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Ah I hope the snow is gone next week! I'm supposed to be taking the Eurostar into London. At the moment they're still going but there's 1 hour delays going on. Boooh.


As for here, everything is white. I had to walk through heavy snowfall on Thursday evening. I was completely soaked and freezing, and completely white from snow too. And no way to change clothes either, haha. Not fun. =P

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Another snow complaint I just remembered. We're running very low on oil and are waiting for a delivery which hasnt arrived yet so we're not using the heating as much to conserve the remaining oil. I are very cold at the moment. Thankfully ive just been reminded that we have an electric heater I can plug in, just wish id been told that sooner!

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We've had about 35cm fall here today I reckon, pretty crazy!!

I had to shovel an area of the garden clear for my dog, as it's pretty much the same height as her!


Not sure how things are gonna go over the next couple of days, but work is looking pretty unlikely monday morning at the moment!

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Oof, lots of snow today! It just kept coming down. Had to walk home from work and my feet just completely disappeared in the snow haha.


Transportation is getting a bit of a problem right now I think. Roads are just covered in snow and buses and trucks can't get up hills. Bit of a problem for our work, they have to cancel lots of deliveries.



Still hope the snow clears up by next week. Currently the Eurostar is taking 2 hours more to get to London, and some are getting cancelled. Don't want my train to be cancelled next week. D:

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Oof, lots of snow today! It just kept coming down. Had to walk home from work and my feet just completely disappeared in the snow haha.


Transportation is getting a bit of a problem right now I think. Roads are just covered in snow and buses and trucks can't get up hills. Bit of a problem for our work, they have to cancel lots of deliveries.



Still hope the snow clears up by next week. Currently the Eurostar is taking 2 hours more to get to London, and some are getting cancelled. Don't want my train to be cancelled next week. D:


The major airports are re-opening tomorrow fully (thats the intention), but if they are clearing it this method then don't hold hopes.




So, if the airports are re-opening then the trains should be ok.

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My dad's flight was cancelled yesterday. His holiday is totally fucked up and it's not looking likely that he'll be able to go at all. Flights will be refunded but all the bookings he made in india will retain their deposits so he's still going to be out a lot of money.


And it means I don't have a free house at all :(

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My dad's flight was cancelled yesterday. His holiday is totally fucked up and it's not looking likely that he'll be able to go at all. Flights will be refunded but all the bookings he made in india will retain their deposits so he's still going to be out a lot of money.


And it means I don't have a free house at all :(


Oh man that reminds me, I have a friend who is supposed to be coming back from India. I think that's today (but may be wrong). Hmm hope she can come back without problems, but I kinda doubt it. =/

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The major airports are re-opening tomorrow fully (thats the intention), but if they are clearing it this method then don't hold hopes.




So, if the airports are re-opening then the trains should be ok.


That is awesome. Is that a photograph? Looks photoshopped. Awesome.


My friend's flight to Amsterdam was cancelled. On a less important note, I can't be bothered to do anything worthwhile, including christmas shopping ect.


However, more proof that snow is awesome:









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Snow is awesome. I totally didn't have to go to work today and I'm quietly confident I won't tomorrow. One of my cars is too low to get over the snow and the other one doesn't work. Excellent.


Also, I knew there was a reason I purchased snowboarding trousers years ago. I sure as hell didn't use them for snowboarding. Keeping nice and warm (and smug) in the cold weather now.

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I had intended to return to the motherland for Christmas, but Mrs Scrooge guilted me into staying here. In a way, I'm glad I did because I'd probably be stuck in Frankfurt now desperately trying to get a train to GDN and then to Ashford.


Still, I would rather be with my (English) family than stuck here in Shanghai.


It snowed last week, and the whole of the Chinese nation were like "WTF?! Frozen skywater!? What do we dowhatdowedowhatdowedo?!?!"


And then the CCP were all like "It's the fault of the Imperialists because of the Opium War and everybody hates China."

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Snow is fucking my life up right now.

- Can't pick up my car yet.

- Was going to see sister and grandparents today.

- Was going to see dad on Saturday

- Got working interview tomorrow, will probably have to worry about taxi/walk/take spare shoes/just adds stress to the whole matter.

- Friend was supposed to come round yesterday to edit a wedding video/montage with me, I thus don't really know what he wants exactly.


Its annoying now. Snowman get though.

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