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Nah, reads naturally.


Got my new office chair and desk all set up. I can finally start working from home properly!


Now to drink and watch Cheers...what, I'm nearly at the finale!


Oh I did change my morning routine a bit. Post-gym and pre-work is now doodling in the hospital garden (which is at the back of work). Realised I can't seem to adjust my mind to get to the gym later, and kept ended up being in work half an hour early. Nice to do something that's not sat at my desk.

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Just been at work to tell them that I'd like to quit. Everybody there accepted that, wished me the best of luck and my coaches who worked with me for the past couple of months have the deepest respect for me and my decision.


I also got offered to continue working there (of course in a different department) until I go to university. That would mean I'll definitely have a job until October. : peace:



What amazes me the most, though, is that my colleagues - who I've known for only 5 months - are more understanding than people who I'd call 'friends' and who I've known for many years.



Well, life goes on. I finally made the decision and went through with it. For the first time in my life I've done something for me, only for me.

It feels good, liberating.


Maybe they hate you!! Nah, that's awesome news. What sort of work is it btw?

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Maybe they hate you!! Nah, that's awesome news. What sort of work is it btw?


Apparently it isn't possible for me to continue working there until September. It's some kind of legal problem.


But I can work there at least until the end of May, maybe add 2 more months after that.

I'd be working as a simulation pilot. Not as amazing as it sounds :p ATC trainees would train in simulations and I'd input all the information and 'orders' they give to aircraft.



It's a bit of a setback that I have to find a job later on, but I don't mind. Not that I am indifferent, but somehow I think there are more important things in life. Of course, I could've used the money.

Still, I am so happy that I went through with what I had decided on. :)

Edited by drahkon
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Lunch time drinks with one of my best friends before she heads off for the next week or so, meeting up with another friend who is back in the country for the next few months and getting several assignments out of the way a month ahead of schedule. Great day!


Now just to kick my dissertation research into gear and put together my PhD proposal by the end of the week and it'll all be good :)

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Grats Murr!


I had a half day today, so I jumped into the car and went into town. Managed to keep under my budget of £50 for clothes and some new things (like a travel mug I found in Primark). Got home, cooked bacon/mushroom risotto and got to chill out infront of the pc for a few hours.


Wodnerful start to the weekend! Oh and the housemate is back tonight, so it'll be nice to see her :)

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Went to the pub after a bad week, and a friend told me of a job - 3-4 hours a day for 3 weeks. PERFECT. It can give me £180+ per week... combined with knowing my visa app has gone in means I can do more with myself besides computer games before I go woop woop :)

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A mate and his girlfriend just asked me if I'd like to go to a bar with them, as they meet up with a couple of their friends. I don't know anybody there besides them.

Past-me would've taken that as a reason to say 'Nah, don't wanna.'


Fuck that guy. I'm going out.


Drunk. Yeh. don't k wo wibt. am Drunk

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While I'm not proud of what happened to me last night, there's something about it that makes me weirdly happy.

Not the fact that I had to spend the night in a hospital bed or that I was so goddamn drunk.


I did something I've never done in the past: I was spontaneous and went out without thinking about it.

I wanted to change, and now there's proof that I did. And it feels good.



And I've realized that I have two great friends. My mate and his girlfriend helped me last night, they called the ambulance and even picked me up from the hospital in the morning.

Edited by drahkon
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