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bad stuff thread.


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I discovered today that I might have more job training I have to go travel to attend that I either missed or is coming up very shortly because my manager never bothered to tell me. A minor thing in itself but indicative of having a job where nobody tells me anything ever no matter how it affects me or how it important it is. I work almost every long late shift and I usually work weekends, and always Sundays. I'm usually the only one available to work overtime out of a roster of 20-odd. I have no legitimate schedule. We're supposed to have 3 supervisors but we don't and the other supervisor keeps falling ill because he has diabetes. My manager is a dickless 23 year old who won't push back against our area manger who I've personally known for a total of two minuets and I think may be the worst person and worst manager of anything I've ever met, to the actual point of putting our store in serious danger of closure. Specific promises made to me months ago about hiring the 3rd and a mix of shifts appear to have been completely forgotten. I'm now way behind with my coursework specifically because of my job.


I got so angry I burst into song.

Edited by gaggle64
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Anyone got a left knee going spare? Looks like I'm gonna need surgery... bumcakes :(


I would if I could, but that would leave me with two dodgy knees. Tell you what: let's cut our bodies in half down the middle and we can approximately make one whole functioning human being :D


And what are these "bumcakes" of which you speak? Small delectables in a double-round shape with pink icing?

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Finally managed to smoke out my supervisor and get a meeting to discuss my proposed research. Which is great. Well... it was until he started saying that my idea is too complicated and that it doesn't really get at the questions I'm looking to answer (despite him having little to no knowledge of the literature it's based on).


He's attempted to say that we need to go back to the drawing board to come up with something which is workable even though my current idea is workable/serviceable as it is (otherwise the research it's based on wouldn't have used a similar setup).


So I'm not a particularly happy chappy at the moment as he could have told me this months ago when I emailed him all of my work/research outline as opposed to leaving it till now and giving me very little time to get everything reconciled and get ethics approval sorted :mad:

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I would if I could, but that would leave me with two dodgy knees. Tell you what: let's cut our bodies in half down the middle and we can approximately make one whole functioning human being :D


And what are these "bumcakes" of which you speak? Small delectables in a double-round shape with pink icing?


Sounds like a damn good idea to me :grin:

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Hm...don't feel so good. Coughing quite a lot (has been going on for the past few days), and I just feel the illness creeping up on me. It's not too bad but it might become worse..


Don't know whether I should go to work today (and tomorrow) or not. I'm still a trainee, so I don't want to miss work...but people always tell me: stay at home if you aren't healthy.


I'll probably try working, and if it doesn't get better I'll go home.


Edit: Just called my instructor and she told me I should just stay home. That's what I'll do...


I hate being sick :(

Edited by drahkon
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My throat has been sore for months and all things are pointing at some kind of reflux. This basically means I have to GIVE UP EATING ALL THE FOOD I LIKE FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE.

Edited by Guy
because this post wasn't effectively conveying my frustration
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Only really posting this in the bad stuff thread because of how much this freaked the shit out of me.


I was sat in a nomihoudai (all you can drink) with 3 of my Japanese friends when all of a sudden, EVERY ONE'S phone went off at the same time with the same message tone that sounded really urgent. Mine didn't go off so I turned to my friend and basically asked, obviously in Japanese "what the fuck is going on?". He responded "A big earthquake has happened".


10 seconds or less afterwards, the building started to rock. This isn't the first time I've felt an earthquake here, but the frequency of it happening in this city, which doesn't usually get any, struck a cord with me and they could see the panic in my face. There's a really long over due earthquake here known as Tokai, and that's all I could think about as it shook that building.


Maybe I've drunk too much, which is definitely plausible at less than £2.50 an hour to drink all the alcohol you want, but something about that earthquake really panicked me.

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Went to a work night out, hoping for a friendly and slightly tipsy evening. Ended up sitting on a doorstep on a freezing night having to console one of a young (very very drunk & dressed like Sid Vicious) colleague who's trying to escape his alcoholic parents. I offered to help him pull it together, push for more hours for him at the store and find a place. Because I don't have enough on my plate n'all.


