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I took a cluster headache in work mid call, and migraine developed since.


My body just does not agree with eating less/eating healthy. I've felt like nothing but shit, come out in spots, constant exhaustion & migraines on a daily basis.




This is what halts my weight loss, every single flippin' time...7


ahh here comes the nausea... joy

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My appendix nearly exploded when I was kid, and the doctor (over the phone when my parents were explaining my pains) said that my parents should just leave it and see how I was in the morning. Luckily, my Dad completely ignored him and took me to the hospital where I went straight into surgery.

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My friend's brother actually had an exploded appendix, and he was in hospital for ages to recover!

So if it is appendicitis, you'll have to get it treated properly. Even if that means them cutting into you. You don't want to risk your life over something like that heh.

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I've no idea which thread is which. It seems they've both curdled into each other.


This is supposed to be good. Just caught a glimpse of it on the "Trending" page on Youtube. Short...simple...so immature...it's great!






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Saw True Grit.




It was completely fine. It was good, but completely inessential.


Jeff Bridges accent was infuriating. You're doing it wrong when half of the dialogue is lost due to the delivery/vocal affectations. Affected my viewing of the film cause I actually missed what characters were called/why they were there.


The girl was good/it was nicely filmed/well acted.


Underwhelmed, but not sure why I was expecting more, I wasn't desperate to go see it or anything.


Just threw up my run of seeing only stunning films at the cinema.

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Well the pain is subsiding now so it's looking like it wasn't appendicitis but just a slightly inflamed appendix for some reason.


Still awaiting the results.


What's worrying though is that I've lost about 4lbs since Thursday. While sure, I ate little on Thursday and threw up what I ate, it's a bit worrying

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Went law ball last night. Got to wear a suit and look all professional and dapper.


We kept asking for more wine on our table and it kept on coming, both the red and the white were horrible. The hangover is also telling me this was the case. We ended up going to the bar and I bought an Amstel and paid about a fiver for it. I don't even like Amstel but it tasted great after that disgusting wine after-taste in my mouth.


It all got me very drunk and the after party was great, until the "older" law student (some 35+ guy) downed a pint and then was sick and tried to walk home after but fell forwards head first, head hurt ambulance called. Party endedddddddddd. You would have thought he could take his drink/ be more mature about it all.

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Bloke comes into work asking how he's meant to get the 5p off a litre when you pay at pump at the petrol station. My coworker tells him we can only do it when you select to pay at kiosk and come inside. Customer starts getting a little aggressive:


Man: Well it doesn't say that on here [indicating voucher] and it doesn't say it out there.

Me: [points at voucher] It says "excludes pay at pump" there.


Man throws the voucher on the floor and walks out shouting "Fuck Tesco!"


Arsehole, if you're not going to check the print then don't bitch.



This was initially going to be in the negative thread, but it had led to positive results. I ordered some sculpting tools for the grand Pokémon project:



And recently got an email saying they had to refund the monies for it since they couldn't get it.


Looking for an alternative I found this 12 piece bad boy:


£8.95 for 12. Awesome.


No way I'm paying for Games Workshops' "official" version.


£4.10, for one. Fuck 'em.

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Working my way through this thread. It's beautiful



When I bought the Storm Raven the other day the douche in there mistook me for someone else. "Ah you've finally caved in then....coming in every day for two weeks umming and arrring but it finally got you"






And then "Are you looking for anything in particular"


"No, just browsing. Cheers"







"Looking for a specific miniature"



FFS mate. STILL FUCKING NO. They're infuriating.

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Speaking of rape... (never thought I'd say that)


I went to this huge car boot sale at 7am this morning, as I was walking round I came to a stall that sold 2 things.


It was a big table, one half full of Nytol sleeping pills, and the other half full of pregnancy tests. Seriously he had hundreds of each.


It was like a stall for rapists, I wanted to take a picture but the guy behind it looked like he would have cut my throat if I did.


Hands down one of the most shady things I've ever seen.

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Boom! After a long weekend teaching 10 hours of kids' classes, next Sunday I'm going to Ankara for at least 2 nights. And I have a date there. Win. :awesome:


She reckons she can out drink me as I'm the lowest drinker of all my friends. She's forgetting that I'm English, and as anyone who's been interailing knows, the English are Tier 2, - shared with Australians and Canadians - below only Scots, who are Tier 0, and, as such, I can drink any Turk under the table. She's probably not expecting Jaeger shots or that much beer (bier, here), and as she's agreed to a game of keep-up and I get paid between now and then. Needless to say I'm at least having what most of the world would call a lot the moment after such a day, as I've had four on an empty stomach and feel like I did when teaching said kids' classes. Mmmm...Efes (pronounced "F-S")...Mmm...hot Turkish girl.... :D


I also want to know if this whole message is obviously tipsy... :heh:

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