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Oi...2/10 exams finished from my Leaving Cert. All good so far. I'll be done this time next week. Sweet Devine lord...thank jebus.


I love how before each exam our examiner does the 'Hail Mary' with us.

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Having a friend from back home up until Sunday. I'm so excited! She's the kind of

friend that does this:



Everyone needs a friend like that. Plus, the last time I saw her, I managed to lose her in a terrifyingly large crowd at a festival. I found her purely because she was wandering around shouting "My gay! Has anyone seen a gay!". I've missed her so much.


I love Charlotte. I felt so bad for her during that scene. Lol.

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no good stuff since yesterday, what is wrong with youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu all!!!



Today I was at the gym and the guy who took the spin class I did last friday came up to me and said hello... during the class he told me to turn down the resistance on the bike a bit... and he wanted to apologise if it embarrassed me... haha. He said I did brilliant and probably worked twice as hard as everyone else! booooooyah. Here I was leaving on Friday feeling really n00bish and unconfident about it all, and I aced it. woo.


He said most people only pretend to turn the resistance up.... my face must have been a picture because he laughed at me, lol. XD



I had a freakin super hard session at teh gym today - 45 minutes/3.5km on the treadmill (personal best in terms of stamina) then a half an hour pt session. My feet are sooooooo gonna be blistered tomorrow!!! But I feel goooood. And wiifit said I lost 6lbs in 4 days, but the last time I was on it I put on 3lbs.... my body seems to spike up and down constantly, maybe I hold water or something o_O

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While reviewing today I finally decided to immerse myself in Pendulum by listening to three albums back to back and quite frankly I love... :)


I've heard their songs before in various places but never took the time to really listen to them until now but I'm glad I did, really enjoy that rewarding feeling of 'discovering' an artist who you've heard of but just 'put off' listening to for some unknown reason.


Anyway... :D


*goes off to rip Pendulum Live at Brixton Academy*

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What a wonderful day.


It's my girlfriend's father's birthday today. He invited me. All of their family was there. A lot of them I've never met before, but they seem nice :)


Later me and my girlfriend watched the complete first season of How I Met Your Mother.


And for dinner we had pizza. : peace:

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I've read some hilarious posts on here today that have had me physically laughing.. and I never really laugh out loud when I'm at the computer : peace:


Thanks to everyone who contributed to that :heh:


Also, I'm relatively happy and content in general at the minute so I'm highly thankful for that and hoping that it continues :hehe: The weekend was considerably different from what I normally get up to.. and it was certainly interesting.. :indeed:


I'm starting to enjoy being me again :yay:

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Having broken one of Jidderbugs windows at the weekend, I needed to get a template to get another one made. It was the rear side window, so I removed the other sides window. I managed to do it without swearing and/or breaking the other one.


I am a proper mechanic now. Who wants to touch me? I smell of oil and manliness.


Also got one of the door windows out, since they don't fit right and I'll be replacing them at the same time.

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Tripped in my garage and put my hand out to stop myself. Ended up pretty much putting my hand through the window. They weren't very strong...


Luckily they're fairly cheap to replace (£54 for a pair of much stronger ones), so it's not too bad. I also plan to paint the car whilst the windows are out. It's also given me motivation to get front windows that fit. I probably would have left the current ones in if I didn't have to replace the rears.

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