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Fuck you up the fuckity fuck. You don't even listen to Beyonce. You smelly cunt rat!


I hadn't actually listened to the song before I posted that :D But then I did after you raged and it is half-assed shit again. I... I don't think I can give her more chances. I'm very sorry.

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Yes it has taken a sample from Pon De Floor, who cares. It has plenty of hooks, all on me. I just love Beyonce. Go back to your man lover Nicki Minaj.


It's fine. You're awful and I accept that now. ; )



Actually a really good remix.

It's the best of both worlds. Now kiss and make up. Sexual tension = so obvious.

I don' symah-tize cos' ye is a simple bitch.

Edited by Frank
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---> made new friends

---> one of these friends started to like me more than as a friend

---> i didnt get how much he liked me

{---insert a lot of arguments over it....n stuff--}

---> i started to meet up with another guy (not that anything actually happened)

---> the guy that liked me got jealous, pissed off, whatever

{-- btw i always told this guy i didnt like him as more than a friend when he asked and everytime he asked i kept telling him nothing would ever happen . PLUS i wasnt looking for anything other than friendship--}

--->on friday we were gonna meet up for unch to talk about it

---> but someone must have told him about other dude (friend) aaaand made it seem like it was more than it was

---> sooo basically on friday it ended up him telling me to go fuck myself, his friends telling i led him on, blah blah blah

--> ended up gettin 3 text messages, an email and a fb message (lovely picture of someone giving someone the finger)


--> him and 3 friends have deleted me off msn fb :D

(btw on friday night one of the messages i got was him drunk, telling me how much he hated me)



gotta love my life sometime


Wow, what are you hanging out with, 12 year olds? Holy balls, probably best off. :shakehead

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I hadn't actually listened to the song before I posted that :D But then I did after you raged and it is half-assed shit again. I... I don't think I can give her more chances. I'm very sorry.

You're so shit.

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I am no longer going to see Arcade Fire, Vaccines, Mumford and Sons and Beirut at the end of June. I bought some tickets from an guy who I used to call my best friend(years ago) as opposed to the ones from the actual site because he said he needed the money and thought I would do him a favour.


Turns out he is no longer selling them anymore, even though we had reached an agreement I'd pay him when the tickets arrive as opposed to before.


So fucking lame, I try to be nice and helpful and it backfires massively. All tickets sold out elsewhere. I simplied replied "ok" on facebook but kind of want to lay into him. So fucking lame.

Edited by Ellmeister
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Photoshop has stopped working on my computer... it was working last night!


Meaning I've lost a day of work, and my hand-in is on Thursday. This is not good. I'd already lost plenty of time due to my computer becoming progressively slower and generally crapper over the last few weeks.

Edited by Retro_Link
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..yeh they really gotta grow up lol. just cause he didnt get what he wanted >.>




I spent 90€ on clothes. :( Two plain white shirts, white trousers, shorts and a white sportcoat (I hope that's the right word). Too much money is gone now.

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lol yeh i know right. the dude in question (the one that stopped speaking to me :P) is 21 rest are around that age...


..yeh they really gotta grow up lol. just cause he didnt get what he wanted >.>


Sounds pretty ridiculous, you are much better off. I'm having a similar problem myself and people being incredibly nosy to boot.

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I am no longer going to see Arcade Fire, Vaccines, Mumford and Sons and Beirut at the end of June. I bought some tickets from an guy who I used to call my best friend(years ago) as opposed to the ones from the actual site because he said he needed the money and thought I would do him a favour.


Turns out he is no longer selling them anymore, even though we had reached an agreement I'd pay him when the tickets arrive as opposed to before.


So fucking lame, I try to be nice and helpful and it backfires massively. All tickets sold out elsewhere. I simplied replied "ok" on facebook but kind of want to lay into him. So fucking lame.


Lay into him TBH.

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If any man got in my way of enabling me to see Mumford & Sons, I'd kill the fool.


After I pitied him, of course.


I've left it at OK. I plan for him one day to need a favour from me I'll agree then back out right at the last minute.

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I think the two games I've ordered from Shopto.net are lost. They're still not here, which is unusual.


I've ordered them a week before Easter. Maybe that wasn't such a good idea...they've been shipped a day after ordering, though.


COME ON. I want to play Portal 2 :(

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I think the two games I've ordered from Shopto.net are lost. They're still not here, which is unusual.


I've ordered them a week before Easter. Maybe that wasn't such a good idea...they've been shipped a day after ordering, though.


COME ON. I want to play Portal 2 :(


I can't recall what their customer service is like, but it might be best to send a message over, just incase. ::shrug:

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I can't recall what their customer service is like, but it might be best to send a message over, just incase. ::shrug:


No use. I did once but they said something like "You live abroad, deliveries can take up to 40 working days...nothing we/you can do."

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FFS. I've spent a good while editing this bloody video for a group presentation tomorrow. After cutting it down from 9 minutes to just under three (thanks everyone for all those suggestions which saved me the effort in the first place....oh, wait), one of them has suggested my speaking bit doesn't cover 5 minutes. NEWS FUCKING FLASH, we all agreed to do five minutes each and if you hadn't noticed I spent a crap load of time making a video to make sure the audience don't fall asleep. That plus the me speaky bit = more than 5 minutes. Everyone else has spent, at most, a couple hours on their bit.




Some people just have no idea.

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