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My new manager is nice...at the moment. I think she'll be nice in general. We had a good chat earlier.


She noticed my cup of green tea with the teabag in it.

"What's that?" she asks me.

"Green tea with lemon. It's gross but it's good for your metabolism and helps you lose weight"

"Ah, you're losing weight?" she says. "Me too. Slimming World since January. Lost 4 stone"

"Get out! That's great"

We start talking about our weight-loss journeys and we showed each other our before/after photos. She's lost loads. She said I've done brilliantly by myself.


It was an awesome moment. She's been a laugh so far and a bit strict when she needed to be but I'm fine with that balance. Hopefully, it'll stay like that forever! :)

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My new manager is nice...at the moment. I think she'll be nice in general. We had a good chat earlier.


She noticed my cup of green tea with the teabag in it.

"What's that?" she asks me.

"Green tea with lemon. It's gross but it's good for your metabolism and helps you lose weight"

"Ah, you're losing weight?" she says. "Me too. Slimming World since January. Lost 4 stone"

"Get out! That's great"

We start talking about our weight-loss journeys and we showed each other our before/after photos. She's lost loads. She said I've done brilliantly by myself.


It was an awesome moment. She's been a laugh so far and a bit strict when she needed to be but I'm fine with that balance. Hopefully, it'll stay like that forever! :)


I love your posts mate. Keep em up :)


And I love green tea! Always have a cup after a meal :)

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So I've been here for a week. Decided to drive out to Abu Dhabi to go to Ferrari World. went on my first roller coaster :D think it was called Fiorano GT Challenge or something. It was a pair of dueling coasters.

Went on another coaster called Fromula Rossa. Fastest in the world apparently, although I was shitting myself to begin with to be honest >_>

Went on a lot of other stuff and pretty much just screwed around for a day. It beats wondering around in 42 degree heat I guess.

Al in all, pretty fun time.

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So ... miraculously and against all expectations, I passed my last exam. I now have my BA.


Congratulations, man! :D That's awesome news!




My old manager came in my shop the other day (you know, the bitch from the shoe shop who hates my guts). She wanted some Prada perfume and basically, it was labelled wrong and one of the cashiers buzzed me to change it.


Fucking great! As if I have to make the perfume cheaper for this bitch! -_-


However, I spotted something in the corner of my eye. The same shaped bottle, pretty much the same box and the same price as the one in her hand was meant to be. I told the cashier to serve the others in the queue and I'd tend to her. I stood beside the other one, hoping she'd spot it.

"I'm sorry but I can't change the price" (I could but HELL NAH!)

Luckily, she spotted it. "What about that one?"

I picked it up and I said "That would be a fiver cheaper than the one you have now. It's the latest one too. I know it goes up in price tomorrow" (it didn't).

"Okay, I'll take that one"

I scanned it, took her money and off she went happily.

Cashier looks at me, shocked.

"You just sold her men's aftershave! Does she know?"

"Yeah, I told her" (Obviously I didn't. Once it's opened and sprayed, you can't return it. It's been three days so only 11 days to go, haha) ;)

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This isn’t really 1 ‘Good’ thing happening warranting this post, but more so an ‘Everything is Awesome in 2014’ post.


I cannot express how awesome and happy I am currently. I don’t know how this post will go down but here it goes.


2014 will always be one of the biggest years in my life as it was the year I finally married the love of my life.






The wedding was followed up by two of the most amazing weeks I’ve experienced on my honeymoon in Mexico.






Now well that is all good in the love life department, things were taking a turn for the worst at work, I was feeling undervalued and under appreciated with a company I’d been with for 7 years. Within literally 2 weeks of looking for new jobs; the company I was working for, their direct rival company approached me and effectively created a position for me with a nice salary increase. To top this off, I was put on garden leave so given 3 weeks off paid.


We also added a new member to the family in Thomas O’Malley






Now you’ll probably be fed up by this point, and probably think “You’ve told us all of this before… so what”


Well my house is taking a transformation with a lot of work being done on the living room, it’s near completion and has made a massive difference in space in the living room, not everyones idea of awesome, but it’s a real nice feeling walking into the place after work and seeing the transformation of the place this year.






My Birthday was on 29th August and I celebrated it in Amsterdam with my wife, it was an incredible fun 4 days there involving watching live sex, visiting Anne Frank House, Seeing Van Gogh works of art, drinking and dancing in a bar that is -15oC temperature, Visiting the Amsterdam ArenA and just enjoying the sites.












Then when getting back opening up an array of awesome presents: Zelda Link Between Worlds, Sonic Lost World, Iron Man 3 and Captain America Blurays, Mario Kart Scalectrix, Pacific Rim, Pain and Gain, Star Trek Into Darkness, Django Unchained & World War Z.


I’ve got 2 test drives booked in for new cars this weekend







And only 5 weeks till I jet off to Fuerteventura with the wife and the in-laws for a week, and we’ve already got our 1 year anniversary booked in for next year in Crete.


Seriously…. I could not be happier with life right now, work is going great, and the house project is nearing completion after 2 years, a new car after 5 years, holidays… I’m just generally buzzing about life at the moment. It feels like things are starting to happen after years of saving and keeping a somewhat sensible hat on its all paying off.


That is all N-Europe, I’ll go back to lurking around the boards now.

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We had a lovely weekend down here in Bournemouth with @Ashley who came to visit. The weekend involved a shit ton of videogames, including kick his arse at Injustice, crying at how bad the multiplayer was on Goldeneye Wii and playing some Brawl. We wandered to the arcades in town, ate some awesome cake, had dinner at Zizzi (tomato and pesto bread hnnnnnnnnngg) and drank cider. Also, doritos.


All in all, it was lovely.

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Had a great week off last week. Saw friends, had dates, had many drinks, enjoyed the weather, went swimming, went to the cinema, made cake. And then on the weekend:


We had a lovely weekend down here in Bournemouth with @Ashley who came to visit. The weekend involved a shit ton of videogames, including kick his arse at Injustice, crying at how bad the multiplayer was on Goldeneye Wii and playing some Brawl. We wandered to the arcades in town, ate some awesome cake, had dinner at Zizzi (tomato and pesto bread hnnnnnnnnngg) and drank cider. Also, doritos.


All in all, it was lovely.


YEAAAAAAAAAAAAH. Plus on the Sunday morning I woke up, went swimming, into the jacuzzi, steam room, sauna and then checked out of the hotel and went to the beach and lay there for a bit. Super relaxing.


Had a great time :)

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I feel so relaxed, it's amazing. I was so worked up at my previous job, and then whilst it was great when I left, I always had this niggling worry of WHAT IF. What if I don't get a job anytime soon, what if I spend all my money whilst I don't have a job, what if I have to end up going back into retail anyway....


But now I officially have this new job, oh man. Last night I was so relaxed I literally ended up falling asleep fully clothed on my bed at about half 10. I usually don't sleep until 2 or 3, reading and watching stuff to make myself drop off.


So yeah, woke up at 6 this morning, got into pj's and slept a bit more :p

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