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Following on from http://www.n-europe.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1726608&postcount=7976


It wasn't skin cancer, thankfully...just an abnormal wart which makes me wonder how the hell did I get that? I barely leave the house and people don't touch me.


Got liquid nitrogened so it should hopefully be gone in two weeks


See, I told you not to get yourself worked up over Internet theories. I'm happy for you, dude. Now get some Wartner on that bitch, get out there, catch some Pokemon, pull some birds and have a Merry bloody Christmas! :yay:

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My car is all fixed! It only cost a grand..


I'm still waiting for my solicitors to get the money from the '3rd party' as it was their fault, but for now, my car is safe and cleaner than ever. Phew.


If it makes you feel any better, we just spent £600 of our own money to fix a car we bought less than a year ago. Although we bought it pretty cheap, so it still turned out to be a bargain overall.


My good news for the day: our department decided that we couldn't be arsed to work today and seeing as the main bosses were on holiday, decided to play Quake Live instead. Our department manager is alarmingly good.

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If it makes you feel any better, we just spent £600 of our own money to fix a car we bought less than a year ago. Although we bought it pretty cheap, so it still turned out to be a bargain overall.



I'm not sure how that is supposed to make me feel better.


I nearly lost my car (my insurance tried to write it off) and got hit head on...




But that sucks, makes me wonder if the previous owner knew about it..

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We continued our derping around on Quake Live today. The manager even forked out for a private server so we could destroy each other without being interrupted by people far superior to us.





Despite the fact that I literally did no work today (the department manager hates the fact that we were in at all), I did do something vaguely productive. We're looking into augmented reality stuff, so I had a play around with Metaio. It's quite good at tracking, even when zoomed in. It can be a bit fussy with the 3D models it accepts, but it's still quite impressive.






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  • 2 weeks later...


Air in tyres.

In car air-freshener.

De-icer, anti freeze, scraper.









I don't know if I'm joking or not?


Electric power bumpers

Badger insurance

Door washer oil

Roof conditioning top ups

Exhaust tax



I, on the other hand, am being completely serious.

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Visited family this weekend. They all know about my problems (as posted in the other thread) and have been quite supportive. Spent one day at my Mum's and another at my sister's. Her friend popped round, too (the one I asked out). Oddly, I wasn't nervous about it and it never felt awkward, and it felt good to talk to her as a friend. Also, my nephew and nieces are awesome, so it's always good to see them.

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