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am crai.


I've had a clicky shoulder for ages but all of a sudden its decided to give me agonising pain... :(


My doctor said i was fat and had weak shoulder muscles, but surely the same would happen to the other shoulder.... its not even clicky >_>


My dad suggested going to see his chiropractor as its maybe more likely to be a misaligned joint. I've got a history of arthritis, my wrists click in and out of place constantly, and he didn't even care. FUCK DOCTORS ARE SO SHIT.

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I think either I've cocked up or halifax has on my payslip, as I've had my payslip sent home but it's not gone through on my bank statement, which is kind of annoying.


Will have to speak to someone at work on Tuesday, see what they say, I had this issue with Phase eight too...argh!

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am crai.


I've had a clicky shoulder for ages but all of a sudden its decided to give me agonising pain... :(


My doctor said i was fat and had weak shoulder muscles, but surely the same would happen to the other shoulder.... its not even clicky >_>


My dad suggested going to see his chiropractor as its maybe more likely to be a misaligned joint. I've got a history of arthritis, my wrists click in and out of place constantly, and he didn't even care. FUCK DOCTORS ARE SO SHIT.


Hmm, does it click when you move it a certain way?


I have a clicky hip... though it's more a sickening pop rather than a small click heh. It's pretty much constantly giving me pain, sometimes more painful than other times. Been going on for a while now, probably more than a year already.


I've been going to a chiropractor for a while and that's not helped at all. But then she did some rubbing, something with sonar waves, something with small electric shocks and then sometimes cupping. I've not noticed a difference at all. =(

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It is now the last night before the complete end of uni and I leave tomorrow. I've been on my own for most of the day because all my housemates have essentially buggered off and left me to clean. I've done most of it and then we'll all share the security deposit back. I really wish I wasn't so helpful/ eager to get my money back. Lazy fuckers.


On the upside, I've realised I'm a bloody good cleaner so if I ever end up jobless I know what I'll do! :p

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Hmm, does it click when you move it a certain way?


I have a clicky hip... though it's more a sickening pop rather than a small click heh. It's pretty much constantly giving me pain, sometimes more painful than other times. Been going on for a while now, probably more than a year already.


I've been going to a chiropractor for a while and that's not helped at all. But then she did some rubbing, something with sonar waves, something with small electric shocks and then sometimes cupping. I've not noticed a difference at all. =(



yeah mine are dislocating clicks (which are considerably painful) so i know how you feel. Hope you get it sorted one way or another...!




Had a completely crap weekend for various reasons and it all just got on top of me so i ended up comfort eating last night when all I really needed was a hug. I'm infuriated with myself. >_>


But I'm over it now, in bed away from the kitchen and its food, so I'll be fine. Tomorrow is a new day. I'll be getting a sunbed, and hopefully the weather holds up for a nice walk :)

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I have fairly noisy neighbours.


There's a bunch of spanish guys who play the same album over and over really loud, then there's the freemasons who chant, stomp their feet and clap a lot. On most nights you just get one relatively short session from one direction or another, but last night it was one, then the other, then the drunkard who lives nearest to my window who stumbled home about 1pm, shortly followed by a small group of his mates who shouted/sang while thumping on his door to wake him up, then proceeded to initiate a party that didn't die out even when I went to bed at 3.


Today the neighbour that lives next to/under drunkard's has acquired a water pressure and has spent the last two hours washing... well who knows what. I think she's trying to annoy the drunkard, not really aware that the noise is bothering everyone.

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So because of the JC bugger-up, i got no money to get to work. Which is crap, and i may lose my £100 bonus over this as well. According to the DWP, i'm still signed on. According to the Cardiff centre (where you call to sign-off), i am signed off. Someone is lying between them both, i have no idea who though.

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I spent all evening/longer planning, making, and editing a birthday message video for my flatmate, after finding out his birthday was tomorrow. Now I find out that it is 90% likely to have been a frape (his birthday date as I saw it on facebook). Deflating, but at least it's done and I can save it forthe right time.

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am crai.


I've had a clicky shoulder for ages but all of a sudden its decided to give me agonising pain... :(


My doctor said i was fat and had weak shoulder muscles, but surely the same would happen to the other shoulder.... its not even clicky >_>


My dad suggested going to see his chiropractor as its maybe more likely to be a misaligned joint. I've got a history of arthritis, my wrists click in and out of place constantly, and he didn't even care. FUCK DOCTORS ARE SO SHIT.


Doctors in general need punching in the ovaries/balls.

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Urgh I totes couldn't sleep last night and I have an exam in about an hour. FML. But it's my penultimate so I'm sort of at the point where you couldn't give a shit now. I'm so exhausted, not just from not sleeping, but in general. Cannot wait for summer!


Chemistry is a cunt.


EDIT: I could have actually posted this in the good stuff thread but I'm over tired and not making sense and this is the first one I saw and coffee is my saviour. Space Dog out.

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I'm not one to complain about weather but please, give us heat! I'm dying for some sun. Even rain. I just cannot stand when we get over a week of complete overcast. It is the most dull weather.


I need to sit in my solitude, drinking a cup of coffee from my favorite mug and watch the raindrops go by.


Or work on my Egyptian Tan. Whichever.

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Went for a walk earlier, rolled down my socks (didn't want to be that tit wearing shorts with socks on display).. In my stupidity and vanity, I now have blisters on my heels and I wish I was that tit with socks on display. :(

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