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bad stuff thread.


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Urgh, really feeling like crap at the moment. Got a pounding headache and the pain I get in my chest which is usually associated with a really bad cold I get maybe once a year. Just hoping at the moment that it'll go overnight, otherwise if it is the cold i'll have a week or so of not being able to sit down without my chest hurting.

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I had this issue when I did a bit of supply teaching, it's really frustrating. It's almost as if they're making it as hard as possible to support you. I find that it all depends on who you talk to and which job centre you're at. I once got cut off for working 3 hours in 2 weeks! It's always worth asking a few people and just bugging them til someone does something (I usually start crying). They're stuck behind red tape and most hate anything that doesn't tick a yes/no box.


Got back from a brisk break away to find 3 letters from teh job centre, two saying "we have changed your claim because: You wanted to end your claim" and another letter saying "everything we have given you this year is taxable. Expect something in teh post."

Luckily these letters are dated before two of my 4 visits last week, so I'm expecting another couple of letters.


Also received my latest paycheck -- underpaid by a measley £19 -- but it it still a much-needed £19, considering that would've covered my phone bill... which hasn't been paid, and now I can't send texts or make calls :P


it's all a bit of a sardonic patch at the moment, but I'm able to sit back and wryly appreciate the moronic nature of it all!

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Urgh, ended up looking through about 2000 (and a few more) job applications last night. And there is pretty much nothing on there that I could do/that I'm qualified for/that wouldn't make me go crazy after a while.


The only thing on there that's sorta something I could do, is working in Subway... =(

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Urgh... had a meeting set up with my dissertation supervisor at 2, meaning I had to hang around for an hour after my class. Got to his office only to find he's got a meeting with another student. Fine, I'll come back a little later. 20 minutes later he was still in the aforementioned meeting and I couldn't wait around any longer as I had to be elsewhere.


So now I have 6 days to sort out my dissertation before I need to hand in my Approval of Supervision form, which my supervisor needs to sign, and I needed to have this meeting to help get the ball rolling. Now I'm going to have to cobble a couple of ideas together and set something up on Monday, hoping for the best. At least if it's an outline, everything else can be sorted out later I suppose but that's the only upside.


This on top of me needing to do a 20-25 minute presentation of a paper next tuesday has me seriously stressing out and it's only technically my first week back. Any plans to relax this weekend are well off the table now.

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I missed registration for my course last Thursday because the geniuses running it didn't think to send an email as opposed/as well as a letter which inevitably went straight to my old address almost immediately after I had left and didn't have anyone to forward it until it was too late. Apparently there's at least six other people in the same boat as me and the dude said he'd phone "middle of next week." Can't seem to get a hold of him. This is irritating because a) I don't like badgering people but obviously I want to get this sorted and b) I really need to know when class is because I have to work around it as well, goddammit.


It's probably gonna be fine but it's one more thing on top of other things that I need to deal with and shouldn't have to by now anyway. Also the Leprechaun is telling me to burn things. This is not a good thing.

Edited by gaggle64
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This carries on from good stuff thread Part 1:


So, I thought I was doing a good job. Until, I found out yesterday that the parent in question has gone straight to the Headmaster, complaining that I have been setting two bits of homework every night (handwriting homework, which I have NOT set at all) that is due in for the next day. Complete fucking bullshit, because I have a clear system that I have told the kids and the parents themselves. If the homework is set on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday, it is due in for Friday. If it's set on Thursday or Friday, it's in for Monday. Pretty obvious, which means the kids have plenty of time to do the homework, which they all have been doing, apart from this one.


What's more, this pissed off my head of department, because the parent didn't go to her at all. She went straight to the headmaster. She's also been bitching about other members of staff, saying that we haven't been helping the parent out, and also that I haven't given her a copy of the timetable...which I did and stapled into her homework diary. Fucking idiot!


So now me and the head of department are meeting her afterschool on Wednesday to discuss the issues. I would really, really, really fucking love to lay into her and verbally destroy the parent with the facts, but I'm going to be professional about it and destroy her with kindness. Or something.


good stuff thread part 2

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well dunno if I told ya but i left uni (temporarily) in may on the belief it was a temporary withdrawal. That I would be able to re register in september for january as assessment only (therefore not having to pay the couple of thousand - was told as i would be classed as resit so it would only be like a hundred per module)


So when i went to registed yesterday not only was I not classified as assesment only... my account hadnt even be activated again -_- and when I try to register i was getting charged everything (2.5k!) was like noooooooo


Was told by my lecturer person that they have to find me a way to stay on the system but not have to pay everything (this was not what I was told in may >.>)


They have to monday to fix this then Im gonna ring / visit / glare at them. Cause Im not going back if i have to pay 2,500 when i was told it would be so much less!

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The "J" key on my laptop needs to be pressed extra hard to work, and has lost the springyness of my other keys. This is not going well with my OCD.


What can I do? Take it to a shop? Will they fix it? Does it cost much?




Pop it off and check it. Could be dirt/debris causing it to be stuck, or just wonky/loose. Unless it's the type of keyboard where keys can't be removed/popped off.

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well dunno if I told ya but i left uni (temporarily) in may on the belief it was a temporary withdrawal. That I would be able to re register in september for january as assessment only (therefore not having to pay the couple of thousand - was told as i would be classed as resit so it would only be like a hundred per module)


So when i went to registed yesterday not only was I not classified as assesment only... my account hadnt even be activated again -_- and when I try to register i was getting charged everything (2.5k!) was like noooooooo


Was told by my lecturer person that they have to find me a way to stay on the system but not have to pay everything (this was not what I was told in may >.>)


They have to monday to fix this then Im gonna ring / visit / glare at them. Cause Im not going back if i have to pay 2,500 when i was told it would be so much less!


I see. Well, they obviously need to get it fixed or compensate you some other way. A grave mistake like that simply must have consequences.

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Ugh, got hit by a bad 24 hour bug yesterday. Started at 6am and continued till midnight Resulted in throwing up every half hour or so. Feel ok today, feels like I'm hungover, very weird.


Maybe you just saw yourself in the mirror and your body is rejecting yourself?



My girlfriend just before she left after being at mine for the weekend just got in to a massive argument with me the "poke back" thing on facebook. She a girls name who I said was from College but I haven't spoken to or seen for years and she thought something was going on/ I was shifty about it.


I was just surprised initially when she mentioned the girl's name because I didn't know where the name was plucked out from but then she said my excuses sounded odd. Ergo me having to show her other people that poke me and remove a couple of people because she was balling her eyes out. Not sure what's happening now, she left to get the train and isn't really speaking to me.

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