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Hey, welcome back DomJcg. And even the tough decisions can be worthwhile, as you've shown with the results so far.


Why thank you Jimbob, it's been tough but worth it, i can say now that its made me a better person and far happier than I was.


@Jayseven, again thank you, how is your life going? do you still have purple hair (you did the last time I saw you) Also, its nice to see that not much has changed in the way of peoples signatures and so on :)


Ell you have some form of a bomb heading towards you in the post ;0 I'm still gathering your research too, from what I understand, it was a pretty pivotal moment in the courts.


By the by, today I worked for 6 hours and am currently writing about the supreme court :o

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Why thank you Jimbob, it's been tough but worth it, i can say now that its made me a better person and far happier than I was.


@Jayseven, again thank you, how is your life going? do you still have purple hair (you did the last time I saw you) Also, its nice to see that not much has changed in the way of peoples signatures and so on :)


Ell you have some form of a bomb heading towards you in the post ;0 I'm still gathering your research too, from what I understand, it was a pretty pivotal moment in the courts.


By the by, today I worked for 6 hours and am currently writing about the supreme court :o


What's your job? Do you know Baroness Hale? I'm off to a talk by her in a week I think where she talks about her year in the Supreme Court.


I'm getting there with my own research now :p You're too late. Although still struggling for some sources! Rather annoying.

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Why thank you Jimbob, it's been tough but worth it, i can say now that its made me a better person and far happier than I was.


@Jayseven, again thank you, how is your life going? do you still have purple hair (you did the last time I saw you) Also, its nice to see that not much has changed in the way of peoples signatures and so on :)


Ell you have some form of a bomb heading towards you in the post ;0 I'm still gathering your research too, from what I understand, it was a pretty pivotal moment in the courts.


By the by, today I worked for 6 hours and am currently writing about the supreme court :o


Seeing as you appear to have been sans le Facebook for some time, here's something that's changed that you may have missed: I now live in Turkey.

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What's your job? Do you know Baroness Hale? I'm off to a talk by her in a week I think where she talks about her year in the Supreme Court.


I'm getting there with my own research now :p You're too late. Although still struggling for some sources! Rather annoying.


Damn, its actually interested me, send me your essay! And apologies, I keep forgetting we now have a Supreme Court. I was referring to the United States. But that does sound really cool!


Seeing as you appear to have been sans le Facebook for some time, here's something that's changed that you may have missed: I now live in Turkey.


Query: Why? and which part?

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Query: Why? and which part?


I'm in Konya, in Western Anatolia. Pretty much half way between Ankara and Antalya, if you know your Turkish geography. People are coming over to see me in Antalya or Izmir over the easter hols (not that I get them, seeing as I'm out of Christendom), so if you fancy it...


I'm EFL teaching, which is both fun and interesting, which is nice. I'm taking a year or two out of Uni, and am going to change course when I go back, to history or history and something (King's do history and war studies, or maybe a language. Sadly, Surrey don't do history. :( ) Given that I have 3 years civil engineering left anyway, I might as well change to something I enjoy.


EDIT: You may have also missed that I lived in Olomouc in the Czech Republic briefly (very briefly!) late last year, but that fell through on account of my employers being douchebags. It turned into a rather nice mini winter holiday, and I plan to go back there when I go Interrailing again in summer '12 (you know Houli and I went interailing last summer, right?).


Sorry for turning this into the "What fish has done in the last 8 months...

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I'm in Konya, in Western Anatolia. Pretty much half way between Ankara and Antalya, if you know your Turkish geography. People are coming over to see me in Antalya or Izmir over the easter hols (not that I get them, seeing as I'm out of Christendom), so if you fancy it...


I'm EFL teaching, which is both fun and interesting, which is nice. I'm taking a year or two out of Uni, and am going to change course when I go back, to history or history and something (King's do history and war studies, or maybe a language. Sadly, Surrey don't do history. :( ) Given that I have 3 years civil engineering left anyway, I might as well change to something I enjoy.


Have you left University then? I should point out that Kent has a pretty good war studies course, their history one isn't so great though too few contact hours.


So your living in Turkey for the next year or so? That's pretty awesome, teaching is pretty fun, I imagine it's harder work out there though.


I wish I could come out, but my dissertation is due on the 10th of May, I have to spend the holidays doing that (my holidays are two/three weeks after everyone elses anyway).

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Have you left University then? I should point out that Kent has a pretty good war studies course, their history one isn't so great though too few contact hours.


So your living in Turkey for the next year or so? That's pretty awesome, teaching is pretty fun, I imagine it's harder work out there though.


I wish I could come out, but my dissertation is due on the 10th of May, I have to spend the holidays doing that (my holidays are two/three weeks after everyone elses anyway).


I shall elaborate more tomorrow via Facebook PM's. Right now, it's almost 1am here, and I have to be up at 6:50. To bed!

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Hey Dom,I've not got interesting hair nor interesting things going on in my life, but thanks for asking after me :)


I'm currently staying in a house with a tortoise and four guinea pigs. My girlfriend won't let me mate the pigs. Not personally mate with them as that'd traumatise them.

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He's always cool.


Thanks. :love:



Yeh well, Ellmiester hates everyone (or just me) and everyone (or just me) hates him too.


Hello coolness, you still cool?


Yes thanks! :) Your life sounds exciting in comparison not much has happened in mine but I'll tell you anyway!


I'm at my second year at Uni doing psychology about to embark upon the beginnings of my research project/dissertation which is to do with Body Schema and shall be using virtual reality programmes to carry out the experiments, so that's kinda cool. :D


I've got 4 exams next Monday which are always fun. :grin: I'mma try and do better in them than I usually do to prove to people I'm not actually that stupid.


Oh and I'm very close to getting a house next year which has been difficult.


Also my hair is now red.




Today I did a speech that I made on The Portrayal of Women in videogames and the increased tolerance in rape. It went very well and I got excellent feedback accept for the fact that the subject matter might be a bit sensitive for some people.


Oh and I also got some news from the housing people so I'm getting a bit closer to not being on the streets next year. :yay:

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Found a wallet on the bus and handed it in at the police station. The guy called me and asked me for my address so he could send me a token of his appreciation. Of course I told him. I'm not the kind of guy that says no when people want to give me stuff.

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Found a wallet on the bus and handed it in at the police station. The guy called me and asked me for my address so he could send me a token of his appreciation. Of course I told him. I'm not the kind of guy that says no when people want to give me stuff.


..won't it be quite ironic if he decides to rob your house instead..? :eek:


Today I did a speech that I made on The Portrayal of Women in videogames


I actually remember doing an essay about that for Media Studies at school.. which would have been over 6 years ago now :shakehead

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Found a wallet on the bus and handed it in at the police station. The guy called me and asked me for my address so he could send me a token of his appreciation. Of course I told him. I'm not the kind of guy that says no when people want to give me stuff.






Speaking of free stuff apparently I'm going for a free meal and drink on Saturday, free screening of Paris Is Burning (just checked what that actually is. I assumed it was a French film but apparently not) on Sunday and a free screening of Monsters whenever the 2nd of March is. Nice to get free things when you're broke.

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