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bad stuff thread.


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I'll give that Benadryl a try. I've never needed to take anything for hayfeaver before but this is way worse than I've ever had (before today, the worst was a small sniffle).


And I've got a weekend and two bank holidays coming up soon.

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I've had a shocker tonight. Went out for an all you can eat buffet, wearing a brand new (never worn before) white t-shirt. You can probably guess where this is going. Tikka Masala stain. I was being careful but a fucking lump of chicken fell off the spoon onto the sauce and splosh, 4-5 little splashes on me. I'm soaking it now with some vanish but I don't hold much hope. Can't even buy a replacement because it was on sale and is now out of stock on the band's website.


Proper angry with myself for being such a dickhead and wearing white out for dinner.

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Iun, how did it go?!


Well, I ballsed it up in the end: I decided not to spoil the weekend and try my best.


Then we got home and I asked for a divorce... Frankly, I didn't expect all that crying. So I told her she had a choice to make: learn to respect me, return my salary card to me and sell the house to move somewhere cheaper.


She said "I'll try" on the first one and "no" on the last two. So we are in limbo. She says she really loves me, but the money and the house are obviously of equal or greater importance.

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I've had a shocker tonight. Went out for an all you can eat buffet, wearing a brand new (never worn before) white t-shirt. You can probably guess where this is going. Tikka Masala stain. I was being careful but a fucking lump of chicken fell off the spoon onto the sauce and splosh, 4-5 little splashes on me. I'm soaking it now with some vanish but I don't hold much hope. Can't even buy a replacement because it was on sale and is now out of stock on the band's website.


Proper angry with myself for being such a dickhead and wearing white out for dinner.

You should be ashamed. Wearing such a large concentration of white at all...


Maybe try bleach.

Then we got home and I asked for a divorce... Frankly, I didn't expect all that crying. So I told her she had a choice to make: learn to respect me, return my salary card to me and sell the house to move somewhere cheaper.


She said "I'll try" on the first one and "no" on the last two. So we are in limbo. She says she really loves me, but the money and the house are obviously of equal or greater importance.

That's one banging compromise there. I don't see how you can call that limbo, she basically told you to go fuck yourself on each of your requests. If she's not even going to consider what you're asking you should get to da nearest choppa.

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She said "I'll try" on the first one and "no" on the last two. So we are in limbo. She says she really loves me, but the money and the house are obviously of equal or greater importance.



She might just as well have said no to all 3. "I'II try" likely means you may notice slight improvements for a week or two before she returns to her old ways.


Do yourself a favour and take action now. I assume you have some rights if you split?

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Well, I ballsed it up in the end: I decided not to spoil the weekend and try my best.


Then we got home and I asked for a divorce... Frankly, I didn't expect all that crying. So I told her she had a choice to make: learn to respect me, return my salary card to me and sell the house to move somewhere cheaper.


She said "I'll try" on the first one and "no" on the last two. So we are in limbo. She says she really loves me, but the money and the house are obviously of equal or greater importance.


You should straight up give her an ultimatum: do all three, or I leave. I mean, it's not like it's just a tiff - it sounds like your quality of life right now is terrible. I dunno though...will you miss her/is there another factor causing her to be so inflexible? Does she understand why your requests are important? /naïveté?


/noses out

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That's one banging compromise there. I don't see how you can call that limbo, she basically told you to go fuck yourself on each of your requests. If she's not even going to consider what you're asking you should get to da nearest choppa.


Also, she's your wife, she shouldn't have to "try" to respect you, it should be a given.

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I always feel my bad stuff isn't as bad as some of the other stuff going on in this thread (Iun's sounds particularly awful; no offense Ramar, i'm sure it was a lovely t-shirt) but nevertheless;


I presenting at a seminar tomorrow at Leicester Uni and it's all going so wrong. I just have too much stuff to present! It's only 20 mins, but i have like 30 mins worth of stuff. Cramming it in just seems to make me stumble over it and bugger it up, but i just can't see what i can remove with the rest of it still making sense!

It's a sort of a practise run as well for me giving the talk in New Orleans next month, so i really want it to go well...

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Well, I ballsed it up in the end: I decided not to spoil the weekend and try my best.


Then we got home and I asked for a divorce... Frankly, I didn't expect all that crying. So I told her she had a choice to make: learn to respect me, return my salary card to me and sell the house to move somewhere cheaper.


She said "I'll try" on the first one and "no" on the last two. So we are in limbo. She says she really loves me, but the money and the house are obviously of equal or greater importance.


It sounds more like she loves what you provide in all honesty. If she doesn't care that you are strained constantly just so she can continue in whatever fantasy she has going, then you need to do something.

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You should be ashamed. Wearing such a large concentration of white at all...


We all know you're a tad odd EM, but are implying you don't have any white t-shirts?



no offense Ramar, i'm sure it was a lovely t-shirt


None taken, I feel even more of a tart for letting it ruin my day yesterday.

