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I'm taking the gamble of queuing for a PS4 tonight at Tesco as it's been revealed they are selling some to none pre-order customers.


And I have one person to thank for this.


My incredible fiance who said that we can dip into the wedding fund so I can at least try and get a PS4 tonight. The stipulation that my wedding ring is cheap. I'm happy with that.


I'm Marrying a saint I tell you.:love:






Man, can you make a clone of her, turn her into a man and ship her off to me pl0x?:laughing:


EDIT: We paid off our eon bill! So glad to see that £1000 gone! :D

Edited by nightwolf
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Is there no high score ranking screen?


I checked on the song itself and it just had my last high score when I was offline so I think it only saves offline scores and not online. I was SO gutted! I've tried doing it again since and just managed 11,700-odd. It's a shame!




I found out today that my company won another £20 on top of the £10 I won them. We've won £90 before and all the money goes towards a Christmas meal for us. Just added it up. We get it completely free now!

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Month finished. My first non-training month and I had the most output, made the most money, trained the new guy, was supervisor for a few days, and now I have the first week of december off so I can CHIIILLLL!


Was hoping for a massive lie-in after the pay-day pub trip last night, but my landlord is begrudgingly asking me for rent early as they need to pay for an MOT, so I'm up earlier than intended. This means I'll sort out my rubbish and recycling, get cash out, get a load of washing on, get the paper (for the crossword) and be back here by 10:30, ready for a day of Red Dead... and, most likely, a pizza shall be ordered for tea!


My week ahead = sort my rooms out, do my washing backlog, go to london for a gig with my lady... and just enjoy sleep. Mmmm! Oh! And christmas shopping, of course.

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I went to Barburrito for lunch. They had a new chili beef filling, which was awesome. And to make things even better, one of the staff accidentally put a "Fried Veg" sticker on it (presumably because he saw the mushrooms, which are an extra), so I got charged less for it.

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Barburrito is amazing.


Any way, finally finished this bitch of an essay that I've been trying to complete as far in advance as possible so I can go home immediately after the Japanese test on Monday. So, with that out the way, I checked my bank balance to see how I've done with my budget for the semester to find out I've done a couple hundred quid better than expected. Even better, I got half of my bursary that I wasn't expecting until the lump sum that usually arrives in February, so I'll be using that to pay back the little left over money I owe to my Mother who supported me during some rough financial times in Japan.


Right now? Feeling pretty fucking amazing, the best I've felt in my post-Japan life!

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Good stuff, brah.


I've just spent houuuurs using the copy/pasta functions to upload my reports to our shitty reports system. I've finally done it. Feels good, man.


Now that awkward moment when the headmaster sends them all back to me because they were shite and I wrote them whilst watching the football.

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For anyone interested, my cards are here and are online in my shop!


I am selling them for £1.80, however if you buy 3 or more, you can get a discount. You can get 3 for £4.50, 4 for £6 etc. Just use the code "XMAS3" before checking out. =)


Let me know if there are any issues!



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I invented a great darts game today.


It's called the runner.


One guy is the runner. He gets three darts to start. The first dart he hits is his number, and he gets 2 lives (we used 2 as there were 2 attackers, but each dart is worth as many lives as the number of attackers).

He uses the remaining darts to try and build up his lives (in our game, 2 live per dart, maximum of 6; doubles and trebles just count as normal for the runner).

The attackers now have to get his lives down by hitting his number. Each dart is worth 1 life (but doubles and trebles count as 2 and 3 lives respectively). If they get him down to 0 with one round (of three darts) each then the next person becomes the runner. If they don't manage to catch him (get him to 0) then he wins a point, and starts again (throws three more darts; first one decides the number).

The runner keeps going and collecting points until caught.

The winner is the first to score 10 points (or any other number depending on how long you want to play).


It was such a good game. Much more tense than clock, killer and 201/301/501.



I'd like somebody else to play it and report back to me with their opinion.

