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Bleach series 1-9 for a little over £100 from play.com


i'm not gonna bother posting pics, its just gonna be a waste of space


I guess we could just refer to bryanee's post from a couple of weeks back for a visual aid :p Where do you people find the shelf space for all these series? Personally I'm waiting until an entire 500 episode anime is sold in a single book sized case :heh:

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One Piece Season 4 Voyage 3 and Tales of Vesperia ~ The First Strike ~. Reminds me I should actually play Vesperia.




One Piece Film Z and Symphonic Suite: Dragon Quest X soundtracks. Both had a preorder bonus sticker. Seems to be a new trend in Japan or something.




One Piece: Romance Dawn.

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I tried and I tried to get used to my Wacom tablet but man I just dont enjoy it. Nothing beats pencil to paper so I guess I'm just old school so I bought these.








And in the sales.














Ehem and these....




Whaaaa? They were on sale for £30

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From wheeeere??


Ebay seller, supposed to be £50 but they were on sale for £30. I had the last pair.


I've had a look around online and found this site




£30 there, not sure how much delivery is. Also if you scroll down they have a pair of Supermans for £30. I assume those are adult sizes.


edit -


oh my just saw the Justice League ones for £30.....must resist.

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They're ridiculous, I'm aware, but they were also cheap. Will be fine with certain jeans (and if I do Hip Hop Karaoke for my birthday).


Whatever, it's Christmas. A time to purchase shiny shoes (and the silver is less gaudy in real life).

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Ebay seller, supposed to be £50 but they were on sale for £30. I had the last pair.


I've had a look around online and found this site




£30 there, not sure how much delivery is. Also if you scroll down they have a pair of Supermans for £30. I assume those are adult sizes.


edit -


oh my just saw the Justice League ones for £30.....must resist.


I swear to god, Size NEVER has my size. FFS

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Finally bought the sparkling water maker I had been thinking about buying for a year. =P



We found an amazing deal in Curry's, selling the new model for 34.99 instead of 149 or whatever the actual price is. We had to drive for 40 minutes to a store to get it, but yay! Hopefully this will help us save money in the future. =D



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Just bought one of these:




It's a PSU for an LCD TV I got for free (because it doesn't work). If this works, I will have gained a 32" telly for £24.99 :D


If it doesn't we shall never speak of this.


Mini disclaimer: Power supplies can be dangerous, don't copy me.









fuck yeah

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Not hugely. I had a few clues and went with it


1. the guy who was using it said it was luck whether it would start up at all for a while, and the top felt very hot if he held his hand over it (the PSU on this tv was at the top) - by the time I got it there was no luck, it didn't turn on at all.

2. there were some dark marks on the inside of the case like it had gotten really hot where the PSU was

3. two of the capacitors were very very slightly bulging with a mark that was just maybe a leak (sure signs normally, but it was hard to tell for sure if it was really like that)

4. All the fuses were transparent so didn't need a multimetre to see they were all fine... tried a spare kettle lead that I knew worked and that wasn't the problem. I figured it was either the power supply or the button/socket on the tv itself.


Bush TVs were absorbed by Argos or their umbrella corp at some point and the spares for them are pretty much the cheapest you can get, so I figured it was worth a shot.

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Both on DVD for £1. However, recently just got...



12GB PS3 and...






...for £145 and bloody hell, Sucker Punch looks ACE on blu-ray. I need to buy Harry Potters, Titanic, Sweeney Todd and Avatar as soon as possible. Game-wise, I need to buy Heavy Rain and the God of Wars!


People, add me if you have a PS3: AnarchicAnimal

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