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Thought you said you missed the train because of other people at the station not your head? :heh: Make up your mind!




Turns out a guy who I once considered my best friend who was selling me tickets to go see Arcade Fire (I was doing him a favour by buying them rather than proper site because he wanted rid), said he wanted to go and a week later is selling on viagogo just to make some profit. What a dick.


Me and someone else in our group were going to go but now he's just been a complete dick. That's just wrong.

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Thought you said you missed the train because of other people at the station not your head? :heh: Make up your mind!

Yeeeah I dunno why I put that last night. I guess I felt like full disclosure today :heh:


Turns out a guy who I once considered my best friend who was selling me tickets to go see Arcade Fire (I was doing him a favour by buying them rather than proper site because he wanted rid), said he wanted to go and a week later is selling on viagogo just to make some profit. What a dick.


Me and someone else in our group were going to go but now he's just been a complete dick. That's just wrong.

Ultimate dick move. Especially considering it's Arcade Fire!

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Wow, you really suck at breaking up with people, Dyson. Do you need us to do it for you? :heh:


Man, if only! :love:


I just can't help but feel bad afterwards. I actually think it's her being very clever and ensuring I feel naff to take her back.. and it works. I'm a sucker!

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I just can't help but feel bad afterwards. I actually think it's her being very clever and ensuring I feel naff to take her back.. and it works. I'm a sucker!

You really are a sucker! All you're doing is ensuring that when you meet a girl you're actually interested in, you won't be able to do anything with her, because you'll still be dating this girl. :nono:


If it helps, we'll be here to tell you that you made the right decision afterwards. ;)

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my mum was 'kind' enough to mail me a bunch of letters delivered to her address.


Student loans company reminding me that I owe them £25k, which increases by £30 a month. Bank telling me they're charging me £15 for going over my limit by £0.30... Sheffield city council telling me I still owe them money, despite twice going to the bank and setting up a standing order for them.


I've not opened the last two letters. Fucking hate shit like this.


AND DYSON! Break up with her, tell her you 'like her, but don't love her' or whatever, because face it it's true. Stop being stupid. This "girlfriend" issue will just make you see more and more faults in your life. Stop it.




Bring her to the meet again and we'll tell her for you. Break her heart. Set her up with coolness bears or something.

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I've not opened the last two letters. Fucking hate shit like this.


I feel your pain. Well...not 25K of pain, but I do have a bank statement here that I am SHITTING myself over opening.


AND DYSON! Break up with her, tell her you 'like her, but don't love her' or whatever, because face it it's true. Stop being stupid. This "girlfriend" issue will just make you see more and more faults in your life. Stop it.


Do it Dyson. It'll free her and more importantly you. Yeah shit sucks some times, but like...the day after you do it, (and don't get back together with her) you'll (surely) feel so fantastic...a euphoric feeling of "I did it/I'm free". Staying with her longer is worse FOR HER than breaking it off ASAP, so as much as you don't want to do it because you don't want to hurt her....the sooner you do it, the less it will. Also;


Bring her to the meet again and we'll tell her for you. Break her heart. Set her up with coolness bears or something.



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Student loans company reminding me that I owe them £25k, which increases by £30 a month.


What? Why would a student loan do that?


Bank telling me they're charging me £15 for going over my limit by £0.30...


The most annoying thing is they (well, my bank did) take the money out at some random point, so if you're not prepared you have to go through it again.

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The IRA have issued a bomb threat against central london.


One of the few days I have to go into Central London. If I had to get any tubes I think I would steer clear altogether, but I don't, so yeah. Will continue my business as usual I think...


I just hate terrorists.


Don't worry, Paj! I'll save you :grin:




[/ReZ magic]


Jay! Post more. I miss your incite into life. Somewhat odd confession.

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Nyaaaw thanks fwank :P I just realised how rude that sounds, but tbf it's how I pronounce my Rs... I've been overwhelmed with routine recently -- I still spend copious hours lurking and catching up with everything, just... yeah. Need to rant/post more. Will make the effort :)

What? Why would a student loan do that?




The most annoying thing is they (well, my bank did) take the money out at some random point, so if you're not prepared you have to go through it again.

The interest is to "match inflation". It's less than 1% but... erg. It's still more money. Whatever. I don't think I'll ever earn enough to start paying back/pay it all back before they just decide to stop bothering me (after 25 years or whatever it is).

You should be able to get that back, if you can be bothered to do some chasing.


Cheers bro - yeah this has happened to me an embarassing number of times over the last 5 years. Essentially, I always forget to account for my mobile contract each month so I end up either "oweing" the bank or going without some food for a few days every few weeks :P Better in recent days (with job and because I finally got round to reducing my contract)... But yeah I've always found that banks can actually be quite reasonable if you contact them. Thing is this letter was sent to me by my mum, and is actually like 3 months old (I should probably go see her more often...) so it's likely too late now.

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It's been ten years since, at the tender age of 18, I was cleared of testicular cancer after undergoing some extremely painful operations and a year of experimental medicines.



Tonight, I noticed for the first time that I had lost about 3 kilos in a week, and then I started peeing blood.


The signs aren't good, I don't think I've got another round of fighting-for-life in me.

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Fuck :(


You'll be alright Iun, maybe it's just aids!


Seriously though I hope it's all ok, you're a legend. I think 80% of my 'thanks' end up on your posts.


Yeah, I noticed, you seem awfully thankful for me... Maybe I should have married you instead of this wretched harridan, I mean, the lovely Mrs Iun.

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Hope you're ok Iun.








Went to see the house we've put a deposit down on, because we never got to see the small(er) bedroom properly last time. I was as satisfied as before, only the spectre of deciding who gets the smaller room hung over me (and 2 of my other future flatmates), but 1 decided to go all depressed and unsure and eurgh. Like...just...ugh. So annoying. I can't be bothered going into it really. I said he can go and look for other houses by all means, I did all the work looking last time.

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my mum was 'kind' enough to mail me a bunch of letters delivered to her address.


Student loans company reminding me that I owe them £25k, which increases by £30 a month. Bank telling me they're charging me £15 for going over my limit by £0.30... Sheffield city council telling me I still owe them money, despite twice going to the bank and setting up a standing order for them.


I've not opened the last two letters. Fucking hate shit like this.


AND DYSON! Break up with her, tell her you 'like her, but don't love her' or whatever, because face it it's true. Stop being stupid. This "girlfriend" issue will just make you see more and more faults in your life. Stop it.




Bring her to the meet again and we'll tell her for you. Break her heart. Set her up with coolness bears or something.


I completely sympathise, for some reason banks/councils/providers don't seem to understand this stuff.


My housemate, or ex-housemate is making things difficult, today I've practically sorted everything to do with me moving out and he keeps asking me to do more things, an hour ago I had to send him a message to him and his girlfriend reminding them that I'm not a slave and have to worry about moving out and finding a place in Cambridge.


I've yet to hear anything, haha. Whoops. :laughing:



Iun - I really hope you'll be ok. :hug::(

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