Pitched him off in a awful sorry state to somebody else trustworthy and left at midnight because I have another late shift today. Passed a young couple standing either side of the main road through the city, screaming at each other while he tried to flag down a taxi (instead of calling one) at a place where stopping would almost guarantee a lethal collision. She was waving some kind of big pie around for some reason.


I don't feel so much like a member of this species, more something set here to observe it.

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Argh... Played a warm up match yesterday, and got quite badly injured by the opposing team Captain. The guy is 6.5 and at least 18 stone, just ran straight into me. Smacked my head on the underside of is ribcage and the back of my skull hard on the AstroTurf, lower back hit pretty hard too.


No need to play so aggressively, especially for a warm up match. But I got the impression before the match that the team were mostly total dicks.


Anyway, my team lost 7-2, but as the other team were last year's top division champions and my team only met each other...yesterday, we did very well. We never stopped challenging for the ball, we never stopped going after the goals.

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People think I'm self absorbed but it's just how I cope with anxiety. I try not to be but I can really help it. If I start acting differently people start asking me what's wrong. I don't know. I'm starting to think there's something wrong with my head - like some kind of mild bi-polar. It's that or I just really fail to function like a normal person. I don't know which would be better.


Also, I'm getting this lump on my back scanned on Wednesday morning. I think I'm kind of terrified.


I generally feel low. Whenever I try to pep up I think I just end up annoying people. I wish I could just blink out of existence.

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There's mice getting in and around the kitchen. Keep walking in on them in the night. I had no fucking idea mice were so goddamn agile though. This is some hardcore parkour-Matrix shit. Gravity and friction doesn't apply to them in the same way it does to us. One dove from a high shelf onto the floor and zipped under the washing machine in less then a blink. Another bounded off three different vertical surfaces to escape. I'm not sure if we need mouse poison or kryptonite.


@Daft - sorry to hear you're going through a time there. For what little it's worth though, never ever ever worry about being not being "normal". Trust me, I've met plenty of normal people. They tend to be fucking idiots.

Edited by gaggle64
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Argh... Played a warm up match yesterday, and got quite badly injured by the opposing team Captain. The guy is 6.5 and at least 18 stone, just ran straight into me. Smacked my head on the underside of is ribcage and the back of my skull hard on the AstroTurf, lower back hit pretty hard too.


No need to play so aggressively, especially for a warm up match. But I got the impression before the match that the team were mostly total dicks.


Anyway, my team lost 7-2, but as the other team were last year's top division champions and my team only met each other...yesterday, we did very well. We never stopped challenging for the ball, we never stopped going after the goals.

I can't stand that, harry hardcores. I actually gave up sport for a long time because I was sick of being around those kind of people.. players and coaches who just don't seem to understand that at the end of the day it's just a game. I'm quite good at sports, but I just couldn't stand the scene.. no one seems to understand that you could want to be good, and play for the good teams, and not be a complete fucking twat at the same time =/


Anyways, all the sport I play now is strictly with mates. Some of the teams I play in now are quite good, and I always like to be competitive. But you can try and win the game without being a dick. For example, if I know that I have accidentally fouled someone, I immediately stop, put my hand up and help them up, and ask them if they're okay. Any time I seem to get fouled, the opponent plays on as though he's done nothing wrong... even if he gets blown for the foul. I don't understand this mentality, (especially) not at this level anyway.


Unfortunately I have a short fuse, and like to.. explain.. to people that there's no reason to be a tool :) So I lead this slightly hypocritical line where I encourage fair play, but get yellow carded almost once a game for my explanations ;) I don't think I've ever been carded for a bad tackle =/ haha...


