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Last night I had a seizure, cut my head open, spent the night in hospital on a drip and now I'm not allowed to drive for six months!


Possibly the worst day of my life!

What The Fuck man!!!?


A seizure!?... from what?


Hope you're alright!


and crap news about the driving. Send me a PM if you want.

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What The Fuck man!!!?


A seizure!?... from what?


Hope you're alright!


and crap news about the driving. Send me a PM if you want.


They don't know what caused it but apparently it can just happen to anyone, think it's got something to do with the electric signals in your brain overloading or summit.


As said on FB, this has me scared that they can apparently happen to anyon.....jfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffaaaaaaaaaaaa




Too soon?



Yeah, but no seriously....that...sucks. Hard. Do you need your car for work?


Nah, I can get the bus, it just means I wont be able to just decide to visit my friends back home whenever I want and that any trip to the shops will take a load of extra planning!

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Just six months?! I guess you have to be an official Epi to get the full year.


Complete sensation still hasn't fully come back yet on my tongue after my last fit. Almost two weeks now. Not sure if I've semi-dislocated my shoulder too, sometimes it makes a horrible crunching feeling and my arm hurts like hell for awhile after.

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Did you know/understand what was going on or did you black out?


I have zero memory of it happening. All I remember about yesterday is being annoyed that I didn't get up until 10:30, putting some washing on then waking up in hospital!

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Got to take Millie to the vet's tonight, She's been Ill the past few days so took her to the vets on Tuesday, they gave her some medicine which I've been giving her, then last night... complete chunder-fest. thought she was possessed, never seen so much puke from such a small / cute little thing.


I blame the medicine, because she only had the runs before the medicine.



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Well on the plus side, at least you aren't me :)


DWP sent me a letter claiming I owed them £110, which is a kick in the teeth because at one point they made me go 6 weeks without job seeker's allowance because of a bunch of red tape.


My bank has gone from graduate to 'classic' account, which means they may will start to throw all sorts of monthly charges at me, because I'm £1500 into my overdraft.


I was shit with my money for years and I am in no stable place to sort it out. I paid tax for a year while I was a student, then I paid tax for another year when I earned too little to be taxed, and I've been too lazy to sort it out.

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Just make sure you have anything (even £10 a month) being paid into the account and they won't fuss for you to pay it back. The interest rates aren't too bad either. I have a larger overdraft that was accrued under a student account and I pay about £25 a month interest, which isn't too bad.


It's really important to ensure that some money is being paid in, as I had a second student overdraft with a different bank, 'forgot' to keep paying money in on a regular basis and they demanded immediate repayment of the overdraft.

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Are you reading that correctly? I have to pay £5 a month if I go £25 into my planned overdraft now I've moved from a graduate account to a classic account. My graduate account was the same except that I could only go £10 into the planned overdraft.


If you're with who I think you are, your planned overdraft should be £1500 and you should just have the £5 monthly fee.


Also, Serebii, I got a letter demanding that I pay back about 2 grand of my student loan three years ago. I still haven't paid any back and I still get the standard letters detailing the interest.

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I was shit with my money for years and I am in no stable place to sort it out. I paid tax for a year while I was a student' date=' then I paid tax for another year when I earned too little to be taxed, and I've been too lazy to sort it out.[/quote']


I made the phone call a month ago, even though I thought it was going to be a long and complicated conversation. They were literally waiting for my call and it was all sorted out in about 5 minutes. Also I think (possible) you can arrange for them to phone you up. I'm now 3k better off :D



My bad stuff: The petrol in my scooter appears to vanished while I was on holiday.

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I accidently reformatted my whole 3DS today, instead of just the SD card (it was my own fault, not reading the menu's properly) - Still, I have a huge hole in my heart right now. My poor Mii has disappeared, hopefully to a better place.


We walked so many roads together, met so many different people, covered so many regions and thwarted every kind of beast that Street Pass could throw our way.


One thing is for sure, I won't be pissing around doing all the again :p Streetpass is dead to me now (and at this moment in time, my entire 3DS is)

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Are you reading that correctly? I have to pay £5 a month if I go £25 into my planned overdraft now I've moved from a graduate account to a classic account. My graduate account was the same except that I could only go £10 into the planned overdraft.


If you're with who I think you are, your planned overdraft should be £1500 and you should just have the £5 monthly fee.


Re-read it; £6 monthly fee and 1.53%/19.94 EAR (equivalent annual rate) - so I suppose on £1500 that's about £23 a month to start with and a total in-payment of £30 a month to pay. Doable. As to shrinking the actual debt, it's got to be something to motivate me when I get back to the UK, as paying £50 a month whilst on benefits isn't going to be pretty! Cheers for making me actually look, read and think, cube :)
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That sucks just huge balls. I hope you get it sorted Jay!


I had such a great night, I can't even begin to tell you, roof top terrance in NYC with free drinks and awesome people. Why in the bad thread?


I never want to leave and it makes me sad that I'll have to in 6 weeks :(

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Re-read it; £6 monthly fee and 1.53%/19.94 EAR (equivalent annual rate) - so I suppose on £1500 that's about £23 a month to start with and a total in-payment of £30 a month to pay. Doable. As to shrinking the actual debt' date=' it's got to be something to motivate me when I get back to the UK, as paying £50 a month whilst on benefits isn't going to be pretty! Cheers for making me actually look, read and [i']think[/i], cube :)


Trust me, you don't have to worry about repaying it any time soon - I'm 27 and my student overdraft just sits there with enough to cover the interest each month going in, as it has done for the last 6 years.

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That sucks just huge balls. I hope you get it sorted Jay!


I had such a great night, I can't even begin to tell you, roof top terrance in NYC with free drinks and awesome people. Why in the bad thread?


I never want to leave and it makes me sad that I'll have to in 6 weeks :(


I fail to feel sorry for you when you start it off saying you had such a great night :p

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Well my PS3 is fucked. Got a lens cleaner specific for the PS3...didn't help. Picture still freezes a few minutes in to playback. It isn't the disc as it happens at different points and it struggled to read other discs I tested with


Did a search and people with other similar issues had to pay like £130 to get it fixed.

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