it's happened to him, so it wasn't too scary and I was able to rationalise.


FYI drinking a lot of alcohol is a known contributor, mr. Drunken Thread.


[/black pot]

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So it looks like another of these things where girls post vague status updates to Facebook to raise awareness of breast cancer is starting again. A girl just posted "4 inches 10 minutes" to Facebook.


Facebook, single handedly bringing African warlords to justice, saving kids from pedophilia and curing cancer. What will the social network do next? Find out after the break!

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"Shhhh, don't tell the boys! Only girls will know what we're talking about!"

"But can't men get breast cancer as well?"


"And doesn't it have a much higher mortality rate amongst men because of lack of awareness?"




11 inches, 5 minutes.

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"Shhhh, don't tell the boys! Only girls will know what we're talking about!"

"But can't men get breast cancer as well?"


"And doesn't it have a much higher mortality rate amongst men because of lack of awareness?"




11 inches, 5 minutes.


You win Facebook.

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I'm running the post office today. I was supposed to open at 9, but when my dad woke me up at 8, I was too tired to realise why, so I thought to myself, "Why's he waking me up at 8? I don't need to get up this early, I'm going back to bed."


Woke up again to a phone call at 9:25 asking me if I'd opened up.

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I had two different not-so-great-dreams (I can't really call them nightmares) last night.


The first one I lost my iPhone in a nightclub and when I tried to use the software to find it he somehow knew and turned off location services so it didn't work (on another note: why doesn't Find my iPhone override this?).


Second, I somehow got a girl pregnant without actually sleeping with her.


The first was a lot more traumatic, for some reason, but both very very vivid.

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On the topic of dreams, I've had a recurring theme of children dying in mine. I'm aware that this allegedly signifies the death of childhood, and the oncoming need-to-grow-up (it's true! It's all true!).


It's still incredibly depressing to wake up from what felt like 2 hours of Tom Hanks cradling a dead body on the death star and screaming whhhyyyyyy!? non-stop. Just plain depressing.

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The court/police system can be absolutely retarded at times.


A big of background: My dad and the second woman he had kids with split up. The kids (my brother and sister) live with their mother. She also has another kid (the father is still unknown six years later). For the past five years she has been seeing this guy on and off. The social services have spoken to her warning him about him as he's a suspected paedophile. They also contacted my dad about it to get him about it. Although they don't think my brother/sister are at risk, the younger one is more so (but without a father it's better they work though it all with my brother/sister). This guy has been with many single parents over the years.


The mother recently saw him for what he was (finally) and won't see him any more. In response to this he took her to court for custody of the kids. He's done this in the past, too and lost (obviously) and there's no chance of him winning this one. It's just the fact that he can take both parents who don't want him to see their kids to court over something like that. The judge even said that he's wasting their time. Because his solicitor didn't turn up they had to adjourn and arrange it for another time.


There is one good thing that's come out of this: because the case is in court, my Dad can now see the police reports about him. It pretty much comes down to the fact that the police know, there's just no evidence to do much about it. The police and social services are all over him so if he's seen with someone else, social services will send someone round to talk to them as soon as possible. He's known by the police, social services and a children's charity as the biggest danger to kids in the area. I'm pretty sure all are frustrated that they can't do anything about him (legally).


Oh, and he's able to get benefits to cover the costs, so the court case is paid using taxpayer's money.

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If he was actually a paedophile then there's a good chance that he would be arrested. Obviously it's not certain, but if anyone had proof then he would be, and without proof you don't know that he's a paedophile, so going around saying he definitely is a paedo is pure slander, and you could ruin his reputation and his life based on gossip and rumour.

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so going around saying he definitely is a paedo is pure slander


But it's social services that are going round telling people about him. They don't specifically say that he's a paedo (for the reason you stated) but they warn people as much as they legally can. He has been caught with child pornography on his phone, but due to the amount all the police could do was caution him.

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Bad enough I had to see my brother and my father today but now, after a four hour journey home, I find my housemate is getting drunk and high with her friends.


Regretting my decision to not move out.


Oh chuck, why did you decide against not moving? Your housemate sounds incredibly inconsiderate!

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