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At Woolworths. Refunded something for a colleague taking his word for it. Product wasn't from the store. Cautioned for theft.


I left (before she fired me) with the support of everyone else. Went on to run a store while she was demoted and eventually lost her job. Since gone on to do a masters. She's gone on to be a fatter cow.


There. The abridged version.


And Paj!ic at the Disco - deleted your facebook wall post in case on the off chance its ever checked out for a job application or something. As its now spent I never mention it (which I obviously did before...) so paranoia or whatever. ::shrug:

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I love the combination of porn and stun, then Jamie Bamber being both.

Law and Order UK will never be the same again now.

Massive thanks to Ashley for writing me my reference and for Redshell for telling me how to create anaglyph 3D graphics (the interviewer dude LOVED the 3D poster I made for my portfolio - even gave him one of pairs of glasses so he could show it to colleagues :heh:)


Seriously fucking happy right now!!!



Can I have a poster?

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PHP Argyle (The Pro 5 team I play for) got promoted to League 3.


Despite finishing 4th place, we were still promoted up a league., 3rd place finishers went up 2 leagues, 2nd place finishers went up 3 leagues to the championship, and 1st place went up to the championship too.



Random... oh well season starts next Tuesday :)

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My Mum is getting paid £20 an hour to supervise a guy's revision. To supervise. For every day of the holidays. £60 a day, for 3 weeks. Talk about more money than sense.


And considering my Mum doesn't really have a "proper" job, she's an money-earning powerhouse. Last week she was supply-teaching at my old school, where she was earning £200 a day. And she tutors 5 hours a week, and is a ski instructor, and reviews the academical progress of nursery schools. She's one of these people that hates doing nothing, so she loves the feeling of it all.


The Lady Provost of education in Edinburgh.

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Sweet. I'd go for that as well, £60 a day for doing naff all. Sign me up.




Had an email from the Tax office after the previous email i had, (linkage here for the post in general). Turns out they have other jobs available for immediate starts, and they asked me to email back to confirm if i would like to be considered/offered one of these jobs. A years contract guaranteed, which would be sweet.

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Handed in my final ever uni assignments today and have my final ever lecture tomorrow afternoon! Definitely a good excuse to hit up the pub tomorrow evening!


Also managed to knock £97 off my car insurance quote just by asking and telling them I had a better deal somewhere else, which I did, but not that good. :)

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I can definitely give it a go. I've only just started doing them so I may not have teh skillz.


I did make this today.




It's actually the test run start for the parkour video I'm doing.



Still working on making the file size not offensively large.



OOooo, Ooooo, AAALLSSOO...


Everyone watch Grand Prix: The Killer Years on iPlayer. I watched it earlier (I'm not actually into F1) and it is stunning. The last bit with the Williamson crash is absolutely terrifying/heartbreaking/unwatchable.



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That gif goes way too fast :p But it seems cool.


Packing for my return home tomorrow. Looking forward to home comforts (not so much lugging all my stuff to the National Gallery and then to Marylebone, then home) and all that. Packing is a bore but I have this on repeat:



Naturally I'm emulating the moves the best a white guy can.

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Guy at work gets bleach fix (photography chemical, not too serious) in his eye today at work. The first aid guy shows him how to wash his eye out and returns to his desk. 5 minutes later the guy comes back complaining that he got the eye wash in his mouth.


I lolled.



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Moving to a new bigger house, with bigger rooms and electric shower. Way better kitchen, our own garden and washing machine was well as dryer. Getting a HD TV, will have my own desk so I will be able to study. Only 10 minutes away from college and really close to my college friends.


Oh, what's the good news you ask?


I won't have internet for a few days while they change over to the new house, so I won't be able to get on here.

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Unscheduled day off today, woo! My teenagers class have some school concert thing and the one-to-one woman...is odd, and apparently not coming today. Which is nice. :awesome:


Most of my day is going to be spent planning kids' classes, tidying my room, planning kids' classes, washing clothes, planning kids' classes, chilling in the sun, planning kids' classes, applying for summer jobs and planning kids classes, but, hey, it could be worse. I could have to plan classes.

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