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bad stuff thread.


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Today was shiiiiit. We've had a problem with our wooden floor boards in our flat. Basically, they started to rise in the middle of the room during the winter and haven't settled back down since. It's been pretty bad this year, we've even started taking the piss a bit and played a little round of crazy golf using the hump as an obstacle. We notified our agency quite soon after it happened and they came over to have a look at it. Didn't hear anything from them for a while.


Skip forward a few months to our control renewal, we mention it again and the landlord comes over and he's quite pissed off with the agency for not contacting him sooner. They've been around a few times to look at it and popped over last week (after a few more minor fuck ups from the agency) and told us that they would give us a call back soon.


Yesterday, as we're getting ready to go and see a friend who we haven't seen for a while, our landlord calls us up and asks us if tomorrow morning would be ok to come over and sort it out, some time between 7:30 and 8.00am. I couldn't really say no for fear of this issue not being dealt with, so I agreed. We came home at around 10 last night after seeing a friend and moved EVERYTHING from the living room. There's a massive tv unit with these open compartments which we had to empty otherwise the unit wouldn't budge. So, we now have suitcases and boxes filled with games and dvds, etc stored in the bedroom. The unit had to be moved, as did the sofa, dining table and chairs, another two big storage units, my guitars, coffee table, Ine's desk study with another large storage unit attached to it, our plants, rug, etc. Urgh.


The landlord arrived at 7:30 today with another guy to help and they left around 45 minutes ago. Approximately half of the living room floor was ripped up and then relaid, which led to the discovery of the problem (not enough space/gaps being left under the skirting boards) which dates back to five years ago when the floor was laid. Thankfully, it's all sorted now, but today has been a messy day. We've hardly eaten anything and what we've eaten has been junk/quick food as we couldn't cook, make sandwiches etc as the kitchen was barely usable with all of our stuff in it.


To round things off, the football was shite today (urgh) and it looks like Ine's parents can't come to visit in September due to them being busy in work (the family business). On the plus side, yaaay, flat floor.

Edited by Fierce_LiNk
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To be honest Flinkster that sounds like good news -- your landlord Got Shit Done. It must've been frustrating not knowing it was going to be an all-day event though - you could've planned a day out to avoid being around all that!


It's good news because it's done. It's bad because it's taken more than half a year for it to get done, especially as we didn't have anything to do with the initial problem. The communication between the landlord and letting agency is diiiiire.


About two weeks ago, I lost my landlord's phone number and thought I'd contact the agency to get the number whilst also subtly reminding them that they were being a bit shit and it needed doing. A bit of a double whammy. The agent told me that she would "e-mail me the number", which never happened. The very next day, I receive a phone-call from the landlord telling me that the agency had contacted them about the floor. (very, very fucking sneaky if you ask me, considering I was the one who contacted them!) The very next day after that, I received a phone call from the agency giving me the landlord's phone number, despite the fact that they knew full well that the landlord had already contacted me because they purposefully bypassed my request and went to him directly. :blank:


But yes, it's done now. Strange as fuck to walk on a flat floor. I do not know this feeling.

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Not happy at the new school:


First day the HR people sent me to the wrong place at the wrong time - wasn't even supposed to be in, actually. Second day, manager sends wrong place and time again. Six day week for the second week, finishing at 8pm on Friday. Haven't even met the headmistress yet, but she has issued a number of edicts already.


I just can't respect someone like that - I've been here two weeks and you haven't had the courtesy to introduce yourself, but you expect me to do the dancing monkey routine? I suppose it may be the Chinese way, but I simply don't hold with it. You want me to stay until Oh-Fuck O'Clock on a very long week, fine. But have the professionalism to come see me personally about it, not just pass the message on.

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This (my second) semester...horrible.

Had 4 exams so far (one I had to do twice). Failed all of them except one...


Because of that I have to take 8 exams next winter semester and one of those I have to pass because if I don't, I won't be allowed to continue studying in this field (Biotechnology/Biology) in Germany...


3 exams coming up mid-/end of september. I kind of have to pass them...


It has been pretty much all my fault, though. I've been incredibly lazy and now it comes back to haunt me...



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Damn, what subject area is the exam you have to pass on? I'm a biology student, maybe I can throw some questions your way? :p


Organic Chemistry is the one I failed twice already. Have to resit (it? grammar?) in a year.