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We all know you're a tad odd EM, but are implying you don't have any white t-shirts?

Having a quick look at my banging wardrobe, I appear to have about 4 t-shirts which are predominantly white. I don't wear them much. For some reason I sweat in them more than I would in a black t-shirt. I'll get a nice piccy of them.

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. For some reason I sweat in them more than I would in a black t-shirt. I'll get a nice piccy of them.


I have the weirdest boner right now...


Same thing happened to me yesterday with my white Esprit Tee - I got Bolognese all over me and I was incredibly sad because I had originally intended to put the Bolognese in my mouth.

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I found out last night that one of my favorite idols, Tippy Hedron, was in Dublin. She's the main star of Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds" and "Marnie".




I remember being obsessed with her for months... This is awful. She was doing a meet and greet last Saturday too. Of course I only find out yesterday. I feel like entering a coma =__="

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Ordered a laptop from Dell as a gift from me to me, god dammit I ended up spending half the day back and forward with a (admittedly very patient) customer sales rep because the payment instruction wasn't even getting through to the blasted bank for no discernible reason. It's that weird situation when you're desperately trying to give your money to someone who wants to take it but can't because the system you're both stuck in has decided it can't be bothered.


Think I managed to send it through manually. I hope so. I know I'm out £470 to somebody.



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Speaking about money, I haven't received my payment yet. =(


I got my payslip last Friday and kept checking my account every day, with nothing going in. Jim kept saying "it'll be there by midnight". Nothing ever came by midnight.


So today I mentioned it to my team leader and she said "You should have received it the same day as your payslip...".





Seems they somehow had my wrong details so god knows where my money has been sent to! Now I have to wait another week for my money to get through thanks to weekend and double bank holidays, which I don't even get off to enjoy! Booooooooooooooh.

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Shocking performance at the tennis tonight from myself and partner.


We won the first set convincingly 6-2 playing really well. Went 3-0 (1 break) in the 2nd but then pulled it back to 4-3. After that I don't know what happened, we just crumbled, couldn't play easy shots, missing easy volleys into the net. Ground strokes and serves from both of us were poor. Lost the 2nd 6-4 and then 3rd 6-1.


Fortunately our team still won over 5-4 but still very annoyed with playing so badly after the last 2 matches we've played really, really well.

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Speaking about money, I haven't received my payment yet. =(


I got my payslip last Friday and kept checking my account every day, with nothing going in. Jim kept saying "it'll be there by midnight". Nothing ever came by midnight.


So today I mentioned it to my team leader and she said "You should have received it the same day as your payslip...".





Seems they somehow had my wrong details so god knows where my money has been sent to! Now I have to wait another week for my money to get through thanks to weekend and double bank holidays, which I don't even get off to enjoy! Booooooooooooooh.


I've had this happen twice now, it seems its so easy for this to go wrong! At least you'll really appreciate it when it turns up!

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I've had this happen twice now, it seems its so easy for this to go wrong! At least you'll really appreciate it when it turns up!


It actually arrived! =D

Apparently since it went through the same bank as mine it got here quickly, yay!


Now I can place some of that hard earned cash in my new MacBook fund whoo.

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It actually arrived! =D

Apparently since it went through the same bank as mine it got here quickly, yay!


Now I can place some of that hard earned cash in my new MacBook fund whoo.


Nice one! I haven't managed to get that lucky yet, but I do have some good news! To the other thread.

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This is the last straw for this job. It takes nearly two hours to get there and then when I'm 20 minutes away they tell me they don't need me for the day. They play horrible glee songs on repeat. I am not allowed to do anything else but walk constant laps of the playground and look at only the children. I looked at the map of the place once to try and learn some things for when people ask me questions but I was given out to. I can't stand there bored out of my mind for 8 hours. I tried though. I tried leaning for 10 minutes out of every hour to try and get through. I tried playing little games that involved glancing at a piece of paper for half a second every once in a while to try and keep me somewhat engaged. Got given out for that too.


I told him. I can't stand there for 8 hours. I need to get a little rest. He didn't care though. He said there were plenty of people who can stand there for 8 hours. Even 12 hours. He says he's a military man and that it's easy. Well get those people to do it then because I'm not any more. There's a reason I don't want to join the army. So I quit. It was actually akin to torture.


They would mess up with the payslips all the time as well. So I had to keep checking they were paying me right and complaining when they didn't. And although everyone else got 9.50, I only got 9.


I'm actually relieved I don't have to do it any more. I prefer to stay home all day with no money.


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You worked in a playground though, it had its perks.


Joking apart, that does sound sucktastic, at the end of the day, if it was that unbearable you have done the right thing. You shouldn't have to put yourself through that kind of torture, long term it would destroy you, at least a little. So. Good for you, frankly.

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I know it's Saturday but I'm annoyed that the people below us are having another party. I'm tired! Don't they know its E3 this week?


Plus Teenage Dirtbag is bad enough. Nobody should have to hear a drunk karaoke version.

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