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I don't know, she doesn't know, no one knows. The issue isn't really lack of internets, it's the night and day I'm wasting trying to fix this stupid problem :mad: I have decided that nothing I do will fix it, there's some bizarro/awkward way to set it up that only my cousin knows. (He's coming tomorrow.) I suspect this would be easier if the router browser interface and instructions that my dad found weren't in Taiwanese.

Edited by EddieColeslaw
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feel like I'm bashing my head between a rock and a hard place...


Battling my weight issues, with medication that is making it UNBELIEVABLY worse, and now I have to force myself to go on a total food replacement diet of 600 calories a day to lose weight and stop myself from ending up critically unwell. Drugs I can't come off or I could very well be hospitalised/die without. Drugs I can't have children with while I'm on. And coming off them, psoriasis relapse, then its unlikely to be as affective next time round/won't get funding again.


People saying cruel things... "i'll take you on a date when you reach your goal weight" and someone i'm genuinely probably in love with completely sending me into a blind jealous RAGE by constantly talking about his "online girlfriend" at every possible given moment.


Not very often I start to give up on life completely...bad times :(



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feel like I'm bashing my head between a rock and a hard place...


Battling my weight issues, with medication that is making it UNBELIEVABLY worse, and now I have to force myself to go on a total food replacement diet of 600 calories a day to lose weight and stop myself from ending up critically unwell. Drugs I can't come off or I could very well be hospitalised/die without. Drugs I can't have children with while I'm on. And coming off them, psoriasis relapse, then its unlikely to be as affective next time round/won't get funding again.


People saying cruel things... "i'll take you on a date when you reach your goal weight" and someone i'm genuinely probably in love with completely sending me into a blind jealous RAGE by constantly talking about his "online girlfriend" at every possible given moment.


Not very often I start to give up on life completely...bad times :(




Sorry to hear that. In regards to the child thing; how long will you be on these meds?

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People saying cruel things... "i'll take you on a date when you reach your goal weight" and someone i'm genuinely probably in love with completely sending me into a blind jealous RAGE by constantly talking about his "online girlfriend" at every possible given moment.

S'probably ReZ. Don't let it get'cha down!


*Orgy of hugs*

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People saying cruel things... "i'll take you on a date when you reach your goal weight"




Surely that was meant as a horrible attempt at encouragement? Otherwise this person doesn't deserve your attention at all. Rather, he or she deserves a kick in the sensitive area.


Don't give up, Raining! :) You're too awesome to give up! *massive hugs*

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feel like I'm bashing my head between a rock and a hard place...


Battling my weight issues, with medication that is making it UNBELIEVABLY worse, and now I have to force myself to go on a total food replacement diet of 600 calories a day to lose weight and stop myself from ending up critically unwell. Drugs I can't come off or I could very well be hospitalised/die without. Drugs I can't have children with while I'm on. And coming off them, psoriasis relapse, then its unlikely to be as affective next time round/won't get funding again.


People saying cruel things... "i'll take you on a date when you reach your goal weight" and someone i'm genuinely probably in love with completely sending me into a blind jealous RAGE by constantly talking about his "online girlfriend" at every possible given moment.


Not very often I start to give up on life completely...bad times :(





If this chap has an 'online girlfriend' he's probably not worth fretting over, first thing that springs to mind is World at warcraft sex life.


surely something you needn't worry about.



Keep your chin up lady. Easier said than done I appreciate, but people who do Truley love you will be there / here for you now, and not cyber sexing it up.



Plus you have some cute cats that I'm sure don't like seeing their mummy sad!

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I'm so frustrated. One of those moods where literally everything makes you want to rip the wall paper off the walls. I don't even know why either. I was in a good mood, and then the boyfriend gets back and tells me he wants to use the television now so I need to get off the Xbox. From then on, I've been in the worst mood, and he makes it worse by telling me so followed by saying "You're boring today".


I stormed back to mine (which happens to be a metre away next door) and in a fit of anger hit my hand so hard on the arm of my sofa, that it literally brings tears to my eyes to move my little finger.


I need a stress ball. Or just someone annoying to shake for five minutes.

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thanks to everyone for the lovely considerate replies :)


nightwolf: he's alright most of the times but just the odd occasional he does something stupendously horrible to wipe all of the good out... Mostly general shit stirring and saying things to upset people. It's almost like he's got no sorta...social awareness...(?) of what is and isn't appropriate.


eevil: or prov donkey....dr wu man.....vachaun?..... or maybe even claire LOL


dannyboy: yeah I think it was but women are wile sensitive about these things :p and the fact he knows i'm like... about to break about the whole weight issue doesn't massively help! its like dangling a carrot in front of someone's face and watching them suffer to get it? If I was mad enough to get with him I'll always be like.... am I really good enough? And the fact that he is above mentioned guys BROTHER really makes this kind of complicated...


Murr: Yeah I know that all you've said is pretty much right. Just hard to believe it when my head is clouded with anger.


