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I want to completely wipe my desktop pc


That's what I want to do, too. Exactly why I've bought the OEM version, which is cheaper than the "normal" one. You can't upgrade older Windows versions with it so you need a formatted hard drive. So if you intend to save money, go for OEM :p

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And 2 GB ram. Hopefully it will all be here by the weekend so I can format my PC and install Windows 7. I can't continue using XP much longer...:D


If you already have an alright (1-2GB) amount of RAM go ahead and make the jump now, RAM is an easy drop in drop out component that an OS will automagically account for. No reason to make sure you have it all at format/installation.


Though I suppose more could speed the process up, but in my experience Win 7 was pretty quick.

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Me and my girlfriend booked our trip to Rome, Florence and Pisa at the beginning of June, should be awesome! Spending every night in some nice 4 star hotels, can't wait.




All three are very lovely cities! I only spent a short time in Pisa though, a bit longer in the other two. Lots to see! =)

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Me and my girlfriend booked our trip to Rome, Florence and Pisa at the beginning of June, should be awesome! Spending every night in some nice 4 star hotels, can't wait.


Sounds awesome :)


As I was walking home I was thinking of booking a weekend in Italy after I finish uni. My original plan was to go for a week if I get a job sorted before then now I think I may just go for the weekend anyway.

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Me and my girlfriend booked our trip to Rome, Florence and Pisa at the beginning of June, should be awesome! Spending every night in some nice 4 star hotels, can't wait.


That's really cool, stupid question, but are all 3 city visits / stays part of one package? or did you arrange places to stay in each place separately? I'd love to go to them one day!



Sailing boat tour around San Francisco bay


Beginner rock climbing day


Both as plans for dates' date=' I think they should go down well.[/quote']


That's some exciting dates! fair play dude, your really living it up over there! :bowdown:

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That's really cool, stupid question, but are all 3 city visits / stays part of one package? or did you arrange places to stay in each place separately? I'd love to go to them one day!


Thanks, we booked everything separately using lastminute and the flights from Ryanair. Lastminute do "secret" hotels where they basically give you a big discount but don't tell you the hotel name until you've paid, but googling the hotel description always gives you the hotel name (they often copy paste hotel descriptions).


We will be using the train which is pretty quick to get between the cities. And oh yeah, we got a massive discount on the Pisa to London flight due to getting it in advance, it basically didn't have a load if certain charges you normally incur (that flight was about 30 pounds each, cheaper than a train from London to Manchester!)


All in all we did a fair bit of research, and hotels plus travel we got for £350 each! Bring on June. :)

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How much did you pay for windows 7? I'm thinking of getting the student version for £30, but it's the upgrade and I'd rather get the full thing..


Just get the student version, you can still do a clean install from an upgrade even on a clean unused hard drive.

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Just booked up a nights stay at the Brooklands hotel and spa (near thorpe park and hotel overlooks the mercedes test track eeeeee). Gunna have a day of relaxation there then the following day going to the theme park :love:

Booking as a present to the mrs as been together for 2 years at end of june

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Went into town not really expecting to buy anything. Turns out there is 30% off all Superdry this weekend. Came away with:







and an iPad sized bag:



I also happened across a toy shop, and so I bought a chess set as I promised the girl I'm seeing I'd teach her to play:


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