The rest (if you're interested):


Today I had a Physics exam (Physics for Biologists/Biotechnologists). Probably failed. Will resit end of September.

Aaaaand Quantitative Biology (i.e. statistics, combinatorics). Which I will resit in a year.


Omics Studies. This exam I haven't done yet.

Microbiology. Also haven't done it yet. Both mid-/end of September.


I passed the Genetics exam, though. Yay me. :indeed:

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I hated biochemistry at uni. Absolutely detested it.


I already had Biochemistry and it was fine. Even passed it.


But Organic Chemistry...so much shit to learn which I'm sure I won't ever need again. All those reaction-mechanisms (Perkin reaction, Michael addition, Finkelstein reaction, and many many more...)...




I quite enjoyed microbiology though, there's a lot of bacterial structure diagrams to learn but eventually it'll click.


Yeah, I'm actually looking forward to learning that. And Omics Studies, as well. :)

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So so so tired and hungover. Literally did not think it was possible for a person to be this bone weary.


I felt rougher than a badger's arsehole Saturday morning. Late night kebab was a mistake. Thought I was going to get some sleep on the train but it was completely full and ended up standing all the way to Birmingham.

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I felt rougher than a badger's arsehole Saturday morning. Late night kebab was a mistake. Thought I was going to get some sleep on the train but it was completely full and ended up standing all the way to Birmingham.


Sounds like the worst thing ever man, how the fuck was a Birmingham train full on Saturday at like 7:30? Bet you wouldn't even have needed an excuse to sleep though the cricket though eh?


Also you left your copy of Brawl here, swing by and pick it up next time you're in town!

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Sounds like the worst thing ever man, how the fuck was a Birmingham train full on Saturday at like 7:30? Bet you wouldn't even have needed an excuse to sleep though the cricket though eh?


Also you left your copy of Brawl here, swing by and pick it up next time you're in town!


Bank holiday weekend plus there were engineering works on the regular Euston route so I had to go via Paddington.


It got to around 4 in the afternoon, I'd had around 6 pints by then, when I started falling asleep in my chair. I snuck off for a couple of hours, had a power nap, downed some coffee and came back for the Final. Went to bed around 11 and slept for 12+ hours. Success.


Sorry I couldn't join you guys for a two-day bender, will have to get myself more organised for next year.


Didn't actually realise I left Brawl at yours until Goron told me yesterday! You can have it for as long as you want mate.

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Sounds like the worst thing ever man, how the fuck was a Birmingham train full on Saturday at like 7:30? Bet you wouldn't even have needed an excuse to sleep though the cricket though eh?


Also you left your copy of Brawl here, swing by and pick it up next time you're in town!


Get a project M set up brah. Dooooo eetttt.

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Sounds like you did alright. Also it wasn't much of a bender this time, I hadn't eaten anything all day and had about 6 hours of sleep between the last two nights so I was ruined after two or three cans of Scrumpy. Then we bought some Sherry. I was a shambolic mess by the end of the night.


@Goron_3 That's actually a top idea, the SD card should be here by tomorrow so I'll get on Project M...might actually have decent chops by the time I get to play you guys again.

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My manager has decided to tell me now, after 3 weeks of it being okayed by my old manager I might add, that my holiday in September isn't accepted. I'm fuming!


She said he didn't sign anything otherwise she would have honored it but because he didn't, she can say no to it. I'm pissed off because he told me to do my holiday forms before he leaves and he'll sign them. I did them and he specifically told me he's accepted them and I can have them off. She's now told me, after 3 weeks, that I can't because 1. it's conference week so no member of management can have a holiday off and 2. it clashes with her holiday (like she needs another fucking one, she's gone on holiday twice in the past three weeks! She's only been in store for one week).


I've told my family before my old manager left that he sorted it out for me and they planned a surprise holiday for me. I just had to tell them it wasn't accepted because he didn't keep to his word and they're mad. They told me they planned to take me to the Isle of Wight too. I've not had a holiday in almost 3 years because problems always crop up. My new manager is angry as well because she apparently told my old manager that that week was not to be accepted. I'm going to have a word with her again on Monday. I don't see why she can't get someone from another store to cover my hours. She finds people to cover her easily enough!



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