Luckily in my 5-a-side comps there's no carry over on cards, but in my 11-a-side team I have to really try to let things slide =/

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I can't stand that, harry hardcores. I actually gave up sport for a long time because I was sick of being around those kind of people.. players and coaches who just don't seem to understand that at the end of the day it's just a game. I'm quite good at sports, but I just couldn't stand the scene.. no one seems to understand that you could want to be good, and play for the good teams, and not be a complete fucking twat at the same time =/


Anyways, all the sport I play now is strictly with mates. Some of the teams I play in now are quite good, and I always like to be competitive. But you can try and win the game without being a dick. For example, if I know that I have accidentally fouled someone, I immediately stop, put my hand up and help them up, and ask them if they're okay. Any time I seem to get fouled, the opponent plays on as though he's done nothing wrong... even if he gets blown for the foul. I don't understand this mentality, (especially) not at this level anyway.


Unfortunately I have a short fuse, and like to.. explain.. to people that there's no reason to be a tool :) So I lead this slightly hypocritical line where I encourage fair play, but get yellow carded almost once a game for my explanations ;) I don't think I've ever been carded for a bad tackle =/ haha...


Luckily in my 5-a-side comps there's no carry over on cards, but in my 11-a-side team I have to really try to let things slide =/


Yeah, I knew this guy was going to be a dick from the get go - the correspondence we shared to arrange the match was all him dictating terms. I'm sure there are those who get on with such personalities, but I'm not one. Luckily his team will be in the division above so we are unlikely to meet.

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People think I'm self absorbed but it's just how I cope with anxiety. I try not to be but I can really help it. If I start acting differently people start asking me what's wrong. I don't know. I'm starting to think there's something wrong with my head - like some kind of mild bi-polar. It's that or I just really fail to function like a normal person. I don't know which would be better.


Also, I'm getting this lump on my back scanned on Wednesday morning. I think I'm kind of terrified.


I generally feel low. Whenever I try to pep up I think I just end up annoying people. I wish I could just blink out of existence.


There's mice getting in and around the kitchen. Keep walking in on them in the night. I had no fucking idea mice were so goddamn agile though. This is some hardcore parkour-Matrix shit. Gravity and friction doesn't apply to them in the same way it does to use. One dove from a high shelf onto the floor and zipped under the washing machine in less then a blink. Another bounded off three different vertical surfaces to escape. I'm not sure if we need mouse poison or kryptonite.


@Daft - sorry to hear you're going through a time there. For what little it's worth though, never ever ever worry about being not being "normal". Trust me, I've met plenty of normal people. They tend to be fucking idiots.



I had a great conversation yesterday with some berk who considered normal being completely incompatible with life on weekends because he was so fucked from drinking himself stupid. I did try to explain that whilst there's nothing wrong with a good night out, turning your week into 5 days because you can't function for 2 days in every 7 is fucking retarded.

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I went on a date yesterday. Well, it wasn't pre-determined as such, but it kind of was. Met up with the girl at the V&A and spent five whole hours wandering around South Kensington, just continuously talking. She's the sort of person that reminds you of all the things you used to love before you turned into a cynical asshole.


This is in the bad stuff thread because I'm a cynical asshole

Edited by The Bard
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People think I'm self absorbed but it's just how I cope with anxiety. I try not to be but I can really help it. If I start acting differently people start asking me what's wrong. I don't know. I'm starting to think there's something wrong with my head - like some kind of mild bi-polar. It's that or I just really fail to function like a normal person. I don't know which would be better.


Also, I'm getting this lump on my back scanned on Wednesday morning. I think I'm kind of terrified.


I generally feel low. Whenever I try to pep up I think I just end up annoying people. I wish I could just blink out of existence.


I don't believe in the concept of "normal". Everyone is crazy, it's just a matter of how good people are at hiding it.

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Obviously there's a whole spectrum of 'normal', I'm just freakishly to far off that scale to a degree I would never even come close to elaborating on.


And I know I'll get the 'You're not as strange/fuck up as you think' line, and for the longest of times I was sold by that, but I just don't think that's true.

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