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Welcome edzza


*insert rimmersalutegif*


2 things to watch out for and be careful of.


1. Rez

2. Rez's personalities


Other than that, you'll be fine. And as you are here, there is no leaving. So sit back and enjoy!!!.


Cheers for the heads-up, great tune tho.

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Hi edzzzzzzza :) Hope you enjoy your stay...


just so you know its a one way ticket and you aren't leaving :):heh:




Good stuff for me today was finding out we're definitely getting a payrise.. kinda bad side is that we were the last to know (cheers about that? people we fucking don't even know that know before us...what a gip) BUT on the brilliant side is I could be in line for about 4 years of backpayed increase.... maybe even into the...dare i say it....thousands? :o woot money! but the boss will try and scam us out of as much of it as possible... ahh the complexities of payscales in the public sector :indeed:

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So I got a promotion yesterday, yay! Our team leader also told us she is moving to a different department. A lot of people have problems with her and she can be a bit awkward/annoying at times but as I see it I've dealt with worse. Anyway in her place they are putting someone from our office who is super awesome (and long overdue for a promotion), so now my line manager is super awesome!


Makes up for two other not-so-great things happening today.

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My job went from 12 weeks to 3 weeks, then had an extra 2 days, then 3, then another 2, then another week, and now my boss's boss has told me that he is happy for me to be here for another three weeks at the least -- which is nice! From now 'til I leave I really need to start properly budgeting, though.

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My job went from 12 weeks to 3 weeks, then had an extra 2 days, then 3, then another 2, then another week, and now my boss's boss has told me that he is happy for me to be here for another three weeks at the least -- which is nice! From now 'til I leave I really need to start properly budgeting, though.


I'm happy for you.


Please spend as much time at work as you can. Don't worry about the internet *cough*xpert11*cough*, it can take care of itself. Enjoy yourself.

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I've been helping out in the VM department this week and have been working with our resident Polish lady, who is awesome.


Yesterday, she told me that she had a present for me. The conversation got interrupted and I forgot about it. Today I had to sit at her desk, since she needed to use the computer I had been using. When I sat down, she pointed to a 3 piece photo of some VW Beetles. Turns out she had been down in London and her friend had a box full of them, so she brought some back for me, since she knows I love VWs. My desk is now extra awesome.

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My other job is going well, too. Basically my manager's manager hinted strongly at moving me up the ladder in teh near future (a few months, I suppose).


Thing is, I plan to be in another country in a few months...


I really respect both him and the job. I partly hope that he'll remember me when I return from Oz and will be able to find a job for me.

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I fixed my iPod. :grin:


I've not used it for months, I'm actually the happiest I've been in a while. :D It directly correlates to my iPod I've found out. Once I lost it for 3 days and almost broke down. :p (true story.)


Anyway Blackberry well done you did well to stand in but, you cannot beat my old friend.


I restored her and gave her a new name. PUNGEE reigns supreme in the musical world and excepts nothing less than High Art to be played on her. :heh:


Shame I have to go out this evening, I'd rather stay in loading music onto my iPod and correct the album art/tags to make it all slick and perfect. :)

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Work has been going well lately, I'm settling into my job and just been so busy. I've noticed I've been on here a lot less and it is killing me!


Today, I locked myself out of my house and had to go to someone's house to get my neighbour's key who have my spare key in their house, luckily I got back in! That is the only good thing to happen to me today since the rest of it I have been revising for 2 exams on Monday.


Oh, and I bought a new charger for my computer so I don't have to keep using my work computer.

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Aaaaahhhhhhhhhh really good news.


Basically there are these two Ninjago LEGO sets (Ninja theme, they are so cool) and I was like "Well, they're pretty awesome, but the price is massively inflated and unaffordable". Claire informs me this morning that she wants a nice burger + some tea lights (translation = TGI Fridays and IKEA) so I oblige and we go to Milton Keynes.


I am aware that Toys R Us are having a three day 3 for 2 on LEGO sets.


So we pop along.


A) Amazing thing number one. One of the two Ninjago sets I really wanted but were really expensive was....MASSIVELY reduced.


RRP is £91.99, and you can find it online in sale/reduced for about £76.99 ish approximately.....THEY HAD IT ON SALE FOR £61.99.




B) They....they had the damn second set too! RRP is £70 ish, and they have it for £50.


C) They also have an old Prince of Persia set, but its really nice, and is the last one on the shelf, just bunged on top of something else - no price. I ask for a price. Bam, £50. RRP on it was (like a year ago, or whenever Sands of Time came out) must have been at least £80, its a really nice set with some really really nice elements, characters and a MOTHER FUCKING CAMEL.


+ A free Ninjago Skeleton Chopper when you spend £20 on Ninjago.


So I got £240 of LEGO, specifically including two sets I MASSIVELY wanted and considered "ungettable" for £111.99 and a free mini set.


So good.





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Last night was mental!


Started off slowly as we weren't sure what we were going to do. Ended up just having some beers in the flat before heading to a bar for a few drinks for a friends bday.


Come 12:30 myself and 2 friends went down the road to a club, Kushion. Went up to the bar after a huge queue and decided it would just be best to buy a whole bottle of vodka to save time queuing for drinks later on! Best decision I've ever made.


All the seats were taken apart from a few in a booth. I asked the girls who were in it of anyone was sitting there and they said they were. Once they caught sight of our bottle of vodka, complete with ice bucket they quickly moved over and gve us one hell of a lot of chat.


So many other hot girls came up to us through the course of the night. Loving our chat (and their stingy portions of vodka!), being really friendly with us.


The dollar signs were there to see in all of their eyes.


Felt like The Man all night.

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Someone sent a load of spam using our company's contact form.


Why is why is this in the good thread?


Well, on our end it's easy to ignore. We use Gmail so we can see the subject so it takes seconds to skip it all.


What's great is that it was clearly inputted manually. Someone must have spent a decent chunk their weekend (this was over two days) repeatedly filling in our contact form.

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lovin' this thread...


so after ranting in the ihatemyjob thread (which really made me feel better ^_^) i thought RIGHT! don't just moan about it blue, DO! so i did...

i applied for a job as manager of a new kids activity centre opening up in my town soon...

and i GOT IT!

i applied on sunday night, got a call on monday morning, went for an interview monday evening and got called with an offer this afternoon and quit my job this evening. needless to say, i feel pretty awesome, and i'm REALLY looking forward to the exciting new challenge that this new job is going to offer :bouncy:


i feel extra good about it 'cause it means that both me and jamba are on course with the plan we made for ourselves when we moved out of londinium: get crappy jobs in order to move into own place - check! move into own place - check! get BETTER jobs we actually like - CHECK! and all in time for christmas! :3

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