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  Ellmeister said:
We aren't married, so I'm surprised you've given us your blessing.

Sorry, I got confused since you bicker like a married couple. :heh:

  MoogleViper said:
If you're gonna keep plugging this over-used insult Ellmeister crap you could at least be funny and make sense.


Syphilis can cause damage to the central nervous system. He said his penis pokes girls and it makes them fall at his feet.


It all makes sense.


It has a plan.

  Ellmeister said:
DUDE. He was all cool about it


Would have been funny if he wasn't cool about it.


  Cube said:
My friend from Essex (who just happens to be a doctor) just posted "lulz, had to look at the smallest penis ever today" on Facebook.


Not very professional.




Just got told I've got another two weeks at work. Ok, that's fairly good news. The bad news is that my mate who got me the job there just got fired today.



  jayseven said:
Just got told I've got another two weeks at work. Ok, that's fairly good news. The bad news is that my mate who got me the job there just got fired today.




Ouch. Is that meaning you were better than him so they kept you on for a bit longer?


No call from Jagex, pretty sure that job is down the tubes and the council are after me for 2grand, because my landlord is an idiot.


bleh, it was such a lovely day too!

  nightwolf said:
No call from Jagex, pretty sure that job is down the tubes and the council are after me for 2grand, because my landlord is an idiot.


bleh, it was such a lovely day too!


I have 2 grand. I'll even let you pick the hotel this time.


Annoyingly I had to pay over £30 for delivery of some items from South Korea, express being the only option. I then got stung for an additional £10 by customs, delivery being delayed in the process. I've since waited in all day on said delivery, only for the DHL guy to ostensibly emerge from his hiding spot in the bushes and leave a "You weren't in" card the moment I popped inside for a drink. Now I have to ring them and arrange another wasted day of loitering by my front door, which is nice.


Delivery people: just leave stuff in the garage and push a note through the door; I live in a hamlet, if anyone's going to steal from me it's probably you.


Got to work earlier today to find out that a good friend who I work with had suffered a heart attack and died yesterday afternoon. His wife has came home to find him in the garden on the floor. Horrible. :(


It's a shame, he was in his late 50s and seemed in great health. At dinnertimes at work, he'd always be on the same table as me and a small group of us would have nice conversations. In truth, it hasn't sunk in. A week ago, we were eating dinner together and cracking jokes, and now he isn't here. :(


Not famous/worthy enough to be given his own thread (I'm being really mean saying that but anyway...)


I was googling images for a project that I have coming up. I must design+create a poster, with preps et cetera. Theme relates to 'Theatre Advertisement'. Naturally thought of film posters for ideas...thus, I obviously thought of Hitchcock...google...google...


Came across a picture of Farley Granger. Googled his name because he was sex on legs in his prime. Bisexual too which made my crush feel justified. Turns out he died 2 weeks ago :(




Odd as I haven't thought about him in ages.


He stared in one of my favourite films of Hitchcock: 'Strangers on a Train' and 'Rope' also. Well...I'm sad.





(At least I still have Rami Malek :))


Peeps: you could try to change her feelings :) (Don't be a creep though.)


I had begun to open a cupboard in the kitchen and a stack of (my housemate's) porcelain bowls fell on top of me and shattered. Good thing the only bowl I own in this house is a plastic Piyo Piyo Duck one. I only got scratched a bit but it gave me a huge fright, especially the noise :mad:

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