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Sounds like a conversation I overheard in a tailors between an Eastern European seamstress who barely spoke English and an old, softly spoken man who was pretty much deaf.


At least it seemed like it went on for 1 hour and 45 minutes...

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Went to a job fare at the internation centre by me today, ugh, what a waste of time. It was so busy and crowded that I barely spoke to anyone about anything because my anxiety started to go into overdrive for some reason. It was all I could do to stay in the damn room for five minutes.


So I feel awful/shit/stupid as fuck after that. It's like, why the fuck did I even bother. But on the plus side I did get a few mothers day things afterwards. I was just gonna go straight home but I made myself do some shopping so that I didn't think everyone was going to stab me/I look stupid/I'm in a dream with no trousers on for the next few days.


But uuuuuuuuuugh it's just one of those days. Where you suddenly realise how much of a rut you're in and try and figure out how the fuck to get out of it. I also just feel constantly tired lately, I might go to the doctors soon but I fear it's just a lack of motivation. Some mornings I just don't wanna bother waking up. Work is just fucking dire, I can't stand it, but I'm also hopeless at finding a new job. If it wasn't for smelly little Banjo needing looking after I honestly don't think I'd have the will to leave my damn bedroom.


But y'know, it's a pendulum. Up until today I'd actually had a pretty good month, saw all the family, had a few fun nights out. Though now we're just starting to see the real after effect of my auntie's passing I think. My uncle is looking about 20 years older than a few months ago :(


Anyway, there's no point in dwelling on stuff, and I had improved over the last few months. I'm generally feeling myself again, I swear I was depressed for most of last year. Just onwards and upwards and all that shit.

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Went to a job fare at the internation centre by me today, ugh, what a waste of time. It was so busy and crowded that I barely spoke to anyone about anything because my anxiety started to go into overdrive for some reason. It was all I could do to stay in the damn room for five minutes.


So I feel awful/shit/stupid as fuck after that. It's like, why the fuck did I even bother. But on the plus side I did get a few mothers day things afterwards. I was just gonna go straight home but I made myself do some shopping so that I didn't think everyone was going to stab me/I look stupid/I'm in a dream with no trousers on for the next few days.


But uuuuuuuuuugh it's just one of those days. Where you suddenly realise how much of a rut you're in and try and figure out how the fuck to get out of it. I also just feel constantly tired lately, I might go to the doctors soon but I fear it's just a lack of motivation. Some mornings I just don't wanna bother waking up. Work is just fucking dire, I can't stand it, but I'm also hopeless at finding a new job. If it wasn't for smelly little Banjo needing looking after I honestly don't think I'd have the will to leave my damn bedroom.


But y'know, it's a pendulum. Up until today I'd actually had a pretty good month, saw all the family, had a few fun nights out. Though now we're just starting to see the real after effect of my auntie's passing I think. My uncle is looking about 20 years older than a few months ago :(


Anyway, there's no point in dwelling on stuff, and I had improved over the last few months. I'm generally feeling myself again, I swear I was depressed for most of last year. Just onwards and upwards and all that shit.


This apathy-like feeling of yours, is that related to your anxiety? Or does it have a separate cause?

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I think it is the anxiety. I can be really excited for something and want to do it but when it comes to the day I'll get worried about what could or could not happen or if I'll be nervous the whole time and it just puts me off the whole thing, hence the not really wanting to do or face anything.


As I said though, it's not constant, which is something, but when it's there it can last for days at a time and really get me down.

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I fear I've made a mistake by going back to my old job. Then again, the other job wasn't much better really, haha.


I say this because one of the supervisors has now been 'promoted' and he's sort of up the new manager's arse like a rat up a drainpipe. Anyway, he's been weird with me. Like one minute, we're getting along fine and the next, he either ignores me or he's almost ripping my head off. Yesterday, me and him have had words and he said he doesn't like some stuff I do and I said I don't like some stuff he does (which I think he took no notice of anyway). He says that I backchat, which I sort of do, but he'd rather talk to people with borderline zero respect and I'm basically the only one with big enough balls to tell him to talk to me with respect. Ever since he's had the new promotion, he seems to be a little bit too much. Like he explained it was all on his head and I was like "That's fair enough but that doesn't make it okay to speak to me like crap or totally blank me just because you're busy. How do you know that I'm not asking for you after a customer?". He says I "ignore customers" which isn't true. I ignore one because we don't get along. We nod at each other and that's it. He picks me up on bad body language that he seems to do himself. He then says he won't tell the new manager about the conversation because he has his "own way of dealing with things" like I'm supposed to be grateful. He told my other manager I was making fun of him when I bloody didn't! He then went on to bitch about me to another colleague. I just do not get why people are like this!


It's just driving me absolutely crazy. To be fair, he does do a lot for the company but personally, I think he doesn't do it for the company but for himself, which is fine, but don't tell me otherwise. As you guys know, I don't think my new boss likes me all that much (we're getting along better than when she started though so that's something, I guess) and I don't necessarily like my supervisor as much. My other manager comes back from holiday this Sunday so hopefully things'll calm down and get back to normal but then he's told me he may be leaving and if this week was a taster as to what life would be like at work without him, it would be fucking Hell on Earth! I noticed he's sort of been a little kinder to me after finding out I actually get along really well with one of the members of Head Office...funny that...