Moogle: I know I've replied already but thanks to you too :)



His girlfriend is coming over apparently (we'll see when thats ever likely to happen) so that could be very...(read: not) interesting.. lol... and last night he asked me to come out with him, his brother and father... (who I've already met anyway) for dinner... err...weird much lol


Oh and it seems like one of his mates is in love with me too... Nice guy but serious compatibility issues because he's like really really really into the whole northern ireland culture.. in a negative way (doesn't like foreigners...which I essentially am.... go figure!) and I really just don't have that spark with him at all.


Feel like I'm just SWAMPED with things I don't need to be dealing with while i'm trying to concentrate on me, and trying to keep myself from various hospital funtimes!

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nightwolf: he's alright most of the times but just the odd occasional he does something stupendously horrible to wipe all of the good out... Mostly general shit stirring and saying things to upset people. It's almost like he's got no sorta...social awareness...(?) of what is and isn't appropriate.


eevil: or prov donkey....dr wu man.....vachaun?..... or maybe even claire LOL


dannyboy: yeah I think it was but women are wile sensitive about these things :p and the fact he knows i'm like... about to break about the whole weight issue doesn't massively help! its like dangling a carrot in front of someone's face and watching them suffer to get it? If I was mad enough to get with him I'll always be like.... am I really good enough? And the fact that he is above mentioned guys BROTHER really makes this kind of complicated...


Murr: Yeah I know that all you've said is pretty much right. Just hard to believe it when my head is clouded with anger.


Moogle: I know I've replied already but thanks to you too :)

For a second a thought you were creating your own conversation in the thread, like a play script.

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People saying cruel things... "i'll take you on a date when you reach your goal weight"


For that comment alone, if you want I'll be on the next flight to Belfast, find this gentleman, pick up the nearest heavy object and twat the fuckery out of him.

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Had a job interview that went insanely well! Did everything they asked, suprised them with my mad skillz... Get a call saying I didn't get it for a BULLSHIT REASON that is BULLSHIT because it's BULLSHIT.


And the worst part is it's a fucking min wage job. WTF. FEEL SO SHIT AT LIFE.



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Had a job interview that went insanely well! Did everything they asked, suprised them with my mad skillz... Get a call saying I didn't get it for a BULLSHIT REASON that is BULLSHIT because it's BULLSHIT.


And the worst part is it's a fucking min wage job. WTF. FEEL SO SHIT AT LIFE.




Harsh dude, you'll get there one day.


Had a pretty lousy day. Not only did i have an apprasal on my job today (i'll come back to this), but i had 2 calls one after the other and both customers b**ched at me.


Basically, one wanted some credits. After i did the necessary, i said they wern't entitled to it. They had a go at me, demanded a form to get the credits themselves. I said they'd be committing fraud if they lied about what they are earning, and i got a report against me for that. Pity, can't prove i was the operator. Left no trace on the system, so a shame really on their behalf.


Next call, lasted 1 hour 5 minutes. All because someone didn't do their job right. I didn't need that at 6pm at all, and it put me in a sh***y mood for the rest of the shift. Even had to call them back, which made things worse for me.


And then with my appraisal, they picked my 3 worst calls in my first week and asked me to give my opinion on them. What kind of appraisal is that, i didn't know what i was doing in the first week at all, so that wasn't much help. Also got a ribbing for taking too many breaks, and for going over my breaks. Well, if all 3 clocks in the office (PC, wall and phone) read different, which do you go on??.


They want to say it is unfair that because i was 30 seconds late from a break on other advisors. I say it is unfair when you take 3/4 of the advisors on the same break, leaving a 1/4 on the phones taking calls from angry customers.


I give up sometimes, and the bonus is that i get tomorrow off work.

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Had a job interview that went insanely well! Did everything they asked, suprised them with my mad skillz... Get a call saying I didn't get it for a BULLSHIT REASON that is BULLSHIT because it's BULLSHIT.


And the worst part is it's a fucking min wage job. WTF. FEEL SO SHIT AT LIFE.




What was the reason?!

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Well this isn't as bad as some people's posts but still bad for me nonetheless,


Last night at 8:30 I had to take Millie (my kitten) to the vets, when we got home from work at 6 she was her normal playful self, jumping round, chasing anything that moved, then about 7:30 she was just sitting on the sofa kinda wobbling, So i picked her up and put her on my lap. She fell asleep (which is very unusual for her at 7:30pm), at about 8 she woke up, and was constantly meowing, then was sick.


she then jumped off me onto the floor, sat there again wobbling, and threw up again, then just sorta fell to the floor from what seemed like exhaustion. I phoned the vet and told them and they said to bring her in right away,


while there when she was examined she was sick again, and the vet said she was very cold. they kept her in for the night.



I phoned them this morning and they told me she was sick again in the night, but this morning she's got up, had breakfast and seems to be okay. they are going to keep her in a bit longer to see if she keeps her breakfast down, and if she can maintain her enthusiasm and not get tired to quickly again.



I know I've only had her a week, but you get very clingy in that space of time, the house seemed so quiet last night without the noises of her running around and attacking shadows.


:( hopefully I can pick her up this afternoon.

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What was the reason?!


The position was described as a customer service role with upselling. On my mock phone call I dealt with the customer's problem, then upsold two lots of additional insurance.


When they told me I failed they said I had excellent customer service, but said my sales wasn't strong enough. But I sold. Well.


Just lies.

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