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For anyone interested, my cards are here and are online in my shop!


: peace: Love the new ones :heart: Bought them, of course :)



I feel great. I found a lot of new friends at university over the past few weeks.

Also got two cakes, a cigar and some vodka for my birthday last Friday from them.


I'm happy. :)

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: peace: Love the new ones :heart: Bought them, of course :)



I feel great. I found a lot of new friends at university over the past few weeks.

Also got two cakes, a cigar and some vodka for my birthday last Friday from them.


I'm happy. :)


Oh, yeah, I also bought three of your Christmas cards the other day, @Eenuh. :) I hope they arrive before Christmas - otherwise I'll just save them for next year. :heh:


Also great to hear your life's good, drahkon. :)

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: peace: Love the new ones :heart: Bought them, of course :)



I feel great. I found a lot of new friends at university over the past few weeks.

Also got two cakes, a cigar and some vodka for my birthday last Friday from them.


I'm happy. :)


Thank you! Your cards will be on the post tomorrow. =)

Also, good to hear you are enjoying uni and making friends. And, happy late birthday!


Oh, yeah, I also bought three of your Christmas cards the other day, @Eenuh. :) I hope they arrive before Christmas - otherwise I'll just save them for next year. :heh:


Thanks! I posted them on Thursday I think, so hopefully they will still arrive on time. They should do, unless the Royal Mail/Danish mail are realllllllly slow! =P


Same applies for @Coolness Bears, @The Peeps and @gaggle64, thank you so much for buying my cards, they have been posted on Thursday and are on their way to you! =)


And of course thank you @jayseven for buying so many of my cards! It was great to see you too in Brighton, Jim and I both had a great time. =D

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I finally figured out how to get US Netflix. So much stuff....Netflix UK just seems to be ripping me off with the amount of stuff they have on here compared to the US >_>


Well done chap. Once you've gone to the US, there is no going back. There is stuff on there that should be on the UK Netflix. I've spent much of the weekend watching Dinosaurs, Saved by the Bell, Malcolm in the Middle. All of which are on the US, not UK. Heck even the Christmas movies are a lot better on the US.

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Something good from uni for once. My supervisor doesn't really understand my thesis project as he's more of an attention based/cognition research and my project is looking at emotion and memory both in terms of cognition and neuropsychology. So it's a bit of a mismatch but I picked him last year because he mentioned stuff about subliminal learning and thought it'd work well. :blank:


Anyway, so he doesn't really understand my work and no one really studies my area within the university. However, one of the lecturers, who has done research on memory, has very kindly offered to act as my external supervisor and help out in terms of nailing down aspects of my research and help with understanding bits of the literature. :yay:


A small thing but it's great to now have someone who knows a bit about what I'm doing, can see the issues that are cropping up now and will keep cropping up over the next couple of years as a result of my supervisor not understanding my project, and can help push my research forward. She's given me her PhD thesis to read through and is more than happy to sit and have a chat about things. It's more about helping direct the research and helping understand/define some of the terminology to help focus things as I'm good enough at understanding the literature. So, very happy and feeling a bit more optimistic about my research now.

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My headset seems to have died in one speaker. Which should be in the bad news - right?


Wrong, just chatted to an Amazon rep for barely 4 minutes and managed to get a replacement sent my way. Easy peasy. Pleased. Shame its gone already, I love these headphones, but at least they are easy to replace, whoop!


Now to go hide, as I'm ill today >.<

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I got some faulty gloves from Amazon, I filled in a form and the new ones were dispatched before they received the faulty ones. On top of that, I sent it through work's post and they refunded £3.49.


Nice one, I've thankfully got free postage with Amazon (a collect+). But they new headset will be here before Friday and I have til mid January to send these ones back.


Bit sad that something that's so expensive has broken already, but at the very least I get a new pair. (there's no reason to suggest why the speaker would have broken), but at least I'm not without for a while. :love:

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