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good stuff thread.


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...........these name changes aren't funny......Not to be a spoilsport of anything but are ye fucking high! Cause I am and I'm STILL not finding this shit funny!


Well of course you wouldn't. Drugs are bad and do not make life funnier. I'd rather you take your pro-pot propaganda elsewhere thanks.

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The car me and my Dad share* is back on the road and running better than it ever has since we had it. Huzzah!


*we both have our own cars, but share a third one so that he can save on fuel and I can put less miles onto my Scirocco. She's getting old and infirm you see.

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I feel like every thread should be retitled Tapedeck, as some sort of artistic statement. It'll be great. Forced to assess a thread by the thread starter, then forcing you to get your bearings without the use of a title.





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I feel like every thread should be retitled Tapedeck' date=' as some sort of artistic statement. It'll be great. Forced to assess a thread by the thread starter, then forcing you to get your bearings without the use of a title.






Epic idea tbh.

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The payrise/bonus letters were given out at work today.

Last year mine was a little less than expected so I went to see the MD about it and had it upped after a semi-heated discussion. This year the letter itself was great (3% payrise, 10% bonus) so that's a nice weight lifted off my mind.


Mmmmmm ... what to spend it on?

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Or of course you could just ignore feedback and concentrate on one little part of my post that was a JOKE.


Its been flogged more times than a cheap escort in the forum news bit but the long and short of it:


Its a bit of a laugh. We've changed names (threads and users) numerous times before, it stops the place becoming stagnant and full of itself. We tried to squash the bigger threads but people can't seem to function without the minutia so we need to amuse ourselves. As Vaj said it could help people to actually read a thread as all to often people just opinion dump, even in big threads like this it can help to look things over.


And on a more personal level this isn't really much to do with me as an individual as I leave the mods to do whatever really (unless its necessary to intervene) and I don't think having a bit of a joke is breaking any rules (and plenty of people do it, look at Ell's signature). I've only ever changed it to The Smiths lyrics because people were getting confused when the good/bad names were inverted because they weren't actually reading the threads.

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Its been flogged more times than a cheap escort in the forum news bit but the long and short of it:


Its a bit of a laugh. We've changed names (threads and users) numerous times before, it stops the place becoming stagnant and full of itself. We tried to squash the bigger threads but people can't seem to function without the minutia so we need to amuse ourselves. As Vaj said it could help people to actually read a thread as all to often people just opinion dump, even in big threads like this it can help to look things over.


And on a more personal level this isn't really much to do with me as an individual as I leave the mods to do whatever really (unless its necessary to intervene) and I don't think having a bit of a joke is breaking any rules (and plenty of people do it, look at Ell's signature). I've only ever changed it to The Smiths lyrics because people were getting confused when the good/bad names were inverted because they weren't actually reading the threads.


Haha look it's all good. I would never go as far as to quote rules and shit. I'm pretty laid back about stuff most of the time. I just.. didn't really get it, but whatever I don't get lots of things ye guys post.


like I R ANTICHOKE to this fucking day :D

I'm not a dry balls I swear

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Yes... but no :P Causes more havok than penguins. I mean fun.


ITP: spelling havoc like the video game physics engine/AFI lead singer instead of the correct way. Maximum Nerdity.


Side note: this is the first thread rename I've done and, as you can tell, creativity caved to sheer irritation.

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Davey is my subconscious spellcheck! It is replaces ordinary words with longer ones.


Today I've been given a small job to try and sell my mum's friends Beatles 'memorabilia' via whatever means I can. He has magazines, Lennon's death tributes from newspapers, postcards, books, VHS, and also a bunch of programmes from a bunch of 70's music festivals. Made a list of the mags he has and a brief note on the other stuff - took two hours, and I've been researching ebay and other sites (which all seem to use ebay anyway) for price estimates. Ebay pricing will make him smile - but there doesn't seem to be much in the way of bidders. There's a beatle's memorabilia specialist shop in brighton and a couple of music-related auction house-cum-antiques stores that I'll hit up. I'm working on 10% commission but I really think I'll be lucky if I see £20 simply because I don't know if there'll be buyers for anything.


Going on a caravan trip on Friday-thru-monday, but on tuesday I'll be doing a photoshoot of a couple of hundred items! Kinda fun, nonetheless.

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I feel like every thread should be retitled Tapedeck, as some sort of artistic statement. It'll be great. Forced to assess a thread by the thread starter, then forcing you to get your bearings without the use of a title.






Bitch, you crazy.


I was going to grab a gif, but couldn't be bothered.


I got most of the day off to get my animation work finished. :D

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I have things that could belong in this thread and in the bad stuff one.


1. In the last 10 days I have made 144$ out of nothing at Fulltilt Poker. Now my account has been frozen because they need to verify my identity. Great. Can't do that for 1 month because I need a new ID card.


2. Just seen Being John Malkovich. No idea if I like or hate it.

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I just had a phone call about a placement I applied for, asking me if I'm ok to do a telephone interview. Now I'm shit on phones, and I didn't hear what she said exactly. I think she said she was from Avis, but I'm pretty sure she mentioned HR. The Avis application wasn't a HR role, but some others were. She did say she'd email me to confirm so i can just check then.


My (potential) dilemma is thusly, I gave up applying for a year out (which the Avis role is, I applied a few weeks ago but never expected to hear back). So instead I started applying for summer internships. However I recently signed a contract and paid a deposit/summer rent on a house with a few friends. So if it is Avis it would mean letting them down, but I really want to do a year out.


EDIT: It is the Avis job. She must have said she was from HR.

Edited by MoogleViper
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God, I'm wrecked,

Such a good day though :D Spent it with 3 friends (who I love!) in DCU, Dublin doing a linguistics competition.

Was quite glad to see I got to the final/top 100 in Ireland (not saying much but whatevs)


Bought a pretty cool poster in the college which was dirt cheap. Then had a hilarious train ride with said friends. I love it when I can be completely comfortable around people. I haven't laughed properly in so long.

I feel released.

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2. Just seen Being John Malkovich. No idea if I like or hate it.


You should like it. If you don't... I have no words.




Got a good response for my "documentary". :bouncy: It was alright...I didn't hate it, but could've been better. ::shrug:

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