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Ever since the funeral of a loved one I've had this terrible cold. Not sure what it is. Stuffed & runny nose. Blocked ears. Croaky throat. Bad phlegm. Yuck.


Results for my Leaving Cert are also out tomorrow. [More like 10 hours!]. I'm so Terrified.

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I sent an email out to a few people today, it's a weekly update report thing,


and within this email I put..


  • Beat That Quote - Developer emailed me yesterday morning saying live had to be pushed back another week, so Wednesday 24th should be all love



Yeah this email went out to some rather important people...


I had a reply from one of the people on the list who I get on extremely well with fortunately pointing out my error.


my face upon the realization of this typo...



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Shiiiiiiit, we had a really heavy storm pass over us this evening. Our house really isn't waterproof; water came pouring in through at least 6 places.



But then just now we heard the storm also passed over the Pukkelpop festival. Apparently some or one of the big tents collapsed, a tree fell over and a tower construction collapsed...


My dad is there as is my sister's girlfriend. No news from them yet.

Luckily my two sisters hadn't arrived there yet. But now we're worried as we can't reach dad and we heard on the news there are probably people hurt. =(

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Shiiiiiiit, we had a really heavy storm pass over us this evening. Our house really isn't waterproof; water came pouring in through at least 6 places.



But then just now we heard the storm also passed over the Pukkelpop festival. Apparently some or one of the big tents collapsed, a tree fell over and a tower construction collapsed...


My dad is there as is my sister's girlfriend. No news from them yet.

Luckily my two sisters hadn't arrived there yet. But now we're worried as we can't reach dad and we heard on the news there are probably people hurt. =(

Hope you hear some good news soon Ine! *sends best wishes*
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Dad just called, he's ok. He and my aunt were in a concert tent but left it when they saw stuff was falling down. When they left they saw one of the tents had collapsed and that people were stuck under there...


Not heard from my sister's boyfriend yet. Don't know who else was currently there from people I know, but I hope everyone is ok.

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A minor bad thing, but it's plaguing my mind. There is a dilemna (spellcheck says dilemma, but whatever) at work. We interviewed two MSc students today for the available statistician post. They are both great candidates. The unfortunate thing is that there isn't really anything to separate them. They are both really, really good. This has greatly confused the head of stats and myself. Both would be great to work with, both would do the work well, both were very bright. One had more presence, but the other had a dissertation more in line with our work.

There is nothing to separate them. So confusing.

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A minor bad thing, but it's plaguing my mind. There is a dilemna (spellcheck says dilemma, but whatever) at work. We interviewed two MSc students today for the available statistician post. They are both great candidates. The unfortunate thing is that there isn't really anything to separate them. They are both really, really good. This has greatly confused the head of stats and myself. Both would be great to work with, both would do the work well, both were very bright. One had more presence, but the other had a dissertation more in line with our work.

There is nothing to separate them. So confusing.


Dance off.


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Any chance of another bout of interviews? Personality test to see who is better? Maybe give them both an x11 team and see which performs better? Harsh situation but you should really feel less moral issue here - if they're both excellent then whomever you don't pick will certainly be able to find a job somewhere else. I don't know what you mean by more 'presence'/not sure how that is a role requirement :P Guy with dissertation sounds like a job-safe bet.


(and dilemma is totes correct. I have no idea where your emna comes from :P)

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So 3 people have died so far, 11 are badly injured and 60 minor injured. Fuck.

Seems my family is all ok, sisters just got back. They know someone who got injured though, but aren't sure how bad it is.


Seeing the photos and videos of the storm is just scary. Normally Jim and I would've been there this year to see the Foo Fighters (they would play today) but we didn't manage to get tickets... Now I think we got lucky.

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Any chance of another bout of interviews? Personality test to see who is better? Maybe give them both an x11 team and see which performs better? Harsh situation but you should really feel less moral issue here - if they're both excellent then whomever you don't pick will certainly be able to find a job somewhere else. I don't know what you mean by more 'presence'/not sure how that is a role requirement :P Guy with dissertation sounds like a job-safe bet.


(and dilemma is totes correct. I have no idea where your emna comes from :P)



More presence; they have an air of confidence about them, so if they were to go into a meeting with a director/client and were to say something there would be power behind their words. They'd be more likely to be believed/followed.


(LOL, sounds like something chair would write.)


No chance of another round of interviews, so we've got to go on the information we have on them. We interview, then the head of operations interviews too. He said we can hire whichever we prefer and he will support that decision (i.e. he has no clue either). I suggested taking on both and he just looked at me like "dude ... no" but without words.

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