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Had a 24 hour bus journey and will have another one tomorrow. :(

At least I'm able to sleep for most of it.


My granny said that all gay people should be born dead. I wasn't sure what to do. Hurt my relationship with her while she may not have many years of life left for a point of view she might never change. Or challenge her disgusting prejudice and show her she is a moronic bigot.


Anyway, major respect lost.

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Had my uncle's funeral today. SO sad as he died before his time, but was a lovely service. The (anti)climax of a very hectic few weeks for me. So glad I have a day off tomorrow as I'm absolutely drained of energy.


To make it even worse for my family, my aunt's cat passed away yesterday, at the age of 21 so it was to be expected, but it seems like she just gave up once my uncle had gone.


Sorry to hear of your loss, Gizmo.

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Looks like my mum was scamed this morning >_<


clicked on an e-mail from the Halifax and the next thing she knows the banks is calling up wondering why shes trying to withdraw £990 and £993 all at once. It was from some company calling themselves "Thames Water", seems to have got it sorted out now though. Atleast none of her money was taken ^_^

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I have just watched Tangled, and found the trailer incredibly misleading, not just your average trailer-misleadingness. Her hair had no sentient powers at all.


The trailer is one of the most misrepresenting trailers I have ever seen. It does not do the movie justice at all.


But believing her haid had sentient powers, that mistake's on you. :heh:

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Long story short, turns out grandad's got cancer and the doc's talking months, definitely not years. I feel like I've just been handed something heavy to carry after finally putting down a couple of other small things. I honestly do not know what I should be feeling, if anything.

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Don't feel the future Gagglemon. Feel the now.

See, that's the problem. The now now operates in proximity to an unknown future point. It's like being in a Terminator film but without the gelatinous robots, blonds with machine guns or Arnold, and Terminator Salvation was awful enough without your granddad dying at the end of it.

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Without wanting to sound terribly cliché, it's a time for a super happy student finance rant.


So my loan was due to come through yesterday and it still hasn't arrived today. Ring up to see what's going on and they said they were waiting for me to sign some letter, which wasn't mentioned anywhere on the website - that claimed everything to do with the loan was dandy and I could relax. So that was pretty annoying, but the post in our house is a bit haphazard so I could place some of the fault with myself on that one.


The real humdinger however is the grant situation.


This is money you receive based on means testing, so you have to supply financial evidence - annual incomes, tax returns, proof of separation if separated. At the end of July and againhalfway through August, my mum rang them up and inquired about how to supply evidence this year, just to check if anything had changed. TWICE they told her that all that was needed this year was a simple form which could be filled online. She didn't have to worry about anything else, everything was hunky dory and I would be getting the (much needed) student grant.


When I rang up today, they told me I couldn't get the grant because we hadn't sent any financial evidence or forms in.


You Fucking What.


This means that TWICE we got some lobotomised fuckwit on the other end of the phone who told us any amount of bullshit information, either because they didn't know what they were fucking talking about or because they couldn't be arsed to go through the proper procedure and explain exactly what was needed from us to give to them. It'll be a long frigging time before I see that money now and I'm already maxed out on my overdraft, with only £30 in my wallet to keep me going.


The only positive I can draw from this is that at least I'm apparently still able to get the grant. I'm gonna continue to be absolutely skint for the next month now, worrying about money when I really shouldn't have had to.


Further anecdotal evidence then, if it were needed, that Student Finance is one of the most horrendously inefficient, unorganised and incompetent organisations going in Britain today.



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THe student loan system is a farce in Scotland too. I submitted my application before the supposed "payment on time guaranteed" deadline in July. Still haven't got my money, or even been told how much I'm going to be getting this year. Every time I try to phone them I get "due to extremely high call volume, we would ask if you could try again later". I emailed them 2 weeks ago and still haven't had a reply.

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THe student loan system is a farce in Scotland too. I submitted my application before the supposed "payment on time guaranteed" deadline in July. Still haven't got my money, or even been told how much I'm going to be getting this year. Every time I try to phone them I get "due to extremely high call volume, we would ask if you could try again later". I emailed them 2 weeks ago and still haven't had a reply.


That "payment on time guarantee" deadline was actually June, unfortunately. And yeah, emailing them can mean waiting weeks for a reply. Had it in my first year at Uni and waited 4 weeks for them to reply about my tuition fees meaning I had to pay extra on them due to their lateness in getting back to me.

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