Sorry, I just needed a whinge, haha. I'll probably delete the post in a couple of days. Normally, I'd take it out on my punchbag but lately, if I do any sort of intense cardio, I have a coughing fit so...yeah...sorry. I know it seems petty but it's just stressed me out a little. I'll probably delete this post in a couple of days anyway but yeah, UGH!

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How would anyone recommend one retraining themselves when it comes to touch typing? Because at the moment only my index and middle finger do most of the typing, but I'd like to get the whole hand working to see if it gets me a better WPM, which using an online test usually comes up at about 65-67 a minute.

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How would anyone recommend one retraining themselves when it comes to touch typing? Because at the moment only my index and middle finger do most of the typing, but I'd like to get the whole hand working to see if it gets me a better WPM, which using an online test usually comes up at about 65-67 a minute.


65-67 is pretty good, especially with just 2 fingers on each hand. I type almost properly and just got 89 words per minute on this test (and 6 mistakes that I didn't notice to go back and fix. On a good day and better keyboard I could probably get more.


Personally I think there are better ways to spend your time rather than get frustrated learning to type all over again.

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It's just that I'm working a legal secretary course and naturally I'm trying to do the exercises sent to me as quickly and accurately as possible, as a good WPM will be a hugue advantage, although I look at my keyboard constantly as I find I make less mistakes as opposed to looking at the screen and hoping the words will appear by magic in the correct order.

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As strange as it sounds I ended up learning to type fast by sitting in the dark whilst on the PC.


It sounds less dodgy than it is, basically the home pc was always downstairs right by the tv and my parents hated me having the big light on whilst on the pc.


It forced me to stop looking at the keys and over time it became natural to not need to do so and the speed increased.

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yes. Stop looking at your keyboard! You will see from teh words in front of you if they are what you want or not (excuse teh).


Keyboards all have a little nubbin on the F and J keys. once you can find these with your fingers you can figure out the rest. I actually use four fingers on my left hand and two and a half on my right. Correct touch-typing relies on using specific fingers for specific keys, with the 'home' position being index fingers on F and J and the rest of the fingers lined up next to these. Each finger has one up and one down to lord over, while the middle fingers sgare those in beween.


If you can type without looking at the keyboard then you make up for using less fingers.

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75 wpm, one mistake. I typed the wrong year...1789 instead of 1783...

There are words in the text that I have never heard of :wtf: lolloping, roan, lank-haired, possed up and askance. :D



Bad stuff...I'm not be able to take a course next semester :( Wanted to do Italian but every lecture would overlap with my regular courses -.-


Well, probably going to do Spanish then :p

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My sleeping patterns have been getting worse. I've had lots of sleep the past few days and I'm still feeling tired. My throats feeling dry. I feel like People aren't happy with me cause of it. Work's been really hard this week. It's hard enough as it is, lots of things to do and not always having the time to do it all. I only do part-time because working full time makes me feel completely anxious and tired. I ended up crying last time I did overtime: too many long days.

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yes. Stop looking at your keyboard! You will see from teh words in front of you if they are what you want or not (excuse teh).


Keyboards all have a little nubbin on the F and J keys. once you can find these with your fingers you can figure out the rest. I actually use four fingers on my left hand and two and a half on my right. Correct touch-typing relies on using specific fingers for specific keys, with the 'home' position being index fingers on F and J and the rest of the fingers lined up next to these. Each finger has one up and one down to lord over, while the middle fingers sgare those in beween.


If you can type without looking at the keyboard then you make up for using less fingers.

I've been toying with that for the past couple of days now. My ring finger and little finger on my left hand typing A, S and D's is feeling really weird. Normally they just sit back and enjoy the show.

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Took a clattering to the foot at footy today, and now it's swollen. I've currently got my housemate's bag of frozen peas on it. Hopefully that will appease the swelling...


Worst part about it, I'm supposed to be running the Sheffield half marathon on Sunday.


Edit: just checked my ankle, it's the size of a tennis ball. And it's the top of my foot that hurts the most.

Edited by MoogleViper
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Going to be a late night in the office as I'm having to mark workbooks for the first year undergrads and although the PhD organiser stated that it should only take 18 hours total to complete the marking, it's going to take considerably more than that because the lecturer who set the assignment didn't bother to send round an answer key and is now away on holiday for 2 weeks so won't be back until after the marked assignments need to be back with the office staff. And the workbooks themselves are quite long so I'm spending my entire time at work on getting these done rather than being able to get on with my research and said PhD organiser will moan at me because I haven't gotten on with my research.


And on top of that, despite having done enough teaching and marking to more than fulfil my allotted hours of work for the department, I've been told I have to invigilate the first year exam at the start of May as part of my 'marking' duties, despite it not being mentioned in the marking/work schedule anywhere or in our PhD handbook :mad: Like, I have no problem doing it but it's the fact that they tried to frame it under 'marking duties' when they know full bloody well that it's mentioned nowhere.


So yeah, really enjoying work/my PhD at the moment. No time to actually do my research and when I do get some time, my supervisor pushes back on my ideas and is halting progress because he doesn't understand the topic :( I need to see if UCL and Manchester have put up their adverts for new PhD students. Have been considering trying to relocate/transfer for awhile now and both of those unis are more suited to my research from what I know of the staff working there.

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