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good stuff thread.


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My friend made me a list of youtube music to watch, which I am compiling into a playlist so I can soak myself in new. I made my own in retaliation, and I may have been listening to that way more.


Tonight my friend has organised an event he has titled MANLY NIGHT. It is a ridiculous premise that will diminish the intention of the night by building stupid expectations. Still, my other friend has marinaded us some steaks and is providing half a bottle of whiskey, and I'm going to nab a big, cheap, dirty bottle of cider. Before THAT is PIZZA. Another friend and I take it in turns to buy us both pizza. We've done it for about 8 years, about once a month when possible. It's his turn to pay, which is good as I have no money.


Seeing family tomorrow really early, so I'm worried that tonight will wreck me. But yes, overall life is not bad. Money problems taint everything else, of course.

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Last few days:


Thursday - post-work drinks as someone was leaving. Joint by the person who left a few weeks back and said she'd come along with me to The Boy Least Likely To gig/album playback/quiz/raffle next week.

Friday - still managed to get up at 6. Defeated a PC virus. Got the girl.

Today - went swimming with a friend then we went for lunch. Then met Dan and Emma for a drink, dress shopping and coffee.

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So i walk into the pub tonight and a regular comes up to me and says there's a poker game going on in a few minutes. So i buy into it for £10 and end up winning £120


I'm a very happy man


Also Alex Kapranos was in the lounge with an acoustic guitar strumming out old Franz Ferdinand tracks, so that was a little bonus i guess.

Edited by martinist
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After a rather relaxed weekend of watching rugby and replaying Chrono Trigger (still amazingly good running through it all those years later), I was dreading coming back in to Uni to face the mountain of work that is slowly beginning to build up with not enough hours in the day to deal with it and all the meetings.


Thankfully, a day spent listening to some Pixies, Smashing Pumpkins and The Cure while reading stuff I'm interested in and managing to nail down an experimental design for my research with my supervisor that should get at what I'm investigating has at least eased the stress for the time being. /happy chappy :D

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Had my scan. Everything was within 'acceptable' blah or whatever, so that's good. Just got to keep an eye on it.


Edit: That sounds like there is a 'something' to keep an eye on. There isn't. It's all good.

Edited by Daft
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Had my scan. Everything was within 'acceptable' blah or whatever, so that's good. Just got to keep an eye on it.


Edit: That sounds like there is a 'something' to keep an eye on. There isn't. It's all good.


So it's nothing terrible, but if it doesn't go down on it's own it may need some simple medicine or cream?

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